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67 Things to say to build your Marriage
One of the greatest desires for me is to be a wife that consistently speaks life to my marriage. Words are so strong, vital, and active. They can either bring life or death, joy or pain, hope or despair.
Words matter! Whether written or spoken, we should consciously be choosing to positively use them often, especially in our marriages.
A few years ago, through self reflection I learned I was not always the best at expressing my love to people, especially to my husband. But more than anything in my heart, I had a deep desire to speak words that could encourage, bring intimacy, and that would build up my marriage.
I earnestly want my husband to always feel secure and well aware of my love for him. As we all know actions speak louder than words. I am fully confident expressing my love to him and my children with actions by actively being involved, present, and willing to serve my family but there is a time to speak it.
When we speak uplifting words to our spouse, we bring assurance to the actions. When we hear positive words of affirmation, we build up in faith of what seems unseen most days.
Not to mention….consistently speaking life to your marriage contributes to building your husband up as a spiritually leader. It builds him to want to care for , protect more, and to lead righteously when he knows his wife appreciates him as a godly husband.
Speaking words or writing words that boast in our love for one another takes us to a whole new level of intimacy. It is so funny how a compliment can change the atmosphere in an instant. But did you know it takes, thirteen compliments to replace one negative comment? Just food for thought there….
Through much prayer in this area, I am thankful for the past few years that I started to write and speak more openly about my love for my husband. I sometimes just sit and think of all the things I would like to say to him and write them down to not forget. This mama with five kids can easily make me forget, even the things I want to do!
Here are a few ways I like to express my love with words in my Marriage:
Love Notes:
Post it notes on the mirror, in the car, on his desk, or nightstand. Emails to each other throughout a work day is something we have done since dating and still find exciting.
Related Post:
Writing your Husband Love Letters.
Leaving Scriptures:
Sometimes nothing beats a good scripture to explain all that you want to express. My husband and I have a few verses we speak over our marriage. When I leave scriptures, it’s a great reminder to both of us of the day we chose and spoke those scriptures to each other.
Texting throughout the day:
This is a good way to be flirtatious with your hubby! I love that I can be anywhere when I think of him and all I need to do is grab my phone and send a flirty text. This usually gets us even more excited to see each other at the end of the day.
Prayer time:
Every so often my husband and I will make a daily effort to pray with one another. This gives us a chance to hold hands and to speak our hearts for each other and for our marriage. There is nothing more beautiful than to hear my husbands speak his requests for our marriage to the Lord. It is also such a honor for him to hear mine.
Related Posts:
A wife’s guide to praying for your husbands workplace.
When your marriage is under spiritually attack.
Whichever form you find it easier or more fun to share words to your husband, here is a list of 67 things you can include to say to encourage your husband and your marriage.
Don't wait till Valentines day to tell your husband how you feel. 67 Things to say to your husband. #marriage Share on X67 Encouraging things to say to your husband to build your Marriage:
I love you.
I trust you.
Thank you for trusting me
I knew you were the one when …..
You are hot!
I love watching you pray
I love praying with you.
It is so awesome to watch God use you.
I can’t wait to see you after work.
You’ve been doing so much for me lately, what can I help you with today?
I couldn’t stop thinking about you today.
I can’t wait to spend alone time with you. Its my favorite.
I know that decision was hard but you handled it very well
Thank you for constantly putting me and the kids first.
You are the only person I can count on to …….
Hold me
Kiss me
You always make me laugh.
I love the way you look at me.
I love that I can trust you.
You have done so well providing for us.
I do not fear in our marriage. Thank you for that.
You are a strong leader.
I trust your judgement.
I’m blessed to be your wife.
Thanks for helping me with the kids
I love making babies with you!
Check out 67 Encouraging things to say to your husband that will build your marriage. #Christianmarriage Share on XI am so blessed you are my friend
You are a hard worker.
Your integrity awes me!
God truly blessed me.
You are the best dad.
I love to see how happy the kids are with you.
Thank for always leading me to the word of God.
Thank you for your honesty.
Your ( arms, legs, chest, butt, smile…ect) are so sexy!
You are so strong!
Thank you for your faithfulness.
I love how safe I feel with you.
You are dependable.
I love when you text me throughout the day.
Say please and thank you to your husband. (It goes a long ways!)
Let’s do a bible study together. I love learning about the word of God with you.
I love worshipping the Lord with you.
Praying you have blessed day.
I love when you wear that outfit!
Last night was amazing!
I think you are right about that decision I need to make. I am so glad I can get advice from you!
Lets sneak off to lunch today.
I want you to know I noticed when you were patient with me and I truly appreciate you doing that.
I see how hard you are trying, it blesses me to know you strive to build our marriage up.
Talking about our future is one of my favorite things to do with you
Let’s take a walk tonight.
Let’s go for a coffee and just to enjoy the weather.
I am so excited to grow old with you!
What do you want for dinner? I want to make something special for you tonight.
Thank you for supporting my dreams and passions.
I know I wasn’t easy to speak to the other day but thank you for being patient with me
I may not agree with you right now on that discussion but God gave me a husband I trust to lead and will stand with you on any decision you make.
Even when we argue, I love that we both have confidence in God and in our love for one another.
God knew I needed you!
I’m sorry will you forgive me for…..?
I am more in love with you than ever.
I am so proud of you! You worked really hard for that.
The kids want to know if they can …… I told them I always ask you first so we can decide together.
Let me know how I can help.
You are my favorite place to be.
Loved this!
You’re very inspiring and your words so helpful.
May GID Bless your husband, kids and you now and forevermore.
I realized I struggle speaking life to my husband. I grew up and there was more negative speech then kindness so speaking nice is a hard thing for me. Thank you for sharing this post!
I love this. God bless you
I appreciate your words of encouragement to our men. My favorite one is “I love making babies with you.” My husband I have been married for 46 years!
Wow I love this list , it’s so true words are powerful and men also want and need to feel appreciated. Thanks for sharing.
Such a great list – it’s so easy to forget to take time to be intentional in loving our husbands when we get busy with kids and life. I definitely am guilty of not expressing enough gratitude and love to my husband. Thank you for this!
Yes, kids and life can sometimes take our focus away. I am always trying to get my focus in this area back on track. But may striving for redemption always be worth it!! =)
Carmen, great post and really appreciate your discussion of Words of Affirmation. Words of Affirmation is one of my love languages. My wife does a great job of understanding this about me and speaking the love language. She is always leaving me notes around the house for me to find.
It can never be understated how important it is in marriage to use your words to lift each other up. I think too many couples fail to understand the influence they have on their spouse with their words.
Thanks for sharing! Steve
I agree! I will never forget the day, the Lord convicted me in the area of how to use my words in marriage. Since then I have been very careful of what I say and how I say it. We lean on our spouses for support and love more than we do to anyone else so it should we be important to us to not take this lightly. Thank you for visiting and taking your time to comment.
This is great! Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Those words of encouragement are so easy to give and so fruitful for the marriage.
I agree with Valerie, we need a printable with these words!
What wonderful words to speak life into our marriage! I want to print these and put them into practice.
Thank you so much Valerie!!