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Did you know that the dictionary defines Redemption as: “the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.”
To meet God in the valley is to meet Him in His promises. The land of what He has already freely given to us. Redemption is part of Gods grace and mercy upon our lives. Through repentance it is a free gift.
Have you ever felt so far away from your valley that you feel like you will never get to the grace of redemption for yourself and/or for someone you love? I have! It is not a good place. You feel so far away from what God has already given to you and no matter how hard you try, you feel like you cant get back to it.
It takes strength and courage to stand up and say I want my Redemption. I want my valley.
It takes strength because when we are in a place to need to say it, it is usually when we are in our weakest state. It takes courage because you will need to fight and stand for it! Whether the redemption if for you, your spouse, or someone you love through the grace of God.
But once you do, you will see how instantly you will find yourself in the valley receiving the redemption so you and everyone involved can receive all that has been promised.
I love this post from Rebekah about standing up for Redemption. Even through her worst day she knew she had to stand up for Redemption.
“The devil, on his best day, couldn’t take me out on my worst day.” -Christine Caine
Here is Rebekah’s post featuring on Salt & Light link Up…..
A year ago I was plunged/shoved/bulldozed into a situation I never wanted to be in, talking to people I never intended to deal with, keeping appointments I never would have made on my own. Shock, fear and sleeplessness were my new companions. Emptiness was a feeling with which I became incredibly familiar. Trust…years of my life poured into something only to see it blow up in my face in a major way. These are not situations into which I would put myself.
But that’s just it – we are relational beings, and when we have others in our lives, their choices do sometimes directly impact us.
I’ve watched relationships of convenience and frankly, they frustrate me. I’ve seen people be friendly until it wasn’t beneficial for them any longer. I’ve seen couples stay together, until one was tired of the old and ready to move on to the new. Where has commitment gone? There are a lot of hurting people out there because someone turned their back on them when they were no longer viewed as “convenient”.
When things first fell apart for me, I couldn’t make a decision. I didn’t know what to eat, what to wear, I couldn’t even determine how to feel. The million dollar question really was……
Continue post here.
Married By His Grace
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Alisa Nicaud
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Carmen Brown
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Shannon Geurin
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Natalie Venegas
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Married By His Grace
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I’ll be back soon to carry your button back to my site!
Thanks for the warm welcome today!
Hmmm . . . for some reason I’m having trouble getting your button to show up on my site. Do you have any suggestions?
Unfortunately, we have been having technical difficulties with this. Others have been copying and pasting the image and adding a link to it themselves on their sites. Some are also adding a link back within the end of their post. Either one is good with us!
What fun to find a new blogging community! I’ll be back soon to carry your button back to my site!
Thanks for the warm welcome today!
Thank you for featuring my post! I’m in awe of where I was and where God has brought me to!
Thank you for all you do to encourage women in their faith!
Thanks! I appreciate your input!