Marriage is and will be the hardest thing you will have to bear, endure, and fight for. It is a lifelong decision to give all surrender to.
When we are single we are seeking marriage with a deep yearning. When we are engaged the fairy tales of creating a big wedding coming true brings full satisfaction to the wait we had to endure. Then suddenly when we are married thoughts creep in that deter us with fears, unrealistic expectations, and double standard thoughts.
We strive to get pass it all and ask God to show us why we married him. Why did we say “I do”? Why did he enter into our life?
Those questions to our self as a bride does nothing but continue to build the fears, bring harmful thoughts of feeling lonely, and the desire for him to meet “our” own needs.
It brings in temptation, anger, resentment, and a weaknesses that refuses the strength that is freely given unto us if we just ask God for it.
Lately, on social media platforms, the word divorce, separation, adultery, and substance abuse has been easily used and freely given as a story to why we should chose to limit ourselves as wives.
This has truly broken and continues to break my heart.
Do I believe there is a point of divorce in some cases and that even the godly marriages can come to the end?
Yes, to an certain extent.
Being a divorced Christian woman was the hardest thing in my life thus far that I have had to accept. I questioned God and I was broken over the decision that took place in my marriage.
I was not ready to give up, even though the years of fighting for it was exhausting, hurtful, and a long dreaded process. But I still felt I had enough strength to keep fighting for it even with the repeated actions on both parts. (I say “both parts” because even with horrific actions that happened, I still have accountability on the other side of things; you will see why in a minute).
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There came a time the Lord spoke to me and confirmed repeatedly I had to accept the divorce papers. I had to accept that he wanted to leave. It is an indescribable feeling to watch a spouse walk out into the world and to no longer be in one accord with them but instead have to silently let them walk into what you know is not of God.
One night while laying before God, I cried to Him to give me some contentment behind all that had happened throughout the marriage.
Immediately, I found myself walking through numerous memories that started as far back as when we were engaged.
My words were harsh, my time was only for my benefit, my needs were more important, my nagging was louder. I felt I needed to be heard more than he did. My visions and dreams were more important. My way was the best way and most of the time, the only way. The love was conditional.
Most would and have said to me that what he did was by far so much worse. I did not deserve what had been done to me.
Not just others have said this to me but even my own thoughts would justify; “At least I never made you wonder if I was coming home at night. At least you never feared if I was cheating or ever had to wonder if you were good enough to fight for!”
In my mind, my actions were justified with the thoughts of “At least”….. It was a form of comparing my sin to his sin.
No sin is to be comparable. Sin is sin.
As the Lord showed me all the pastimes that I yelled at him instead of comforting him when he needed it and all the times that I walked out the door to get away from him instead of staying to listen; my heart broke as a woman that desired to be a godly wife. I wanted so badly to be a good wife but the lies of “At least” took over. This night was the beginning to confession and forgiveness towards my ex-husband.
In between my previous marriage to my marriage now, the Lord had to restore me. I had to reflect on those things that once hurt a marriage and face them as giants that had to be conquered.
I desired to be a good wife but the lies of “At least” took over. Those were the things I had to confess and ask for forgiveness to continue to build as a woman of God. Share on XThe reflection in between the marriages did not cause me to stop praying for myself as a wife, just because I was single but in the contrary, it increased mightily. I was praying for myself as a wife before knowing if I was ever going to be a wife again. Not knowing if I would be one in two years, five years, or ten years. I just knew it was a desire of mine and I needed to be in a position that I was willing to allow God to work on me, build me, restore me, and teach me about being a godly wife.
Here are ten attributes the Lord gave me to develop and grow in to become a woman of God that would one day be ready for marriage again. These attributes came from a learning experience; these are the qualities that can save a marriage and that will develop you to be well equipped for a god fearing marriage.
Ten Attributes that can Save a Marriage
1. Forgiveness
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: Matthew 6:14 KJV
2. Unconditional Love
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. John 15:12
3. Submission
Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 ESV
4. Humbleness
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 1 Peter 5:6
5. Warrior
Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthian 16:13-14 NKJV
6. Boldness
And also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel Ephesians 6:19 ESV
7. Good Listener
Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. Proverbs 18:15 NLT
8. Compassionate
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. 1 Peter 3:8 ESV
9. Understanding
Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. Proverbs 14:29 ESV
10. Graceful
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6
Whether you are preparing for marriage, trying to restore a marriage, or even working proactively to prevent any measure of disconnection in your marriage, allow God to be the center of the marriage. It will truly be the best thing you can do for it. As someone that has passion for marriage, I personally know how easily the enemy can creep into our minds, our words, and into our hearts to build hardness but I also know what God can do to restore us and build us for success in marriage. All He needs to do that is for us to fully surrender.
Wonderful post! Sometimes after a period of suffering, we turn around and wonder why we suffered so badly in the past. The biggest key is in realizing that we put our self-worth and identity into another person or concept, and when it shatters, it feels as if we’re losing part of ourselves.
Yes absolutely! This why living through God is so important because when we live in Him, we will always find our worth and confidence.
Dear Carmen, my dear sister in Christ… Now I have a habit of reading your blogs daily..It is inspiring and soothing to a broken heart.. In my life, I never wanted to be a submissive wife and to stop thinking about ME too much. As you said, the love I was exercising was the conditional love which is totally opposite to the love of God. He is the source of unconditional love and heavenly peace. My only solution to save my marriage was to follow Christ every day, always.. Christ came to this earth just to do the will of God, so will be my journey in this earth.. Just to do the will of my Father as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and so on…. And I want to meet him in glory…
Thank you…
Hard thing to share/admit. When we are in the midst of it, sometimes we do not think of the possibility of the other person leaving. I am glad you have been restored and have taken lessons from the experience. While all these attributes are important, which would you say stand above the rest and what is the toughest for you?
You are absolutely right! It is a hard thing admit. I believe, especially for Christian marriages. As we claim God to be center of it, we think we shouldn’t or wouldn’t have issues in our marriage but not true at all! I do think being a good listener was the hardest for me to achieve. I believe I had the compassion, I wanted to understand, and I desired to be graceful but being quiet and just listening was hard for me. Being able to sit and listen to someone can bring so much knowledge and even more understanding to any situation. It can open your eyes to so many things, especially if the listening is coming from obedience for God. Every time I spoke, I was more focused on him hearing why I was hurting but I never sat to listen to his hurts, to the why’s of all the things he was feeling or doing. I would stop in the middle of sentences to make a unnecessary comment of what I was feeling. And I say unnecessary because truth is, I was already rambling so much about my own feelings, he probably heard it hundred times by the time we sat and talked. Being able to sit and listen also taught me so much about submission. I think once I started to listen to the holy spirit say, just be quiet, no talking right now, is when I truly began to learn what submission was to God first which then became a step ladder to submitting to my husband.
Carmen – Thank you for vulnerability and honesty in sharing about marriage and divorce. I love your list. I need to pray each of these things on my marriage.
Thank you Maree Dee. I truly hope praying for those attributes will bring as much hope as it did for me!
Thank you for sharing this Carmen! I read this last night and prayed through each attribute that God would help me to live these out in my own marriage.
How sweet! That blesses me so much that you prayed through them. Praying the Lord reveals each attribute to you in your marriage!
Thank you for sharing your heart and experiences honestly, Carmen. You have such wisdom to share. When applied this collection of verses can do mighty things by the Spirit. It’s also amazing to think God demonstrates all of these to us, and so the more we deepen our walk with Him the more equipped we are to serve and love our spouse!
You are absolutely right about God demonstrating these exact attributes to us! He definitely is the definition of Husband! We can learn so much through Him of how to be in our marriage!
I love how you are brutally honest and felt like there are some days I tend to be that very woman with a not -so -good tone. These 10 attributes will definitely be bookmarked for me to ponder daily.
Wow Diana, thank you for your comment and for your words. I truly do hope those attributes encourage you daily!