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Let’s just be real (it’s the way I prefer it here). The devil is everywhere. He is looking high and low for the right time and place to get you in your weakest moment. Especially in your relationships. The enemy roams in our home, workplace, vehicles, and even our church to plan destruction..
To gain authority in prayer, you must be willing to accept the fact that there is a devil out there. We can pray daily for protection, covering, discernment, and much more but first, we need to realize to have complete understanding what prayer is and how it works.
To gain authority in prayer, you must be willing to accept the fact that there is a devil out there. #prayingwife Share on XFor we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
One area the Lord has impressed in my heart to pray earnestly for with a great understanding is my husbands workplace. It’s not so much the workplace itself; or about the location or the type of job position he has been in. It’s more than what we see on the surface. It’s about being diligent of asking the holy spirit where prayer is needed. Pray with wisdom about the root of the situations in the workplaces. Discerning the spirits are trying to come and destroy either, my husband, his co-workers, the managers, the company.
All of those things can affect our husband’s dignity, pride, joy, and trust in leadership. It can make them carry weight on their shoulders that should not even be there. It can come home with them and no longer only affect them but the family too. That is why it is important we pray for provision in things such as this. That no weapon formed us shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)
When praying throughout the day for my husband I have learned a few things that are essential to gaining insight to how and when the Lord wants me to pray for my husband specifically for his workplace.
Here are a few tips to becoming intimate in prayer:
Listen to the Holy Spirit –
Allow the holy spirit to unction you throughout the day. If a thought crosses your mind about your husband as he is away at work (or any other time) then immediately begin praying even if you do not know what to pray for. The spirit will lead you as you act in obedience. You will be surprised by what the spirit may reveal to you. Our prayers through the holy spirit is not by what WE think needs to be prayed for, it is actually by what the Holy Spirit knows what areas need prayer.
For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with
groanings too deep for words.
Romans 8:26 ESV
Enter into prayer with thanksgiving –
When we enter into prayer with thanksgiving for who God is, for what we have, and for what He is doing in our lives, we begin to develop a deeper appreciation for all above. We also receive a better understanding to all things that God shows us. Entering with praise and thanksgiving in prayer is not just for us to gain a grateful heart but it also takes us a new level of intimacy with God.
Anoint with oil –
Anoint your husbands pillow so he may enter into complete rest at night and rise up every morning with motivation and energy. Make an effort to anoint his closet, his laptop, phone, vehicle, and anything else that leads him to his place of work. If he works at home find time anoint his home office once a month. Anointing oil is representation of purifying.
Speak life –
We can pray all we want but are we walking it out in faith? Are we speaking it to life to not just ourselves but to our husbands also? Speaking positively out loud can be life changing. It manifests peace into situations and stirs up confidence within ourselves. Tell your husband daily one nice thing. Speak about his character, the godly traits he posses, and/or how much you appreciate how much he provides.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Proverbs 18:22 ESV
Other posts you may like for your marriage:
Praying through Spiritual Warfare in your Marriage
Writing Love Letters to your Husband
What to pray for your husband’s workplace:
My husband came home sadden by a situation he had witnessed at work one day. A co-worker of his was obviously weary throughout the day. As far as my husband knew the man was discouraged from infertility issues that his marriage has been bearing for three years. They had just finished another treatment and once again no positive testing’s. My husband went on to tell me that as the man was slumped in his chair, another co-worker walked up asking him what was wrong. He told her within three sentences what was going on. The woman then leaned into his desk and gave her input. She suggested to this man that maybe his marriage was not meant to be. Maybe not being able to conceive was a sign for their marriage.
This woman who was just passing by then became an object of temptation. She leaned in closer to put her hand on his shoulders to say, “Isn’t this your second marriage?” As if she was whispering failure. My husband and I had recently heard a sermon about seducing spirits so as he witnessed this, he said he couldn’t help to think of the numerous times he has seen this type of actions in a workplace. The last statement of our conversation is what truly blessed me, he said: “Thank God, He gives me discernment to pray for myself and for my co-workers and thank God I have a praying wife at home.”
Peace brings completeness. It takes away burdens, revives our body, and keeps us in alignment with the will of God. True peace can only come from God. When we pray for peace for our husbands and for their workplaces, we are wrapping them with something greater than just asking God for no drama between co-workers. We are asking God to be presence in every area of the workplace. That every decision-maker is not annoyed or ignorant to the needs of employees but that they have so much peace within their bodies and minds that no irrational decision is made. All decisions are made with wisdom. This is also how our husbands will act with peace.
Workplace does not enter the home:
I have a family member that is a police officer. I admire how much him and his wife have kept a healthy environment for themselves and their children even after some treacherous experiences he has witnessed as an officer. One evening I asked how he has kept peace within the home and not bring the horrible visions home with him?
I just couldn’t grasps how officers who has seen such disturbances could go home to their families without fear.
He answered, “I take a shower before leaving the precinct, leave my clothes there for laundry, workout at the gym, and before I even enter my driveway I pray that every spirit that is not of God that came near me does not enter into my home. It may take me two more hours to get home but to me the extra time is worth it compared to the repercussions to ignoring what could happen”
I was in awe of the wisdom. Truth is, it takes wisdom for our husbands to not bring work home with them. Pray that your husband allows the Lord to teach them how to keep a healthy balance of work and home.
For leadership. managers, supervisors:
The bible tell us that we are to pray for our leaders. I take this very serious. Even as a blogger; with all the companies I work with and come to know, I make sure to pray for the decision makers and managers. May our prayers for leadership be for wisdom, insight, and knowledge, and to know the Lord, our Father.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Light of the world:
Praying for my husband to be an example of Christ is not just for my benefit but its for his. When our husbands walk in their calling a Christian man. They are walking into a lifestyle. A lifestyle that consists of them walking in the way of the Lord, conducting them self as a godly example to others, to building up the church by being the church.
I love when my husband comes home to tell me about times he prayed for someone throughout the day whether they knew about it or not. It builds me up as a godly wife. It sets an example to me as who we are in Christ when my husband as the leader of the home, walks as the light in others life.
Other areas that important is to pray for our husbands favor at work. Pray that they receive favor from every person they get in contact with throughout their job. May the favor be not confused with favoritism but may it only be favor of the Lord. Favor from the Lord is establishing the work of our hands, not creating a mirage of it.
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! Psalms 90:17
Keep boundaries of ungodly relationships in pray. That no weapon formed against us (marriage) may prosper.
Lastly, continue to keep protection, humility, to be teachable, to walk with wisdom, and to lean not in his own understanding but to trust in the Lord at all times.
If you are interested in going deeper for praying for your husband; I highly recommend the book: The Power of a Praying Wife, by Stormie Omartian. It is amazing. I probably read it at least twice a year. It has opened my eyes to so much of what I should be praying for my husband in all areas of his life.
Hello, I am so glad that God lead me here…question what kind of oil do you use for your husband stuff? And where did you get it? I have read that book praying for your husband I think it’s time for me to read it again. Thanks for your post such a blessing 😊
Hello Marian. I am so humbled and blessed that the post spoke to you. I usually purchase anointing oil at Christian Bookstores near me. If I run out in the home but feel the Lord leading me, I will pray over Olive Oil that I may have in the home and use that if necessary.
This is some great stuff, Carmen!
I’m going to share it all around!
Sure do appreciate you and your ministry~
Thank you so much Melanie for you love, encouragement, and constant support! xoxo
I would say this post is filled with diving anointing in each and every line . What a powerful message the Lord put it in your heart to write to for every women who wants to pray for her marriage intentionally. In a world filled with evil and seducing spirits you have spoke with the authority of God on the different areas every wife must pray. Definitely saving this to come and re read this later .
Love ❤️
Thank you so much Diana. As Christian wives, I have found it to be vital to walk in our authority in prayer for our marriages. Prayer is a source to our God that brings peace, guidance, healing, restoration, joy, unconditional love, and so much more for our marriages.
I have not read “The Power of a Praying Wife,” Buy I did read “The Power of a Praying Woman” from start to finish. There are so many things that my husband dead with. I never thought of anointing with oil. Is there a special type of oil or process that you use?
If you loved the power of the praying woman, then you will definitely love the power of the praying wife. It is just as anointed and powerful! I use anointing oil that I can find any local Family Christian or Lifeway bookstore. If I do not have any on me, I will just use olive oil in replacement as anointing oil. I usually either dab on the place I am praying for or I will rub all over my hands if I am walking through the home so that every area I touch is anointed. It is not about drenching the item or area, it is about the faith of purifying the area with Holy Spirit leading you in prayer.