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Sometimes I wonder if I fully comprehend the meaning of Gods grace. I love the vision of it. I love confidently knowing that I am saved by His grace because He died on the cross for me and you; but do I completely understand it? Am I capable of grasping what it took for me to have the grace that I have today.
About two years ago, the Lord began to specifically work with me on the word Grace which then quickly followed with the words, forgiveness, redemption, repentance, and surrender.
One late night He told me; “Understanding grace is growth”. Sounds simple right? But it wasn’t. I still have that same sticky note that I wrote those words on two years ago taped to my bathroom mirror. I wake up to see those words every morning. Some mornings I stare and ponder on it, then other mornings, I quickly brush my teeth and not even look.
I am still learning why those words. Why has the word Grace not completely grasp onto me yet? But maybe….just maybe – the word grace is so big that it is not meant to be fully understood. Maybe the words the Lord gave me was for me to continue to chase the word grace so I can gain growth. Chasing God is always growth. Its never ending. Its never completely over but it’s also never useless. It continues to build knowledge, wisdom, and perseverance.
In Diana’s post this week, I saw written words that was full of grace, forgiveness, redemption, and repentance. Diana grasps an intimate understanding of who God is and what He has done for her. Her desire to become more intimate with Him is admiring.
The words of sin is replaced with repentance which brings surrender unto God. Surrendering unto God brings layers upon layers of grace to live not by the law but by the blood that has saved us.
I truly hope you read her post this week and is reminded of Gods love and what He has done for us on that cross. We may not fully comprehend why He did what he did for us but I am sure blessed that He did!!
Here is Diana’s post featuring on Salt & Light link Up….
Sense of smell play a distinguished role in awakening all our senses whether they be the smell of a freshly
baked pie, to French fries, or even a rotten fried fish. It could either stench up the place ,or spread a
pleasant scent throughout our home.
My family and I love to eat fried fish but I am not very fond of cleaning the fish. Just the other day I got
some fish, washed it thoroughly, put some spices and cooked it. I realized one of the fishes had gone bad,
and well the whole house smelled like fish and I ended up using my entire apple cinnamon fragrant candle
to make the smell go away.
Truth about Stench:
The stench of sin can overpower our entire being if we are not careful to replace it with the scent or
aroma of Christ.
We read in the Bible from the Book of Genesis 25:29-34 how Esau sold his birthright of a firstborn to his
cunning younger brother just for a bowl of stew. Esau came back from the field famished and asked for a
bowl of stew prepared by his younger brother Jacob, and his baby brother agreed if Esau sold his birthright.
The smell of stew was so strong that Esau sold himself out and lost out on a lifetime of blessings for him
and his entire generations to come.
Continue Post Here.
Married By His Grace
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Alisa Nicaud
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Carmen Brown
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Shannon Geurin
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Natalie Venegas
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Married By His Grace
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Thank you for hosting. I know it’s a lot of work! 🙂
It helps having 3 other amazing women doing this with you!! =)
Thanks, Carmen, for this emphasis on grace today. We need to receive it from God and others, and we need to extend it — even to those we deem unworthy of it.
Blessings to you!
I am truly glad to see the GOSPEL our LORD shared today; thank you so much for featuring my post here for the Salt and Light link up. ‘Chasing God is always growth’ what a powerful statement. Let us continue to be fervent in this race and seek our goal -the prize that is set before us.
Much blessings to you,Carmen and your family
I am very happy and blessed to share your beautiful post. Thank you sharing it with us!!! =)