Finding our Identity in Prayer.
Do you ever find yourself wondering why you do the things you do? Or think the way you think? Why you might circle back round that same pit of disaster mere moments after you were cruising on the high road?
Sometimes it’s the big things, but other times it’s the simple things in life. I can go from feeling like Supermom to super Mom-fail in a matter of moments. Tell me I’m not the only one strutting my have-it-all-togetherness in the morning but wiping away tears of self-frustration by noon?
Once upon a time I knew no other way of living. The radical ups and downs of feeling enough because, you see, I believed I was only as good as my accomplishments. Head nods, ‘atta girls, and accolades told me my identity was worthy.
But the girl in me with a broken identity could never get enough of the accolades because the world we live in is unpredictable, hurting, and often very angry.
It doesn’t take long for a young girl to believe she will never be enough. The effects are devastating and they keep us from living the life God wants us to live.
But the story is never over because our God is a God of many chances. One who is persistent, patient, and ever faithful as waits for us to come to Him.
Because …
When I come to know God, I can finally come to know myself.
Our belief system is the mechanism we use to make sense of the world around us. It’s what drives our thoughts, words, and actions. It is the set of filters we use to see not only our world, but it is the filter through which we see ourselves.
Track with me here … When I know God as a loving God, I believe Him to love all His children. No matter where we are on the journey to those pearly gates, He loves us. That doesn’t mean, only those journeying well. It means ALL of us.
If I believe He manifests this kind of unfailing love, I must also believe He grieves. Real love begets grief not hate. God’s love shuts out hate. He grieves those who don’t know Him, who walk away from Him, or choose to ignore His instruction. He doesn’t hate them.
That fundamental belief system allows me to see the world through His lens of love. I see others as His children and I choose mercy. I choose to pray they turn to Him. But I do not hate them.
And in turn, I choose to see myself as His child. One to whom I can give mercy. Someone I can love and forgive.
Someone created wonderfully and with purpose. Independent of accolades and of the world’s valuation system. Free of comparison, only seeking to bear His image more each day.
We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
-Ephesians 2:10
When I am firmly planted in Him, I’m not shaken. I am capable of living out my purpose and of being the best version of myself for those I love. I can lead healthy relationships and I can set fears and insecurities aside to pursue my calling.
This is ours to live, but will we get to know Him? Will we learn about Him through the pages in our Bibles and with the words of our hearts poured out in prayer?
Just as I cannot get to know another person in my life without conversation, I cannot get to know God without conversation. I must talk to Him to know Him – His likes and dislikes. I must get to know how much He cares for me and let Him know how much I care for Him. And that is exactly what happens when I pray. My prayers make me see God thus make me see my true identity.
7 Ways Prayer Helps Us See Our True Identity:
Prayer removes distraction and draws my attention to the One with whom I want to connect.
Sharing authentically builds deep relationship.
Through prayer, God opens our eyes giving us insight into His Word. He reveals Truth about who He is and therefore who we are.
It brings us into the holy presence of God where the Holy Spirit teaches us Truth.
We witness tangible answers to prayer.
As our hearts pour out, we find buried compassion, love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace within ourselves.
Within us an insatiable desire for the Word of God is born.
When we recognize God in His magnitude as a loving Father, faithful friend, trustworthy confidant, gentle comforter, powerful warrior, miraculous healer, and creator of all – we can only see ourselves as treasures. Gently created before the beginning of the world. Created for a purpose. A calling. For something beautiful.
We are His something beautiful.
Run, right now. Start praying, sweet friends. Be authentic. Reveal the depths of your soul to Him. Laugh, giggle, whisper, cry, and yes, even argue with Him. But all the while, ask Him to open your eyes to Truth. To the secrets only for those who love Him. Ask Him to remove the scales from your eyes and to make His living Word come to life for YOU revealing your true identity as a child of the Most High God.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. -Jude 24-25
Lori is an encourager at heart. She has spent her life learning of the hope and victory available when we embrace our identity in Christ. Today, when she isn’t busy being a wife and Mom to her three children, she teaches, ministers, coaches, speaks, and writes to share that hope with others. Wherever you find yourself today – walking through the difficult, needing to get unstuck to follow your purpose, or simply experiencing a season of beautiful chaos, Lori’s blog found at is a place where you can get a virtual hug from someone who truly understands. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest
What a great encouragement to live transparent and vulnerable in front of God. It is true, we learn more about ourselves when we let down our guards and allow ourselves to be honest in His presence. Thank you for encouraging your readers to intimacy with God.
Yes, absolutely! “Lay down our guard”, love that! Thank you for your sweet words!
Yes, definitely. Prayer doesn’t just impact those who we’re praying for but it impacts us in a big way too. When I am in prayer throughout the day God gives me everything I need. He gives me patience, love, kindness. And unfortunately those days that I am too distracted to pray I tend to be so much more disconnected and more easily frustrated. God is good, He gives us everything we need if only we come to Him!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful reminder. God bless!
So true! My kids and husband can always tell when I am not in the praying mode because of my attitude…
I’ve been focusing on building my prayer life. And, like finding new things that I should be praying for. My echo app comes in handy! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you Dawn for checking out the post and taking time to comment. I love praying and finding new things to pray for too!
Yes yes yes!!! A MILLION times YES! I love meeting with clients and through tears praying together as Jesus speaks to their hearts. He by far can say and touch areas that I never could. This is beautiful!
How awesome to join with others in prayer consistently! I love meeting new people that love prayer as much as I do!! =)
This makes me remember the lyrics to a Christian song based on Romans 2:4. “It’s your kindness that leads us to repentance, oh Lord. Knowing that you love us, no matter what we do. Makes us want to love you too.” I wish I could attend A Night to Revive because I know the Lord’s presence will be powerful in your midst. Love you both!
That is a beautiful song! I wish you could attend too. We appreciate all the prayers!
Amen, Carmen!
“When I am firmly planted in Him, I’m not shaken.”
Yes! What a good word today!
Oh yes, Lori. Knowing God changes my sight about myself, others, this world, our purpose. It seems so simple. Almost to simple. But it is truth. Truth that will change us if we start getting to know him deeper. Blessings on A Night to Revive!
Thanks so much, Theresa! And … you are so right … it really is so simple, isn’t it? But somehow we miss it. I guess we are trying to make life more difficult than need be! lol!
Thank you so much for visiting us here ♥