When it’s time to Spiritually cleanse your home.
There have been times I have walked into a home and felt an overwhelming pressure upon my spirit. I felt like the atmosphere could almost choke me. Outside the sun is beaming but as soon as I walk into the home, there is nothing but weariness.
Have you ever felt that? Have you ever felt it in your own home?
Do not be ashamed to nod yes to the question. There are seasons in our lives where there is burdensome and havoc and it chases us place to place, room to room. There have been times for myself of this.
Like during the trial of my divorce; most days it was not an atmosphere I would want anyone to walk into. Especially in the evening time during dinner. It was when I felt the most alone. My entire attitude would change for the worse instantly even if I was having a good day.
Or when my youngest son was in the hospital last year and we almost lost him. At one point I didn’t leave the hospital for nineteen days. I made the decision to stay in ICU with him everyday. But my husband had to leave every night to go take care of our other three children. He would take them to school before spending twelve hours a day at the hospital with me then leave in the evening to pick up the children from their grandparents home. That was his routine for a twenty-one days.
My husband would have to go home every night for nineteen days without his wife and twenty-one days without his child. He had heartbreak on him. The burden made him tired emotionally and physically.
As you can just imagine, when I walked into our home from the hospital one day to shower and take a nap in my own bed after nineteen days of not doing so, I felt the atmosphere shift from the moment I unlocked my front door.
I felt as if I walked into a war zone.
I continued on into our bedroom, the room was bright, unlike the rest of the house that was dark and gloomy. Our bedroom felt free and restful.
As I sat on our bed and began to pray for my family and our child that was not there in that home with me for the first time since he was born, I felt my husband’s presence in that room. I felt our spirits in sync.
This is because in that bedroom, we have prayed many times together for it to be our sanctuary as a married couple. My husband had continued prayer while I had been gone.
He kept it as our sanctuary even when I was not there. A prayer that I always prayed came to life.
Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.
Mark 11:24 NASB
Prayer is big in our home. It is a vital part of our walk with Christ. Prayer is what keeps the intimacy between us and God.
In our home we pray together as a family. We pray when big decisions needs to be made, changes are happening, and when exciting things are happening. Whatever it is, we do our best to pray together as a family. Meaning, to include each of our children in prayer time too.
Have you ever felt such a heaviness the moment you opened the door to your home? It's probably time to spiritually clean your home. Take these actions. to refresh Share on XPhysically cleaning the home to make it look nice, and restful for when my husband and children walk through the doors is a given for me but what I have learned is that having a clean kitchen and living room does not always mean your home is clean.
Years ago, the Lord showed me I had to start praying room to room in my home. To anoint the pillows in every bedroom and to pray for peace in each room. To pray for protection, provision, joy, and for the word of God to dwell in that place. I was to pray for whatever the spirit was leading me to pray.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words.
Romans 8:26 ESV
God wanted me to take prayer deeper than just my living room. He was leading me room to room to pray for every situation within the walls of the home.
When walking into my daughter’s room to pray, I felt the leading to pray for her spiritually gifts to be revealed to her, for her bedroom to become a place of revelation, and that no spirit of depression may enter.
For my oldest son, I would feel the leading to pray for leadership skills to enhance. I also prayed for his bedroom to become a place of knowledge. That as he would read, he would gain wisdom. I began to war against any spirits that had plans to attack him in his future.
After seven years of praying like this in my home, keeping the commitment of praying for the home once a month has become an vital part of my prayer life. It is a time for me to become intimate with the Lord as I walk room to room and pray for where God leads me to pray.
How to Spiritually cleanse the home.
I anoint the doorways, the windows, the pillows and bed posts in every room. Each room is individually prayed for. I pray for each child in our home, for the master bedroom to become a sanctuary to our marriage, and for no defilement may come into the marriage.
I pray over our animals and for every part of our land. That the land our home lays on is prosperous and protected by the hand of God.
I pray for whomever steps onto it may immediately feel the presence of God.
I choose to do this task because this is where the Lord spoke to me to cover and cleanse our home. This does not replace any amount of prayer time for me or my family. If anything, the time I take once a month gives me more accountability to continuously be in prayer for all things.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6:18 ESV
Feeling burden in your home for a season is not a time to be ashamed; instead it is a time to begin warring for the home and for all who dwells within. For when we feel like the desolate times are near in our lives through the form of: losing a job, illness in a family member, children expressing rebellion, or any other chaos that feels like it is taking control over the home, you will be confident that your preparation of prayer in the home will take place.
Even when I walked into my home without my family that day and I felt heaviness swarm around me in majority of the home, the one place that my husband prayed every night before going to sleep was overwhelming with peace and I was able to feel the prayers working through.
The presence of God was dwelling there and it kept our bedroom as our sanctuary. Without that I don’t know if my husband would have been able to do what he did for 21 days. He encouraged me daily, endured physical strength to care for our children, maintained wellness with little sleep, and sat with me at the hospital twelve hours a day.
My prayer for you today is that you seek the Lord and ask Him where to clean your home.
What needs prayer? Who needs prayer? Allow Him to lead you through your home room to room. Be blessed by the presence of God and with the revelation of His power in every room of your home.
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I love this too! Thank you for all the Bible verses you
references! I have done this but not consistently! I also do this for my grown children’s homes. Even if I am not physically there I imagine room by room in my head when I pray.
I love this blogger so much. you know when I 1st started I was like how will I use this. but my friend needed advice on cleaning and the first person of thought was you! love how Christians can band together even ocean apart with your wisdom!
Like many others, I have been so blessed by this post. I have prayed for our home but never room to room or for specific purposes for our children in their rooms. Thank you so very much for sharing, inspiring, and encouraging through Truth, honesty, & transparency!
Thank you Julie for this post, it has encouraged me and shaken me out of my complacency.. I shared it with my husband also. We have been experiencing a lot of dark times in recent years and in out struggle to be freed from longterm illness and financial problems, we forgot to pray over our home. We will definitely pick this up again. Thank you so much! Blessings.
No pestering spirit can disturb our rest when we anoint our homes in Jesus’ name. It is a practice of faith. Faith without works is dead. As believers we are called to do acts of faith. Splendid.
I am so grateful for this story having been published, I can’t wait to do the same in our home. Thank you so so much for sharing your story and the importance of prayer in every room.
These are great tips! I also anoint my home (I thought I was a little weird, I must say). I feel it’s important to go through with the Holy Spirit and anoint the home for peace and to get rid of any unclean spirits. After all, our home is the dwelling place of God and since we are His children, unclean spirits have no right to be here. Thanks for this post!
Yes, Amen! I thought I was a little weird too lol but I know from experience, the effect is too evident to not share. It has been a blessing to see how many anoint their homes and desire to do it for the sanctification of their home.
Carmen, this is exactly what I needed to read tonight! I have done this in the past at previous homes we have lived in, but do you know I haven’t done it in this home, our first home that we own?! Last year was so crazy, I just didn’t do it and this post stirred me up and reminded me! Thank you sister!! I will begin tomorrow!
Nicci, So glad this post this stirred you up! I truly hope it blesses you, your family, and the new home this week! =)
It truly will always amaze me how God speaks to us through others. I have so much to say, but will only tell you this…I know it was the Holy Spirit that led me to your post and right now at this very moment I really needed this…thank you.
Hi Carmen,
Don’t know how I happened into this post but I am truly blessed by it because I felt something awake in me as I was reading through and realized that I have missed out of a whole lot as a wife and mom to be. Will wake up to my responsibilities now.
Thanks so much and God bless.
I am so blessed by this comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. =)
As i read your post, I was reflecting upon the 25 years we have lived in this home. Your words prompted me to thank God for all of the love, laughter, and joy of friends and family through the years. We have been so blessed. Thank you for your post and inspiring me to continue to saturate these walls with prayer.
What a blessing! Praying it continues and you may use your experience to minister to many households of how faithful God is in protecting and keeping peace in our homes! =)
Hi, sorry for my inglish, I from México city and my inglish is not to good 😓. I Just pray the Lord for tell me what to do in the situation that we are now, and you post comes out. Don’t you Love Wen this hapend? I love the perfection of my Father. Thanks Him for you life!
Yes, I do love when those things happen! Somehow it makes us feel overwhelmed with His love and like we have not been forgotten by Him. =)
Hi i was truly blessed by this post and it is something i will need to do in my home .God continue to bless you as you continue to be a blessing too others.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I pray that you see and feel the movement of God as you begin to do this in your home!! =)
Gratefull and reminded of how completely beautiful God’s ways are
Prayer… Such intimacy, spiritual growth, warfare, cleansing of our homes and ourselves..along with so many other beautiful attributes. As I read your blog the anxiety and depression literally slithered away…thank you Jesus
Carmen…you are a bright light of encouragement and instruction through God
Wow! I am humbled and even more so in praise for you! I praise God for taking the anxiety and depression to slithered away. I praise God for lifting you up and encouraging you! I praise God that you are praising the Lord for His glory!! In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank you so much for this post that is full of wisdom. I am certain that God purposefully placed this post as a part of answered prayer. I can relate in many areas to your story. My family and I also had a horrible season with almost losing my son Noah at 2 weeks old 2yrs ago. We were in the NICU for 6 weeks and when I came home I felt this anger towards my house. Instead of it being a place of consolation, I found it to be a place of condemnation. There was even a time that I felt hate towards the house because I felt like it had failed us since it was suppose to be one of my safe places. I am fully aware now that it was the wicked enemy who was plotting his dirty schemes against my family and I. God has recently revealed to me in dreams that I am to pray with a specific hand posture over every room in my house declaring Gods word in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This post is a confirmation to me of something important that I have been putting to the side. Thank you for sharing. God bless you
Wow! This story from you is moving! I know the feeling of almost losing a baby. It makes you feel defeated and weak in areas you never thought you would feel. I am so very grateful for my husband continuing the prayers in our home while I was away at the hospital with our son. I remember feeling like I had no desire to be in my home without all my children being there together. It is such a knot in your stomach walking into your home and not even desiring to be there. I am so grateful for getting through that season and for you to be free from that season. Cleaning your home with prayer room by room is such a refreshing time with the Lord. I pray you receive that in the name of Jesus!
We recently moved into a new house that came with a lot of changes that unexpectedly happened. Since moving in there, I have felt no joy, just depressed and hopeless. I’m visiting my sister at the moment, but during this week God has lead me to numerous posts about anointing our house and praying over it. Thank you for sharing your journey in this.
I am so glad the Lord is leading you to so many different posts that is giving you the same answer. I believe that is Him giving you confirmation that is what is needed to be done. It is important for us to take back authority in our homes by spiritually cleaning it out with the power of prayer and anointing every door and window. I truly hope you get started on this and feel the difference immediately. Let the enemy know, it is your home, it is your family’s home and he may NOT attacked your health, with depression, or with anything against your family. Claim it girl!!! =)
Thank you so much for this. Although I know the power of pray I don’t do it enough. This has truly given me cause for pause and reflection. I could actually feel the peace of God as I read this convincing me in my spirit that this is a habit to cultivate. Thanks again for sharing
So glad it has helped!! Thank you so much for taking time to read and leave your comment! Many blessings!
Wow Carmen so powerful. I have felt the presence as oppression as well and started doing this same things walking around the home in all the rooms to pray not just in one area. After I started praying everywhere I noticed a big difference. This post will help many!
Yay!! Thank you so much! Noticing the BIG difference through praying is what I hope for!! =)
Ohh its great… This type of prayer, means praying each and every components or thinks of house, is explained by 84years old evangelist in the last Sunday. Just today I started praying like that with anointed glass of water.
I want to see result what you have felt.
I really do hope you feel the difference. Praying throughout my home has been one of my greatest blessings as the wife and mother over the home.
Thank you !
We moved into a new home expecting light and excitement and instead have experienced a decade of darkness. With dedication and perseverance with the Lord, I am rising above the complexities that have emerged . I had a big decision to make , always hoping it is according to God’s will for me as a person, mother and teacher . With the decision made and the realisation that I need time to nurture and care for my family and home , to get that back into shape in closeness with God – 2 blogs popped up to me today , yours is one and both are related ! Thank you for practical ways to re energise my home in the Spirit of love and prayer praying to The Soirit for the strength and blessings I as a mum and wife and we as a family , need to do so .
Great guidance . Thank you for sharing .
May blessings keep unfolding for you and all of us
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I am blessed to know this post helped. I truly hope your experience of cleaning your home with give you great revelations for your home and family. May the Lord continue to bless your home and family!
Love this Carmen. My home is my safe place. Covering it in prayer can definitely ensure that God is In the building offering every bit of guidance that we allow.
Carmen, I love this!
Thank you so much for these life-giving words! I haven’t prayed thru my house in years… intentionally going through each room, anointing and asking for the Spirit to lead my prayers.
I’m going to do this and make it a routine. Thank you for encouraging my heart today and reminding me to “clean my home”.
All of God’s BEST to you, Sister!
Becky 🙂
I am so blessed that this post encouraged you!! xoxo
I have been to homes like that, a lot of it is just the person’s own spiritual darkness and sometimes, as I have discovered later that they have allowed drugs or the occult to go on. It is like you say, as if a demonic presence wants to choke you. I do think your bedroom and whole house should be a sanctuary, it is wonderful for your husband to pray with you and for you to pray over your children.
You are definitely right that our homes should be a sanctuary to us! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! =)
Thanks for being a mom, a wife, and a friend who prays diligently!
I’m so grateful for you and for your ministry~
Wow this is great. It is defiantly something I’m going to start doing. I am enjoying reading your blog.
Thank you Tiffany! I truly appreciate you reading and taking time to comment! =)
Amazing post. Thank you for taking the time to write about this. We had just moved into a new place not long ago. Like another person who responded to your post, I too have seen it all, every creepy crawling thing known to man. God has put it in my heart this is where He wants us. My husband and I went through the worst experience of our 14 year marriage. We have spent the last 9 months repairing everything we had destroyed. Thank you pointing out that the “heaviness” can follow you. I’m so excited to start cleansing my home. We’ve also after years of walking the wrong path have recently rededicated our lives back to God. Now we have to find a church. I plan on getting some anointed oil from a church and do as you suggested. Praying through every room. Thank you.
I am so glad that this encouraged you to cleanse your home spiritually. I am praying you continuously feel the presence of God and through it, you will see the Lord restoring all that was lost.
I loved reading about the impression that prayer has left on your home. And encouraging that your husband keeps that up when you are not there; that you are partners in that. What a legacy to leave your kids that they are living in a space that has been anointed in prayer. Beautiful Carmen!
Thank you so much Jennifer!
I love love love this post!! I know that feeling you spoke of..of walking into a home and just feeling that heaviness. I also experienced it in my own home recently because of stress that just caused us to stop focusing on praying like we normally would. Dogs started getting restless at night and I lost sleep and the whole thing spiraled! I knew I had to pray through my house and I did just that and the dogs started sleeping again and so did I! Thank you so much for sharing this!!
I completely know that feeling and how even our dogs can get anxious through it all too. That has always been a sign to me that it was time to pray…. =) I love how after a good spiritually cleaning in our homes we can get a peaceful night of rest!
God does all things well. I was JUST saying out loud today that I hate the sadness and heaviness that has been in my home recently. Even praying seemed difficult. An hour later, I stumbled across your blog post. Thank you for sharing and for your testimony
I say this quite often…God is strategic!! He knows how to show us things right we need them. I love when He does that for me! He is a God that provides!
Deat Carmen,
This is a great article.. Thank you for sharing what you practise to spiritually clean the house..Prayer can do wonders but we need to really invest in it..
I remember when we first moved into this house and everything started going wrong. I would walk in and feel the heaviness. We had mice, ants, and scorpions constantly. All appliances began breaking down. Then our health began to decline. Eventually we found the black mold. But all along we had struggles in the emotional health of our children, too. Although I prayed and spoke Scripture out loud often throughout my home, I couldn’t quite get the heaviness to disappear. Our pastor came over and prayed throughout the house. Eventually the Lord revealed some things that needed to go. Things I needed to get rid of. I don’t know why they carried something dark with them, but they did. It took a long time and a lot of prayer and obedience but I finally feel the peace of God in every corner of this home! There is an awesome book I read, too, called Spiritual Housecleaning!
Loved this post, Carmen! And love you!
Wow, love that you brought up the point that sometimes we need to get rid of things. It is so true. I remember years ago the Lord revealed the same thing to me. It was a hard thing to do but probably the best thing I did for my home and for my own walk with God at the time. I am definitely checking out the book. Thank you for recommending it!
A friend of mine recently suggested that I do this in my home. I had never heard of this & then I came across your blog & replies. God is definitely letting me know what I need to do.
I looked for the book you mentioned, there are several. Which one did you read?
Thank you
Wow, such an inspiring post that makes me want to pray out loud throughout my home, as well as for my family. Thank you for sharing truth!
Great and practical advice, Carmen!
Sure do appreciate you and your ministry~
Wow, Carmen what an amazing testimony. We regularly pray through our home when we sense it getting heavy and share communion together as a family, and feel an immediate shift. I like how you go from room to room though on a monthly basis. We really start sensing things to pray when we take the time to focus, don’t we?
I love the idea of doing communion together as a family!! I should share this with my husband so we can start doing that too!
I have never considered doing this before and I can’t wait to start! I’m so glad to have read this, thank you for taking the time to share!
Yay, so glad you are going to be trying this out! Thank you for taking time to comment. =)
Carmen, by the grace of God, my husband and I have an awesome relationship. One thing he guards as the spiritual watchman over the home is the PEACE of GOD. It’s amazing how crippled marriages walk through our doors and leave our home with a desire and fuel to fight for their marriage. Everything you wrote is on point. I will be sharing this post on my facebook fan page as well as pinning. Much love, Tania from TheodoraLove
Thank you so much Tania for your words and your share. It is beautiful to watch our husbands become and grow as the watchman of our homes.
This is very encouraging. I think I need to pray more for my family as I go about my tasks in our home (like cleaning and laundry). I love the idea of praying in each room.
Thank you Shannon! I am so glad this is encouraging to you. I love praying room by room. When I had started doing that, the Lord was showing me each person individually and what to pray for. I felt like it made my prayers more effective.
I love reading your testimony. This post is no exception. The peace that prayer brings you can be felt as your readers read through it.
Thank You,