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The Beautiful Purpose.
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Do you ever think you have everything figured out? When you realize you don’t, do you automatically go to the thoughts that you failed? You replay the “What If’s” over and over in your head?
I know I have done this many times. Luckily, I found out from Lianna’s post “It’s ok to not have everything figured out” that I am not alone and neither are you.
Here is Liannas’ post featuring on Salt & Light Link Up this week….
When I was in high school, I thought I just KNEW what I wanted to be: a counselor. I knew that throughout my life, I wanted to help people. That’s what I told people whenever they asked me what I wanted to become. “I know I want to help people.”
A little part of me deep inside knew that I wasn’t so sure, but I pushed it aside. Counseling seemed like a good, normal job to have that has stable income coming in, and I would still be helping people. I thought I had it figured out. I had a plan to become a counselor and everything else would just fall into place. I was like “God, you wanted me to help people for Your Name, well, I am going to be a counselor because it provides an easy and safe route for my life.”
I finally knew what I would tell people when they ask the second most dreaded question (the first is “Where are you going to college?”) to an almost-high school graduate, “What are you going to major in college?” And I was proud to have a definite answer for once in my early senior year, “I am majoring in psychology, to become a counselor.” Fast forward to 2 ½ years later after high school and still attending college, ….
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And now for the this weeks, linkup!
Alisa Nicaud
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Carmen Brown
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Shannon Geurin
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Natalie Venegas
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We always think we have it figured out, don’t we? Thanks for the linkup.
Thank you Susan for visiting!! =)
Thanks for sharing Lillian’s post. I missed it last week and it was a good one!
Thank you Heather for linking up with us and for your support!! =)