The moment we receive the calling as a “Christian Writer” is the moment we choose to fully commit to ministry. Ministry is not about fulfilling our own desires or single handedly building ourselves up to what we think God wants..
Ministry is only one thing: It is to do His work!
Which means we are now in a self sacrificing place. Everything we write about, post on the internet, write in published books, is His. We should not carry the title as a Christian Writer but not represent it. It is unfair for us to take the position which is of God’s and to not turn it in the direction of fulfilling the gospel.
Through our keyboards we have an opportunity to reach people in places that we may never visit. For the time such as this, we need to see the internet as being in favor of doing His works.
We have the choice to make every opportunity to glorify Him. ‘Choice’ is the keyword.
How do we continue to make the right choice to building ministry?
It is by the conduct of Christianity that we model.
It is by imitating the word of God and building an intimate relationship with Him. This is where we will see the impact of our demeanor on and offline and through our words.
Your words as a Christian Writer is not about how many pageviews or book sales it can curate, it is about the impression the Lord specifically chooses for you to transpire to every person that is led to your writing.
Due to the vision God gave me about how effective written words are, prayer is now a daily act of service to my writing.
It has widen my perspective of discipling globally through writing. As writers on the internet, it is key to know that you are reaching globally. The global vision will urge you even more to count the accountability to the Lord with high reverence.
Intimately praying before writing any message will keep us growing closer to the calling God has given to us.
This is why I always recommend to any new writer or blogger to make prayer a focus point of your day. Make it a time that you can pray for your writing, for your readers and for His will to be done. But also make it a time where you can sit and hear from Him.
Taking time to listen to His voice is where you will truly begin to see the global vision He has for you in your calling.
I am always inspired to learn how other Christian Writers pray for their blogs, writings, and for the readers. It brings a revival to me, knowing that I am in company with a mighty team of disciples through writing.
Prayerfully these prayers will also inspire you and even motivate you to pray these snippets of prayers from other Christian Writers for your own writings and readers.
Read one a day for forty days to gain the full vision of the individual prayers.
40 Prayer Prompts to be praying for your Christian Blog. #Christianwriter #amwriting Share on X40 Prayer Prompts for Christian Writers. Inspired by Christian Writers.
Day 1 – To be an example.
“I ask God to speak to me before I speak to them. In praying this I am asking God to work in me first. I don’t ever want to be telling truth but not living it. I pray that any studies, blogs, content I write come from a place of overflow from His work in my life.”
Day 2 – Creativity that Glorifies God
“I pray for the freedom to be authentic, to be able to visit places of darkness and avenues of brokenness, and shed God’s light, love, and grace there. I pray for creativity and artistry that glorifies God. I pray for excellence in what we produce as Christians, because I believe that the work of our hands is also our worship to a God who deserves the best we can offer.”
Day 3 – Transformation through the words
“I pray that they meet Jesus in every word and every story on the blog. That they see Him and not the writer. I pray that the words speak to their heart and bring transformation to their lives. That’s my heart desire that women come to Jesus.”
Day 4 – To receive His Love
“I pray that my words be His words. That my readers would see and experience the gospel and His love in a whole new way. And I pray for those who don’t know Him to have a softening of hearts to His receiving His bountiful love.”
Day 5 – Intimacy with the Father
“I pray that every woman reading feels as if they are having a 1:1 conversation with their Father. That we as women not only learn the promises of God, but truly believe them.”
Day 6 – His Timing
“I pray constantly that I am allowing God to speak through me. So often I can write something that seems good, and even seems Godly, but it’s just not the time for it to be released. So I pray often so I can be in a place to hear His voice clearly AND have my heart positioned to be obedient when He tells me when to release the word or hold on to it until His timing.”
Day 7 – To embrace in His love
“I pray my writing and coaching will catapult women into God’s heart of love and His purpose for their lives.”
Day 8 – To know their worth in Christ
“That they would know their worth in Christ. That I could communicate it matters not what faith tradition they claim, for believers are first and foremost Christians, followers of The Way. That readers would fall more in love with Jesus and his church. ”
Day 9 – To trust Him as we Create
“I pray I keep first things first, connecting with the Lord daily, which will spill into and out of my blog. I pray that I be faithful in my steps and trust Him with the outcome. I pray I take note of joy along the way and be willing to be changed in the process while being true to my design.”
Day 10 – To receive the work of our hands.
“I pray that they (my readers) would use my printable (Bible study book, prayer cards, Bible verse bookmark) to draw near to God. Every time I get a new friend that signs up, I write down their name and pray for them specifically. I pray they would lift their families & the community around them.”
Day 11 – To interpret His words accurately
“I pray that I’m reading and interpreting God’s Word accurately, I pray for creativity to reach both Christian and non Christians (to be a soul winner), and I pray for peace that I did the best I could with each blog post— that I used my gift of writing to spread the good news.”
Day 12 – To encourage and uplift
“I pray for God to uproot anything in me that makes a post point to me and not him. I also pray that I am transparent and that my words help to heal and encourage instead of blame and point fingers. I also pray for those who comment, that I would answer in wisdom and grace.”
Day 13 – For all that I do to be pleasing in the sight of the Lord
“As I consider to begin to write a post I ask our Lord to guide my words and to use me as His servant to reach others. My prayer is taken from the book of Psalm 19, which says May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, the words I use before I preach for our Lord. May others accept the Lord as their own personal Savior through my journey.” QuietmomentswithGod
Day 14 – Accountability to the Lord
“I pray Psalm 19:14 before I start tapping away on my keyboard. The psalm forces me to reflect and meditate on my words. The words that I string together to make a post reflect my heart so I need the accountability and reminder of the psalm.”
Day 15 – To draw near God’s word
“I pray that as we draw near to the living water of God’s Word, He will fill us with life. I pray that we can soak up more of Him into our roots so that we will produce good fruit in our lives.”
Day 16 – To experience the Gospel
“I pray that my words be His words. That my readers would see and experience the gospel and His love in a whole new way. And I pray for those who dont know Him to have a softening of hearts to His receiving His bountiful love.”
Day 17 – To turn pain into joy
“I pray that His story in me encourages others in their time of need/struggle. I pray that showing others how prayer, seeking and journaling has turned my pain into joy others can find that joy.”
Day 18 – Discernment and Wisdom
“I pray for the Lord’s discernment and wisdom over whatever I write. I never want my own sins or perceptions to hinder my writing in any way. My prayer is that my readers would find comfort and peace beyond what our humans minds could ever understand. I want them to know that whatever pain they are going through, whatever it is they have lost in this life~they will never lose Jesus. Nothing can take away the hope we have in Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Day 19 – For His plan to be done
“Each morning I pray over what I’ve planned, waiting for wisdom and direction in decision making (don’t all bloggers grapple over which avenue to take?!). I ask God to help me let go of unaccomplished tasks at the end of day, realizing they were never His plan. And I pray for my mama readers to receive exactly what they need to hear from me through the divine leading of the Holy Spirit.”
Day 20 – For contentment in our work
“I pray for guidance and the patience to wait. It’s very easy to jump ahead when things aren’t happening, but I always want to be in His will. If it’s only that I am to encourage women, that’s enough; my prayer is that it is really enough.”
Day 21 – That my words point to Him
“I pray that God would use my writing for His glory. That He would help me write words that point to Him.”
Day 22 – His strength in our weaknesses
“My prayer for blogging is always that others would know that all goodness or encouragement they come across on my blog comes from my Heavenly Father, that they would see His strength in my weakness, and that in all things He would receive all the glory. I also frequently pray Psalm 19:14 over my writing… “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in YOUR. sight, oh Lord, my Redeemer.”
Day 23 – For renewal
“I pray that my blogging reaches others for Christ. I pray daily for my readers to be renewed in their faith and for strengthened marriages.”
Day 24 – To follow conviction
“I pray. Before my fingers touch the keys on the keyboard I pray. I pray for God to not just lead but to completely take over. For the words, stories and analogies to be His, from His own mouth and heart. I pray that I’d be completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit and sensitive to His direction for my website and ministry. I pray for my readers. I pray for the ones that read just one post and never come back and for the ones that stay and link arms with me. I pray for every need that comes to me via email from my readers. I pray for my own heart and thoughts. That I would always walk humbly as the tool that God uses. I ask for forgiveness and conviction. Yes conviction! Because the Word tells us those that teach are held to a higher standard. I pray my site would be a source of hope and encouragement in a world of half truths, darkness and confusion.”
Day 25 – To be the light
“I pray that His heart will shine through each post and that my words don’t get in the way of His message. I ask that He will bless and fulfill each reader and draw them to Himself. May they feel His nearness and unfailing love each day.”
Day 26 – To pray by name.
“I continually pray Matthew 6:33 over my life and ministry, that I would always operate from His overflow in my life. I pray that He would clear any distractions from my mind and dump the truckload of garbage from my heart. As a recovering people pleaser, I always pray that I would only be a mouthpiece and that any words or interactions would be His. I pray over my readers always. Sometimes by name thru my list, over every email and interaction and always in general that God would not leave them where they are at but that He would draw them closer, fulfill as only He can and grow them in a deeper relationship beyond what they have imagined possible.”
Day 27 – To send the words where they need to be.
I consistently pray for God to guide my words, send them where He wants them and use them for His glory!
Day 28 – For His Blessing
“I ask God for his blessing over my blog in whatever way he sees fit, because He knows the purpose of my blog better than I. I ask that He encourages me and provides opportunities, but mainly for the Spirit to intervene on behalf of my writing so that everything I write is from a pure heart.” HeartafterGod
Day 29 – For the Holy Spirit to lead
“I pray that my words speak truth, and that what I write glorifies His name! I pray for the Holy Spirit to provide inspiration and guidance. I pray that I am quiet and that I am fed deeply and that I keep rooted in taking this time to be fed by Him. I pray that I have eyes to see that sometimes what I am writing is really for me to hear as well. I pray that I be kept in this path of writing only if it is His will and purpose. And I pray that the Lord brings to the words I have written-whomever needs to hear them.”
Day 30 – To speak to the One
“That He will speak to the 1 out there who may be where I was, because I have always struggled with feeling like an outsider.”
Day 31 – Freedom
“I pray that women will be unburdened, unchained, and unleashed. That we will all of us, including and especially me, stop believing the lies of the enemy that hold us back from all God created us to be and do.”
Day 32 – For His Glory
“I pray to be led by the Spirit, that hearts are drawn closer to Jesus and that He be glorified.”
Day 33 – To seek Him first
“I pray constantly that God uses my experience as a mental health therapist to address issues that maybe aren’t as common or comfortable to write about. And I pray that I am always checking with Him first before tackling a topic so that it is glorifying to Him and beneficial to others.”
Day 34 – To receive Christ as Lord
“I always pray for those who need to read it will get to. I know He gives me the right words and I pray His heart comes across to my readers. I write to encourage Christian women in their faith, but offer the invitation or receiving Christ as Lord.”
Day 35 – My experience speaks
“I pray specifically that He would give me the words that someone- even if it’s just one person needs to hear. I have prayed consistently that my experiences and story would not go to waste and that others would be comforted by the comfort He has given me.”
Day 36 – Writing as a Ministry
“I pray that I would treat my writing as a ministry, not only as a business. I pray that my first goal will always be what Jesus said our goals should be – to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) When I catch myself slipping from these commandments, God graciously draws me back for my own safety and for His glory.”
Day 37 – Create Relationships
“I pray that my reader will feel encouraged, welcomed, and pursued by a wild God. I also pray that I would be able to be a friend to everyone who comes across my ministry, walking with them faithfully in whatever way they need, and that what I write would make people think, hope, laugh, and maybe even say “me too! I thought I was the only one!”
Day 38 – To desire God more than the world
“I pray that I always keep you forefront in my mind, heart and writings. I pray that I always desire You more than the world, more than success, more than money and more than popularity. Please guide me, blessed Lord, only giving me the words to share that you wish to have spoken and written.”
Day 39- Speaks through every typed word.
“I pray that the Lord speaks through me with every word that I type. That my thoughts are His thoughts and that His message reaches the eyes and hearts it was intended for. May He get all of the glory!”
Day 40 – Discipleship
“My prayer is for me and other Christian writers to not grow weary to the labor to discipleship but to always remember there is a bigger picture. It is not just about ourselves. We ought to count it joy that the Lord has chosen us, equipped us, challenges us, and uses us for His glory. For ministry is a privilege.” MarriedbyHisGrace
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Thank you so much for including me as part of this! I forgot all about this and came across this post on Pinterest today. To see that I am a part of it has really encouraged me today! Also, these are amazing prayers and I can’t wait to start praying all of these things too.
Thank you for allowing to share your prayer prompt!
I love the focus of these prayers. Thanks for gathering and sharing them.
What an insightful and biblical-based list of prayer prompts, Carmen. I hope it is okay to visit here today. I truly believe in the power of prayer I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to share my testimony of faith so that He is glorified and people are drawn closer to Him. Thank you for sharing these prompts and your poignant perspective on prayer. May God continue to bless you and grant you wisdom as you serve Him.
Definitely ok to visit! Hope you come back again! Thank you for your compliment!
Such an inspirational post, Carmen. There are so many tasks for Christian blogging, it is easy to put prayer on the back burner. You are spurring me to make changes this week. Thank you, friend.
Thank you so much Sara. Prayer can be a easy task to push back but oh the result of it is so great for our ministries. We should all be pushing it forward! =)
Carmen, thank you so much for putting this together. I agree that to honor God’s call to write, we must be in prayer. However, sometimes I get in a rut where I pray the same thing or am too narrowly focused on one aspect when I need prayer for all areas around writing and my own personal relationship with Jesus. Appreciate this list and plan to use it!
So glad this post was helpful and that you can use it! One thing I do love about prayer, is that it can be about anything in our heart. Prayer is also our place to keep taking things back to God, so although it may feel like the same thing prayer, to God it is us expressing our heart to Him!! =)
Please forgive me if I submit a comment twice. I was a little shaken finding this post. This aligns 💯 with what God has been telling me about my own blogging. I got so caught up in SEO, marketing, content production, I neglected prayer.
Would you mind if I link to this post?
Omg! Your post so resonates with what I posted today! God is using you to confirm my writing re-focus! This is beautiful and so perfect for me in this season! Thanks for posting!
I am so glad this post spoke to you!! What a blessing and such an amazing feeling when God does things just right on time for us. I absolutely love that feeling of such confirmation!