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Have you ever been so hurt by someone that you thought you could never forgive them? Did the thought of praying for them and the situation make you cringe?
I have! And it’s not pretty. To feel this way, it usually comes with a lot of brokenness, regrets, open wounds, and most likely anger.
All of those emotions is only doing one thing…. hurting you!
They probably were the one that had initially hurt you, offended you, or disrespected you, but you are the one ultimately living with every emotion mentioned above and much more. Why live that way? There is no satisfaction for any person involved when holding onto pain such as that.
When I was deeply wounded from actions of someone else, the last thing I wanted to do was to pray for the other person. I didn’t even want to say the words of what they did to God. Speaking and thinking about it brought so much more pain to the situation.
But I knew I couldn’t live like that. I had to be a overcomer. I had to pray.
Prayer needed to be done with truth of what the hurts were. What emotions I was allowing myself to dwell in. What unforgiveness I was holding on to towards who and why.
I had to force myself to mutter the words, “Lord, Help me heal.”
It was not all about them, it was about me being free.
In Tammy’s post, I couldn’t agree with her more about being completely honest with God about our hurts and frustration. He already knows what we feel. We just need to release it to Him.
If you have experienced this or is experiencing this, I prayerfully hope you peek over at this post and allow the Lord to reveal to you the depth of pain He truly does want us to heal from.
Here is Tammy’s post featuring on Salt & Light Link Up….
Well, my friend’s for real. Jesus does call us to pray for those who have hurt us, but how are we supposed to do that?
First and foremost, you need to realize that Jesus already knows how difficult it is –
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This is never easy to do, but it’s so important:
“I had to force myself to mutter the words, “Lord, Help me heal.”
It was not all about them, it was about me being free.”
Yes, it definitely is. Don’t think I would’ve ever forgave without those honest words!
I am reading Lysa T’s book Univited and she talks about this too. I agree, we can’t go on and expect to grow or enjoy life unless that root gets pulled!
I have not read her book yet. I have heard many, many great things. I got to check it out because I do love topics such as forgiveness and growing from it!
Great emphasis today — praying for someone who has wronged us is certainly a HUGE part of doing the 70×7 Jesus talks about. And it certainly requires His intervention!
Yes, Amen. 70X7.