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Christmas Advent ideas for Couples
Christmas time is near and all the creative juice is coming out as most prepare to decorate, to bake, cook, and to join in and/or host festivities.
There is just something about Christmas that brings out the part of us that wants to try something new but also keep the spark of tradition in our lives.
I ‘m pretty sure that is part of what I love most about the Holiday season. A new time of the season to try new things but also the comfort of family traditions staying alive.
A Christmas Advent is definitely that for most!
Adding the activity of an Advent at Christmas time builds a tradition that will inspire you to make time with your loved ones during the hectic season.
Who better than your spouse to create a thoughtful romantic advent with?!
Imagine, 25 Days of doing something together for just you two. No kids, no friends, no family members. Just you two enjoying your crazy Christmas time alone. Your advent can actually become a tradition where you both find calmness during the season.
7 Creative Ideas for a Christmas Advent as a Couple.
1. Traditional Christmas Advent:
Who wants to change a good thing? Some wouldn’t, that’s who!
I think the special thing about keeping a classic advent in your marriage is knowing that you are doing an advent that meant something special to your spouse as a child. Keeping a childhood tradition with your spouse is meaning and romantic to the other person that you are doing it for.
Ask your spouse about their Christmas tradition as a child. What did they love about it? Do they hope to do the same with you or want to start a new one that is special to you two? From there get creative and do what works for you both.
2. Scripture Reading:
Last Christmas we started a scripture reading advent as a family. We choose 25 verses from the Gospels to read each night with the children. We would set aside fifteen minutes every night before bed to read one to three verse scriptures, then my husband and I would explain to our children the significance of the chosen scripture.
This got me thinking…. my husband and I should do the same thing for our marriage.
25 scriptures that has significance to build us up in our marriage, as Christian man and woman, as parents, and as leaders of our home.
Here are 25 ideas of scriptures to add for your marriage scripture reading.
3. Prayer Time:
Similar effect to reading scripture together; praying together every day for 25 days will definitely deepen your intimacy in your marriage spiritually and physically.
Set one topic to pray every night together ahead of time on the calendar.
Ideas to consider to pray on for your marriage: unity, vision, leadership, finances, physical intimacy, his job, her job, parenting, and the home.
One challenge I give you is to record how your prayer time has increased your connection with your spouse throughout the 25 days.
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4. Love Notes:
I am such a sucker for love notes. I think it is so romantic, uplifting, and a beautiful way to calmly take your time to write your feelings of love out freely.
Best way to do this is to add twenty six index cards (or cut out note sized papers) to a basket or on/in an advent calendar. Each of you take turns throughout the 24 days of December writing either a love note, a love quote, or one simple compliment to each other. Either hand it to your spouse or leave it where they can find it each day.
On the last day, write one to each other.
25 days of being romantic through the holiday season will definitely help keep the sparks going for one another.
5. Movie Nights:
This one may be a bit corny for some but I really think this can be a cool idea for couples that love movie time together but never agree on movies. (Which is completely my marriage.)
Creating a list of movies (or television/Netflix series) to watch throughout the month will be so much fun to do together. It gives both of you the opportunity to watch the movies you each love individually that your significant other would otherwise not watch with you.
What better way to end the night of long winter days than to cuddle on the couch alone?
I have learned through my marriage to just take one for the team and watch the movies he prefers sometimes. In the end, he loves that I sat right next to him while enjoying something he likes and secondly, I just love being with him.
We often take a few weeks throughout the year to take turns watching each others favorite movies/shows and I must say, it builds our quality time together because we are giving to each other of our time versus walking around with the “What’s in it for me?” mentality.
7 Creative Christmas Advent ideas to do as a couple. #holidayseason #Christmas2019 Share on X6. Holiday Fun:
This one is great for the couple that loves to be spontaneous together and that loves the Holidays. Create a calendar that will give you a new activity of holiday fun everyday to do with your man.
Bake cookies, build a gingerbread house, write out a Christmas list, start your Christmas planner together, play Christmas music in the house and dance, watch a Christmas movie, go Christmas shopping together, wrap presents together, read a Christmas poem or book, take Christmas photos together, write out Christmas cards together.
Remember not all of them have to take too much time or involve going out. There is so much to do that will build the holiday cheer and still keep you warm inside.
7. Dates and Treats:
Last week at Target in the Dollar Spot, I found a small cardboard advent calendar. The board has ornaments on a tree that comes with scratch off stickers. The idea is to write a date night or a treat to your partner on each ornament then add the stickers over the ornaments once done so no one can see the dates/treat ideas that have been written.
Through the 25 days you are supposed to scratch off an ornament and do what is suggested.
I grabbed it immediately and told my sister all the ideas that I was going to fill it up with for me and my husband. She fell in love with the idea and grabbed one too.
Coffee on you, bring home chocolates, movie night, 1 hour of no kids time, order take out, ect… the great thing about this is that you are adding dates and treats that both of you love.
Mine and my husband’s favorite Christmas Planner. Has everything you would need and it’s FREE!
Holiday season is the perfect time of the year to enjoy family. It encourages us to be in unity and be with friends and family we enjoy. To spark up old relationships that may have gone bitter but sometimes through the process of serving others which is utterly beautiful, we can unconsciously make important present relationships in our lives become sour due to little affection.
Our attention can become so focused on trying to create new things to happen that we forget who is there whether there is chaos or not.
I truly hope you are encouraged to create a new tradition with your spouse during the busy season. Something for just the two of you. No kids, no friends or family members. Just you and him! A way to remind each other you are still counting your blessings for each other.
For my husband and I, we’ll be planning many things around the traditional meaning of this advent season- preparing for the Lord’s coming. I actually just purchased a new advent “wreath” that is a Wooden Jerusalem Cross instead of an wreath with leaves I found on Etsy. I’m planning to go all out on the Chrismon theme this year and picked up a devotional called Christmas Monograms which actually starts the week before Advent does- this Sunday with Christ the King Sunday.
We usually check out Christmas lights after our Wednesday advent services. And we’ll do a few other activities- we’re going out of town to San Antonio to see the lighted parade on the Riverwalk and we have a small festival here- but really we focus on paring down our December to a select few events allowing us to focus on the true reason for the season.
I think it’s interesting that we turn Advent into a list of secular to do’s and “things” so quickly these days. So many non-Christians are using advent counters etc. I think in many cases it just turns into more to do, tasks, and overwhelm. When we turn towards Him instead we find joy and peace not in #allthethings of this world but in His plan for our salvation come down to earth.
Those scratch off holiday dates are a great idea!!