Are you Blogging to Spread the Gospel?
If so, then inspire!
There are many pre-bloggers out there. The transition from reading blogs to becoming a blogger. That is looking for other bloggers to follow and be inspired by. Remember when we were all there….?!
We each had bloggers we followed and couldn’t wait to read the next post from. It inspired us to do what we do now.
There will be upcoming Christian Bloggers that is looking to spread the Gospel just like you and me; that will need to be inspired, encouraged, and uplifted by other bloggers in their niche.
Be an inspiration to someone today by leaving:
Your Name, Website, Why You Blog, and What You Blog About in the Comment Box Please!
I also look forward to visiting your site! I love checking out Christian based blogs. It’s awesome to see how much God is using His people to spread the Gospel, no matter the niche.
If you are a reader, I hope you visit the sites that are provided. Follow a few, comment on their posts, give them encouragement for all they do for us to receive!
As a reader, be prepared; you will be amazed to see how much God uses His people with their talents and gifts!
Also, as a reader and an inspiring Christian Blogger, do not forget to Subscribe to Married By His Grace if you have not done so yet. For subscribing you will receive a free 30 Things to before starting a blog‘ plus a 25% discount code for my eBook, By His Grace We Blog, that was created specifically for Christian based blogs.
You can also Click Here to read the description of my eBook, By His Grace We Blog. A guide that will take you step by step of creating and cultivating a Christian Blog.
Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:1-4
Disclosure: If the site you provide is not a Christian/Faith based site, I will not approve the comment. Thank you
Hi! My name is Monica and the name of my blog is, Bella’s Blessings (Beautiful Blessings). and also, I have a burden and a passion in my heart to serve. Bella’s Blessings is all about lifting up and encouraging women to walk in the fullness of who God has called them to be. He has Beautiful Blessings for you. It’s about all of you beautiful women digging down deep within yourselves to discover who God says you are and not what the world says. You are a Diamond! Your are a Jewel! You are a Masterpiece, made in the image of God. Created with splender and wonder! Who wouldn’t serve a God like that and be determined to walk in Your Beautiful Blessings. With Love in My Heart, Monica
Hi! Love this!! My name is Shelley; I started my blog as a part of my search for God’s will for my life. On my blog I host various virtual Bible studies and discuss real life. I would love for you to visit the site or check out my social media accounts @FB.theWHEREblog on Facebook, @theWHEREblog on IG, and Pinterest!
Hello! I’m Alicia. My blog is I started the blog at God’s insistent calling. I had a blog awhile back and life got in the way. I knew God was calling me to start another blog to share His love and teach others. On the blog you’ll find faith, hope, encouragement and teachings with a mix of Christian lifestyle posts and book reviews. I hope you are encouraged and blessed when you visit.
Love this! My name is Tim Tracy, and I write a blog for Christians who still struggle with some “junk in the trunk”. I focus on our identity in Christ, mental and emotional healing, and spiritual growth. I hope you will check out !
Pastors wife and mom of 2 sharing as I go and grow through life in ministry and motherhood. ❤️
Hi, I’ve started blogging this year during lockdown. I’ve just discovered your articles and am finding them very encouraging. I write about the meaning of dreams, from a biblical foundation. My aim is to encourage everyone to have a personal relationship with God. I try and write as the Holy Spirit leads, but I do have planning times ‘with God’. My blog is
Thank you!
Hi my name is Jamila. I always wanted to blog about encouragement and showing people how to spread love through the Word of God. I haven’t launch my blog out yet. I have been want to do this for years and still have the passion to do it. Planning to launch out in the beginning of 2021. coming soon
What a great way to bring about community within the body of Christ!
Marisa Smith here🙋🏾♀️ and my blog aims to encourage young women to embrace their God-given identities! Subscribe & join #TeamIDentity @
My name is April, I started my blog to help others with their journey of faith and inspiration. The funny thing is that I tried to start it over a year ago and gave up. Then the beginning of April I felt a really strong urge to try again so did. That very day I was so excited when I went live! I DID IT! And my fiance told me that very same night that he was going through some stuff and didn’t want to marry me. These last few weeks have been extremely hard but I am thankful for my blog because what started out as me helping others is actually helping me. God’s got me and I could not be more thrilled about that but my blog turned into a place of healing for me. Thank you for sharing and helping to spread the gospel and love of Jesus!!!!
Hi. My name is Debby Osa. You have an amazing site 🙂 I blog on all things related to Christian relationships: friendships, singles, mature singles, and family: is my blog.
Hello, my blog is called A Momma and her Flock and I write to encourage busy Christian moms. Blessings, Margaux
It good to know Christian bloggers are coming together to help share the gospel. My blog is
I luv this idea. I’m literally a new blogger still setting up my blog site. I am definitely subscribing. U r being a blessing & do God’s good work.
My blog will be up soon.
I’m super excited.
Thank u
Hello! My name is Kofi and I am a blogger and YouTuber! I’m really looking forward to connecting with you all. My website is I blog about whatever The Lord places on my heart and seek to inspire others to pursue Christlikeness. Love you all 3,000!
Thanks so much for this blog post and the support. I am always looking for other Christian bloggers to follow and learn from!
My name is Mary. My blog is
Thank you Carmen, I’m Anesi and I blog at I’m always looking to connecting with other Christian bloggers. I blog about Christian lifestyle and this has been ongoing for about 2 years, I started out with another blog before I got my own domain last year December.
Thank you so much, I definitely need this! I just got my blog to the point where I consider it ready for people to see–but I have no idea what to do next! There’s so much to learn about blogging
Hey, I am Carey, my blog is I am new blogger(1.5 months), so there’s a lot of room for improvement. My blog is about proving encouragement and inspiration to others, as well as information to help them grow in their faith. The reason I blog is Jesus, to share His perfect love and words through my imperfect life and stories.
I started a blog, Jewels On Purpose, with 5 of my favorite besties, here in the state of Maine. We love God’s Word and are passionate about encouraging women in God’s Word with a daily devotional as well as encouraging women in specific seasons of life with God’s Word! Some seasons include marriage, fostering/adoption, raising kids to fall hard after Jesus, etc. We love the power of God’s Word and try to live it out in our lives and want to share and encourage women. God bless you all! He has such love for us all!
Hi! I’ve read your blog for a while now, and I’m so happy to comment! A friend and I launched a blog for Christian educators in July 2018 called Classroom Cathedral. Our desire is to encourage and edify Christian teachers in their mission and to make our classrooms and our teaching an act of worship that is “Lifting their Eyes to Jesus Christ!” Our posts are varied and include teaching ideas, personal spiritual growth articles, and glimpses into the lives of those faithful who have served Christ. The website is, and I’d be honored with your visit! I’m praying we can reach those whom God has selected who would be helped by our blog and that eternity will be impacted!
Elizabeth Dalenberg
Hi. My name is Jessica I am a newbie blogger. I suppose I’m going against the grain of what I’ve been reading about having everything all planned out and stuff I only write when I feel led to write. I hope and pray that it will be him seen through every single thing that I write. more of him less of me.
Yes, absolutely! The best thing you can ever do is to do only as He leads you. That is the ultimate responsibility for us as Christ followers and as Christian writers! =)
My name is Dorca I started few years ago but as a hobby, now i’m more serious about it and commited to share the gospel. I blog because I felt the need to share with the world how awesome is my God. He’s been so good to me and my family and I want to share that with others. My Blog is in spanish but there’s a translation buttom for non spanish speakers.
Thank you for sharing your blog here Dorca!!
My name is Erica Wilder. I created because God put on my heart about a year ago to start writing. After a year of praying for guidance and direction I created my website and the words just started pouring out of me. My hope with this blog is to witness and to help encourage others through their walks of life.
Hey! I love this idea to share Christian blogs! Excited to look into ones in the comments. I am a new blogger at I blog about faith, family, and foster care as we are beginning the journey of serving through foster care. We look at it as a calling to family ministry & would not be doing it had we not felt so called by God… we have 2 toddlers of our own and our lives are already crazy as a family of 4! Pray for us lol. But we trust that what God brings us TO, He will bring us THROUGH. And that He does not call the qualified, but instead qualifies the called.
I’m Lacey, I”ve been married to my husband for 4 years, together for 5 years. We have 3 kids .. Dominic who is 4 this month, Delaney who is 2.5 and Lola who is 2 months. I blog because I was prophesied over in November 2017 and He said he sees me having an Etsy shop and God is gonna give me creativity in this season .. I prayed about it and I felt like God would have me do this Etsy shop not just for the shop but for a blog and who knows after that. So I felt lead to start a blog ! I prayed about it for months and here I am. I blog about Motherhood, Faith, Womanhood and Health. I’m still publishing my blog … my website is in t he meantime you can follow me on instagram or facebook at Raising Misfits 🙂 thank you
Wow Lacey! What a story?! I love that you were prophesied over to start your creativity. I have a similar story expect that I would never have thought it was going to be blogging. But about a year into my blogging, the Lord brought to my memory the prophesy that was given to me four years prior and I knew it was all God and finally realized what He meant by that prophesy.
Hello! My name is Jennifer Love and my husband and I co-write at
This is a new venture for us this year since we were talking and sharing so much about our family traditions, ideas and Bible-centered ornaments that we wanted to meet the demands of friends by making it more available to read annually and hopefully become a trusted resource. We love creativity and are Religion professors (does that often go together?!) and love the topics of practical family Bible teaching, family discipleship, and how to establish rhythms and traditions that build the family for God’s kingdom and are worth passing on. We lead a college prayer ministry and are passionate about these topics because of the hurt we see in these students and how God can redeem their childhood for a better future! I’d love to connect with any new friends! ~Jen
Hi! I’m Kayla Alonso, and I just recently started blogging. My website is and It’s basically what it sounds like: devotions for babies and toddlers. This year I had set a goal of having some intentional play time with my toddler to introduce her to the Bible. To hold myself accountable, I started posting our devotions on Facebook. Several friends saw what we’ve been doing and encouraged me to start blogging. So after a lot of thought and prayer, I finally decided to give it a go. I figured if what we’re doing in our home could help inspire some other mamas, then why not. I’m really excited to start this journey and have fun across this page to build some connections.
Hi, my name is Stephanie Matlock. I illustrate scripture verses through different forms of media; mostly short videos. I love the put Bible verses in beautiful formats and publish them. You never know who needed that verse at that moment.
This is awesome!
I am a Nigerian teenager and I blog anonymously on WordPress as Naijachristianteen.
I started my blog last year because I saw the need to share the gospel from a teenager’s perspective. It’s not been a smooth journey though, but it’s getting better. The amazing part is I get encouraged when I read my blog posts. It’s really nice. I also receive entries from other teenagers.
Thank you for this opportunity. God bless!
That is amazing! Praise God for your boldness. Even if you have to write anonymously where you live, the Lord sees and can be glorified by what you’re doing! 🙂
Thank you so much Jennifer for your kind words and encouragement!
Hi Carmen,
I’ve recently started a blog (I’m from the UK) for young people growing up as the millennial generation in a very much changed world and the issues that come with that. Also as a young Christian growing up in the UK in a location where sense of young adult community is low. Please do check if out if you can!
Many thanks
Hi all,
What a great place to discover, I’m a youth pastor in Australia, who has started blogging to share my thoughts on leadership, personal growth, and faith. I’d love to connect with others of you, and would also love to be pointed to other blogs about Christian Leadership.
My page is here
I would love for you to check it out, but would also love to look at some of yours as well.
All the best.
It is so wonderful to read everyone’s testimonies. God really is using all of us in beautiful ways. My blog is finally coming into being after about a year of trials and setbacks. I write about building, deepening and learning from a personal relationship with God at Thank you so much for the opportunity to link up. looking forward to getting to know all of you on the blogosphere!
Hi everyone! My name is Hannah and I just launched my Website, Curvy Christianity today! I started blogging simply because I felt the Lord urging me to do so. It is a bit unnerving, sharing content so personal and vulnerable, but I know that the Lord has a plan, even if I reach just one woman! I am blogging about finding a Godly body-positive attitude. I love the body-positive movement, but found that there was not a Christian voice in the mix. I am passionate about finding ways to love myself the way that I am, while also honoring God with my health, and I hope that it can be an inspiration for others as well!
Hello, and thanks for creating a space for bloggers to connect! My name is Emily, and I started my blog, To Unearth, back in April. I quit my full-time job to pursue freelance writing and editing along with my blog, and God has been so faithful even in the midst of the times when I feel discouraged about a slow start. I love to write because I love putting words to the lessons God teaches us. I love sharing people’s stories and giving a voice to those who don’t think they have one. I am humbled that God has given me the gift and passion for writing, and I can’t imagine doing anything else right now with my career.
I created To Unearth to encourage people to know that God uses our ordinary. I love this quote by Oswald Chambers: “It is inbred in us that we have to do exceptional things for God: but we have not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things, to be holy in mean streets, among mean people, and this is not learned in five minutes.”
Basically, To Unearth exists to bring to light the lessons God teaches us in our ordinary. All our articles point back to scripture, and my goal is to create a community where people feel encouraged and spurred on in their faith. Blogging is a tough industry to break into with how many people are doing it these days, but I remind myself that if I encourage at least one person, I’m accomplishing God’s purpose for me that day.
Thanks again for this and for the opportunity to share!
My name is Susannah and I’ve been blogging for a couple months now! The goal of my blog is to share what God is doing in my heart and in my life, with the hope of insipiring others that God is always good, even when our circumstances feel uncomfortable. I started writing in my journal years ago and have led a few bible studies, so I felt like God was calling me to take my gift of writing and teaching even further by starting a blog! I’m still struggling a little with getting my blog out there in the open but am so encouraged by all of these like-minded Christians! 🙂
Hi, my name is Bailey Cornell. I blog at I’ve been blogging for probably seven years now, and I desire to write about things the Lord is teaching me in hopes that it may be an encouragement to others. I feel that C.S. Lewis explains my purpose in writing really well, “I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind. If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it. We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.”
Wow, love that quote. I need to write that down and post it in my office. Thank you for commenting and leaving me some wisdom!! =)
Yes!!!!!! I’m going to put that above my desk!
I love that quote! I relate %100 to the concept of writing in order to understand!
Hey! Thank you for this. It is inspiring that their is an avenue for aspiring Christian bloggers to share. I started writing in my journals of prayers and reflections. I never thought about sharing it until I read Max Lucado’s book cure for the common cold. It inspired me to share my god given gift. I read so many books and regardless if its no christian i always write reflections and tie it back to bible verses and stories. From there i started writing and sharing my reflections of songs and books I have read. God has been very faithful in my life, I have been through very challenging chapters and he never failed me. In the process I learned more about Gods desire to mold us to be the person he created ua to be rather than change our circumstances. I wanted to share that to everyone. We all have a past we are trying to forget and run away from but we only need to remember who we need to run to. Only he can cover us from our sins and renew us and make us whole. That has always been my inspiration in writing. Thank you again for this opportunity. May God continue to bless the works of your hand, multiply your abundance.Thanks!
Wow, Love your testimony of how you started blogging. God is so creative when He orchestrates us to do our calling! I think one of the greatest things we can do for others is share our testimonies. It brings hope and faith. Thank you for sharing your experience and love for Christ here today!! Praying your words will flourish and bring many hope! =)
My name is Chloe and I blog with my best friend Amy. Our blog name is Adventures of Amy and Chloe; finding hope in the waiting at
We blog about faith, singleness, friendships, hope in waiting, and more!
We started our blog because we heard God say to; we have a heart for writing, advising young women in their walks with the Lord, and letting our stories speak through us!
Hi! My name is Maria. I blog about glorifying God with the talents and gifts that He has given us. I love to share with the creative community that God, The Creator, is the one who empowers us to create. I look forward to connecting with you and others who I am sure to meet along this journey and cheering you on to God-glorifying success.
I am looking to start a blog. I want to focus on inspiring others in their walk and bringing people to Christ. I’m a little nervous to start. Part of my idea for my blog is to have people submit their video testimonies about how they came to Christ, things that Christ has helped them overcome, or any uplifting and inspiring messages. The problem is I not sure where to go to ask for things like this. Of course people would have to be comfortable with their video being shared I want this to be a big part of my blog. Prayers and advice please.
I think that is a beautiful vision!! I love testimonies. I truly believe by me hearing what God did in others peoples lives is what lead me to the Lord. Hearing testimonies brings hope and faith in what God can do for us. I am definitely praying and what I would recommend is joining Facebook groups that are Christian based to begin networking and building relationships with other bloggers. This will give you the opportunity to find ones that you trust and know is also doing the will of God for their blogs. It will give you opportunities to reach out and ask ones that you would like to feature if they would consider doing a video. Some groups even allow you to post to the entirety of the group to ask if anyone is interested in giving a testimony video to you. I do have a private Facebook group for Christian women bloggers and I do allow the women to reach out to the group for upcoming projects for their blogs but to join there is a requirement to have a active blog with a minimum of 2 blog posts. I do this so we can confirm each member is a active Christian Blogger. One other way I would recommend to ask others to send in a video is setting up a professional email with a professional template that you can send to others bloggers in your niche asking if they would be interested. I have received emails for collaborations before and have said yes. I am now great friends with each of them!! =) Hope this has helped!
Shelley York
I started writing years ago as personal therapy. I blog to encourage others through Jesus with words He gives me and I blog to encourage others who live with depression & anxiety.
I felt the call to spread His Word and Love through blogging about a month ago. During this past month of fighting with God over if I could really do it, I stumbled across your blog on Pinterest! Thank you for your encouragement. I read several of your post and prayed a lot! You’re words have really encouraged me to give it a go! Prayers appreciated as I start this journey with God!
Felisha, I am so blessed and excited that you started this journey. Thank you so much for your kind words. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime if you have any questions. I will do my best to help out if I can and if I cant, I can definitely help find the answer! =)
Hi! I’m Angela and I have a faith and wellness blog at I’ve been blogging for a few months now and have absolutely fell in love with writing all over again!
I’ve recently started a blog after leading Bible study for a few years. It was just something I felt God speaking into my heart to do. I have a passion for mentoring and teaching the Word. Also, in a couple months, my husband and I are making drastic changes in our lives as you follow God to begin Bible school. At our age, it seems crazy, but we are excited about His plans for our lives! God bless you all!!
Wow, what a blessing that you’ve brought all of this together, Carmen! I’m going to need a weekend (or 2) to really get into some of the blogs here 🙂
My name is Gene, my wife and I serve in full time ministry, and we’re preparing for a move to Northern Europe. My passion is to help people embrace Christ, become more like Him, and to apply Scripture to daily life in practical ways. I call this Simple Theology for a Messy Life and that is what I blog about at
I’ve been blogging since January 2015 and I’m looking for people in our niche to call friends, to journey with in this and to collaborate with from time to time. Thank you for providing this space to connect with fellow bloggers and to share my work!
I’ve combined my travel blog and Christian blog together, being that my fave place to be is In Spirit. I figured that’s a place so I added a page on my blog.
Teaching the Word and Preaching Jesus. I blog twice a week with words of encouragement and challenge.
It’s amazing to come across this post! I’m planning on starting my Christian blog in less than one month! When I found out I was expecting my 3rd child I knew my life was going to be vastly different very soon. After countless hours researching online jobs I came across the idea of blogging, but what would I write about? Fast forward two months and countless prayers and conversations the blog is less about income and now so much more about reaching out and inspiring people. By the age of 25 I had endured sexual abuse, addiction, low self esteem, domestic abuse, and found myself pregnant and without anyone but GOD and my parents. I was raised in church and I knew where to turn. Today, against all odds I am happily married to a man that GOD choose for me and my son, we have a daughter together, and will welcome our son in September. I hope through my journey I can be as inspiration to someone as you all have been to me!
Wow, Kendra, you have a mighty testimony to share!! There is so many areas you can minister to many young ladies. I truly pray the Lord gives you direction as you begin to blog. Count blogging as a ministry and watch God do wondrous things in your life! Congrats son your new baby. I am also due in September with my baby.
I’m the owner of You Make Beautiful Things, inspired from Audrey Assad’s song. I wanted to quit blogging, dumped my other two, then God gave it back, let me continue. I was numb, and didn’t care, but I do like to write. Its who I am. Please visit and thank you!!
Hi there! I’m Zoë from … I blog about what God is doing in my life and the lessons He’s teaching me. I started blogging as a hobby and it became about sharing God with others. I now blog because I love to hear people’s stories and share what God is doing in my life. I blog so that anyone going through the same things I am will know that they are not alone.
I want to be a Christian based blogger. I’m just not really sure how to move into that niche completely!
I’m also really interested in finding a good name for my blog… right now it’s “A Life She Loved” but I’m just not 100% hip on it!
The best advice I can give you and to anyone else that would like to become a Christian based blogger is: Follow the Lords leading. Pursue Him and He will direct you.
Hi there! I’m Katherine from My blog is called Homemaking By Design. I write about being a Godly Mom in today’s world. I also cover topics like recipes, diy, home decor and Marriage. I started writing because I wanted to share ideas and kid activities. However after soul searching I realized I wanted to talk about my faith and share the good news of Jesus with others. I love to post scriptures on my instagram and really encourage my readers there. I am so amazed at how many other Christian bloggers there are! Thanks for this post. It’s a pleasure to come across your blog
Hi! I’m Jenna from I started blogging to share what God has been teaching me during our time together. I want everyone to experience the vastness of his goodness to the extent that I have, so I mainly post scripture and teachings on Jesus. My aim is to spread God’s word and encourage spirits. I hope you come check it out!
Hi there!! 🙂 My name is Dana and I run a site called …. I’m a country + Christian singer/songwriter, blogger, and speaker. My passion is for helping young women in their late teens and early 20’s to understand that their true identity is in Christ alone. If I had known this when I was their age, I would’ve avoided a lot of pain. I speak openly about my struggle after being raped at 17. I openly discuss how I’ve dealt with depression, suicide, body image, and major health issues. Against all odds, I wake up with joy + confidence because I know that my past does not define me, my identity as a daughter of God does! This is the ultimate freedom and source of joy. So happy to connect with other women with hearts after the Lord. Thank you for the opportunity to share and I’m so grateful to have found you, too! 🙂
Hello there! My name is Sarah Garrett and I run the site It is a site for Christian teenage girls. I blog because I became so tired of teenagers making the same mistakes in their dating relationships and staying stagnant in their walk with God. I figured the world obviously wasn’t going to give them sound advice, so I wanted to reach them with God’s word in a easy to digest fashion of topics relevant to their lives.
My twin sister and I blog about many topics important to teens. The bulk of our posts deal with relationships, whether that be romantic, friend, or parental. The rest are post about growing in their walk with God. We also have a free resource library full of quizzes, questionnaires, and checklists that we’ve made to accompany the posts. I would love for any of you to check it out!
Thank you for this post and the opportunity to share about my blog!
I’m Patty and I blog at I love to write about matters of faith in the lives and homes of women. I want women to know the Gospel, but also to live out the fullness that God has for them wherever they are in life!
God bless,
Glad to have found you! I’m Sarah, a Christian Author/Speaker/Ameteur Apologetic Enthusiast. I began blogging to help parents on their spiritual and parenting journey. Its grown in the last year but my heart is to equip, encourage and inspire parents in their spiritual charge to their family.
Hi, I’m Keely and I’ve been blogging for about 9 months. I started my weekly devotional blog to serve as an encouragement to others and to challenge myself to grow in my own faith. So far, God has moved remarkably in my life and transformed my heart, tuning it to Him, teaching me to seek Him. I am currently in the process of moving over to my own domain, but it will be a few months before I do that! Until then, please check me out on my blog, Facebook, and Instagram to stay posted!
Hello Keely, Thank you for sharing and leaving a comment. I love reading about how God moved us to blog and how He continues to move us to greater things. Congratualations for your soon to be your own domain. That is always an exciting time. Many blessings to you and your blog.
I’ve so enjoyed reading all of these & checking y’alls blogs out! My name is Jordan, and I’m very new to the world of blogging. I’ve always loved writing, so I started my blog as a way to share my heart + thought. I’m a new wife; I got married last year (2016) at the age of 18. I couldn’t find any young Christian wife blogs, so I figured I’d start my own. 🙂 Cheering you all on!
Hi Loves! My name is Shawna I just starting blogging about 3 months ago on my website is On this site I write whatever streams through my heart, Im 30 years old and I have been battling Rheumatoid Arthritis since 14 years old. Ive always been shy but always knew God had a calling on my life. I want to encourage people with chronic illnesses give them hope. My plans are to eventually become a personal trainer and health coach to those with musculoskeletal diseases but only for Gods Glory. Im am also working on a new site. my focus is inspirationals, devotionals, and God centered fitness. I ran away for so long because of fear, but God is so good.
Hello! I’m Brittany. I am new to the group, but not new to blogging. A few years ago, I began blogging after fighting a deadly disease called Lemeirre’s Syndrome. Sharing my life with others became my inspiration. Currently, I’m a faith-based lifestyle blogger over at, based in Chicago. I tend to lean towards inspirational posts, mentoring, and missionary posts.
Hello! My name is Karson and I blog to empower Christian women! I just got started this month and am so incredibly excited about it! I truly wanted to start Wildflower to facilitate a place for healing, encouragement, and sisterhood!
I’m Lucy from Satisfied by Grace ( and I post weekly devotionals focused on grace, the gospel and the character of God.
I AM A CHRISTIAN YOUTUBER!!! I LOVE creating videos and want to spread encouragement, love, and the gospel on youtube and through videos!! I also have a blog:) YOUTUBE: COFFEE AND BIBLE TIME
I just started my blog, not too long ago. I am definitely a beginner at blogging. I blog about anything to with the Christian life of a woman. I started this blog and a Facegroup group SoulSisters to encourage women in their Christian walk. I want women to learn to encourage one another and accept themselves as God created them to be. All of this goes along with me learning at the same time. I call it perfectly imperfect!
Hello! My name is Sarah and I just started I am writing about theology, motherhood, breastfeeding, and being a pastor’s wife!
Thank you for visiting Sarah! Your site is beautiful with great topics. Many blessings to you and your blog!
Thanks! I love being a part of your group! 🙂 and love reading your articles. ❤
My name is Jasmine and I have a Christian lifestyle blog for women called ‘The Rubies Reader’ ( I blog because, after I questioned my relationship with God after wanting to take my own life, I vowed to help other women of faith overcome what I have – blogging is the best way I know how! I hope to encourage all ages of women who are figuring out thier walks with the Lord and to save souls!
Jasmine, that is so awesome you want to use your testimony to help others. I love that! Many blessings to you and your blog. Many it touch many lives!
My blog, is currently all over… from food , hiking and youth ministy.I would really love to start being fully committed to my spiritual/devotional blogging as I feel there are so many young people , that need encourage through the word . Please follow my blog at , also please share some tips on how to improve etc.
My blog, is a Christian lifestyle blog about my journey to finding Gods unconditional love. This blog is geared towards women, although men aren’t excluded, to encourage through my testimony what a fruitful life with God looks like. I started the blog out of obedience. I want to be able to help others avoid mistakes that I made and see how faith had increased in a quick amount of time in my life.
I have a blog geared for girls 13-24(ish) that talks about all the struggles that girls go through during those times. I get personal and talk about my experiences and what God lead me to learn from all of it. I also tie everything in with Bible verses and what God has done for me during those times and afterwards. I’m hoping this blog helps all girls join together instead of feel the need to compete all the time. is my website!
My husband and I blog at We’ve had it up and running for a few weeks now, and it has been encouraging to us to finally get started. You can read our full story on our first blog post: We’ll be sharing what is on our hearts as we journey with Christ, and we also will be putting up a Scripture memory verse song each week so we can learn Scripture together!
Your site is awesome! Love your about me page and all your fruit names! So cute and sweet! Fruits of the Spirit! Blessings to you both in blogging! Such a blessing to meet a married couple spreading the gospel together.
My name is Terryn and my blog is:
I have been Christian blogging for a little over a year. I began blogging because I had two personal passions; Christ and Writing. I got the courage to write because God continued to prompt me to do it. I am a stay at home mom and after having three boys I had hit a very low point in my self esteem and my purpose. The blog provided the outlet for my frustration but also provided a healing balm to my broken spirit. Now I love to inspire my friends and family through my personal experiences with God being the center of my life. I am a millenial, so I mostly target my fellow 30 somethings and 20 somethings, but my blog is to help everyone see His way and not the way of the world. Thank you for this idea. May God bless you and your family.
Terryn, Thank you for commenting! So happy you stopped by and left your blog information. Its is so awesome you have a heart for your (our) generation! Discipleship is in the Word of God and is well needed today, yesterday, and forevermore. As Christians spreading His word through blogging, it so important to have the heart that you have to reach people with His word and truth! Blessings to you!
Hi Carmen! This is a great blog! I write about body image and comparison issues for Christian women. My heart is that women would know freedom from these issues through the Gospel — not through self-help, me-ism’s — but through truly coming to a new place of knowing God’s love and purpose for their lives. My blog is Compared to Who? ( Thanks for brining everyone together like this.
Hi Heather, Thank you for stopping by and commenting! Love your blog. Has so many awesome topics that any woman out there can relate to and you always show how God is in it. Love how transparent and real you are. You blog reminds me of a magazine with lots of fun articles and quizzes. Its trendy and exciting. Once again, thank you for stopping by and blessings to and your blog!
I’m DebbieLynne, and my blog, The Outspoken TULIP , can be found at I blog for women only, focusing on the importance of discernment and sound doctrine as we enter a time of persecution.
Thank you for your comment Debbie Lynne. You have so much passion and an amazing testimony. When I read your words, I feel like I can feel your personal relationship with Him, our Lord. Many Blessings to you and your blog!
Great idea! I’m @ My prayer is to help people navigate the intersection of faith and life. His grace is all-sufficient! Always! Thanks again for this! Blessings to you! I also run a Friday Blog Hop called Faith ‘n Friends.
I don’t know how I missed that I’d left a comment earlier! I guess I really love this idea! 🙂 Blessings and hugs to you!!!!
Deb, I am so blessed by you commenting. I follow you in all social medias and blog. I appreciate your teachings, insights, and passion for God. You truly encourage many bloggers to do their calling. Many Blessings to you!!! = )
Thank you Carmen, for your writing + passion! We have been through just about everyone’s website mentioned.
Woman With Christ helps Christian woman lay down their filth at the feet of Jesus. You can find us on Instagram, or over on
We currently have a free 7 day devotional focused on obedience in different life areas.
We would love to connect with different bloggers nationwide! We love the community support that it offers. If 85% of blogs fail, and our message is the gospel message, we know we are under attack more than 85% of the time. We love seeing unity in the Body of Christ. Can’t wait to connect more in the future!
Taylor, Woman With Christ
Taylor, Thank you for your comment. Your site is awesome. I really loved your post “3 Reasons why Christian Bloggers need to pray for others” You put some amazing points! Thank you for visiting other sites that were mentioned here! Many blessings to you and your blog!
I love this! Tonight over a cup of tea I am going to check out all of these wonderful blogs! This is such a beautiful idea! I am a new, new, newbie! My blog has been up for a little over two weeks but I’ve been looking to connect with likeminded writers! My site is! Many blessings. This is awesome!!! ???
Thank you for commenting Erika. Your sight looks beautiful! I thought you been doing it for awhile. = ) Blessings to you and this journey! you will be so blessed by the amazing anointed people you will meet blogging. Keep staying connected. There are great people out there ready to encourage you. Blogging is a community! It’s a blessing!
I’m Rebekah, I blog about surviving in a struggling marriage – you know, that kind when the world says, “Feel free to walk away!” But God has asked me to stay. And so now I’m “encouraging wives who pray for redemption in their marriage”. You can find me at – Sharing Redemption’s Stories.
Rebekah, I love the purpose of your blog. It personally speaks to me because my first marriage ended in divorce. I have learned so much about God healing me, restoring me, and leading me into a godly marriage which I have now. I can not imagine it any other way. But it took women of God like you to encourage me, praying for me, and expressing to me the importance of it! This is a blessed ministry.
LOVE THIS!! just seeing it, but noticed it posted on my birthday! 🙂
I blog, but rarely these days between working full time and other in person ministries He has me leading at this time.
Pray that I will follow HIS leading in the plan he has for the blog HE HAD ME START!! it was one of those crazy God things!! I know HE wanted this blog and I just want to glorify Him thru it. Cant wait to read some of your sites!
Sheila, so excited you are excited to read other sites. There’s so much encouragement out there and other Christian bloggers out there with great callings on their lives that they get to minister through their blog. You write with such encouragement. And you have a great knack for finances! Many blessings to you and your blog! Thank you for commenting.
What a beautiful way to connect with fellow Christians and Bloggers. I have been blogging at for a little over a year. My hope is to reach people who need stories of Jesus working in our everyday simple lives; people who are tired of “church” faith and need “relationship” faith. I seek God before each post and wait for Him to reveal the message. I found your blog through Pinterest?. Thank you and God Bless you and your readers!
Kari, I like how you completely write your heart out! I can feel you wanting to reach people with stories about Jesus from a simple life. Blessings to you and your blog. I pray you continue to write where the Lord leads you and uses you mightily!
Great Idea I think it’s awesome for Christian bloggers to connect. My name is Ikeashia I blog at I discuss topics like Christian living, Christian Blogging Tips, Christian Business Tips ext.
Ikeashia, you have great content to offer to Christian bloggers! You offering tips for Instagram and Christian Blog content is awesome of you. It is helping us Christian bloggers to expand. Thank you for commenting!
What a great idea! I blog at I write about keeping family strong by having a close relationship with Jesus. I’ve been married for 20 years and I have four kids (13 and under). The closer we become in our relationship with the Lord, the stronger our family can be. Glad to meet you and discover some new blogs!
Valerie, Thank you! I also have 4 kids 13 and under! It’s quite the adventure! But an amazing one! I love everything you have to offer on Cord of 6. A link party for Thursdays, a list of other link up parties, poems, prayers, and much more. This is definitely a site for families and it’s awesome!
I blog at! A place to encourage parents to be intentional in their parenting and how to raise up children who love the Lord! I also write on marriage, been married 22 yrs now and I hope to encourage couples to stay the course!
Angela, I enjoy reading your posts because I can sincerely feel your heart in the writing. When reading your post of 20 words for my daughter, I felt like you truly think about these things for your daughter and your 5 tips of how to keep your family safe this summer was sincere tips that I felt like you truly wanted people to know. It’s awesome! God is good!
Hi there!
I am just a babe in the Christian blogging world. I began, literally two or three weeks ago, if that. I was actually inspired by your beginning blog posts, Carmen, as well as a few other women.
I only write when I feel the Lord speaking to me. I do not just sit there and think “what should I write about?” I am telling you the Lord hits me like a pound of bricks! I have to pull my phone out and write it all down in my notes before I miss something. Then I put it all together and post it to my blog. I am really just writing to encourage myself and keep myself accountable.
I am actually also about to begin collaborating with the Seasoned With Salt blog. I am very excited for this journey! God is so good.
I am so thrilled to get connect with you all!
Seeking Him,
My link is
Kalie, your writings are so inspiring! You sharing your most intimate moments you have with the Lord is inspiring and encouraging. You beautifully write what the Lord gives you. Your about me page is awesome! Blessings to you and your blog! Excited to see more form you!
Hi there!
I am just a babe in the Christian blogging world. I began, literally two or three weeks ago, if that. I was actually inspired by your beginning blog posts, Carmen, as well as a few other women.
I only write when I feel the Lord speaking to me. I do not just sit there and think “what should I write about?” I am telling you the Lord hits me like a pound of bricks! I have to pull my phone out and write it all down in my notes before I miss something. Then I put it all together and post it to my blog. I am really just writing to encourage myself and keep myself accountable.
I am actually also about to begin collaborating with the Seasoned With Salt blog. I am very excited for this journey! God is so good.
I am so thrilled to get connect with you all!
Thank you, Carmen! What a great idea. I love connecting with others. I blog at
This year I’m working on The Faith Project . . . focusing each month on specific parts of faith. It has been both challenging and a huge blessing. Thanks again! God’s richest blessings!
Deb and to all readers, a few words I can use to describe Counting My Blessing site is: Grace, Freedom, Truth, Unity, and His Word! I can feel peace and growth in your words as I read them. Thank you for your encouragements Deb! I am a consistent follower of yours on your site and Twitter @BlessingCounter and I am always blessed with what your share!
Hi Carmen! I also have four children, but we’ve been empty nesters for a couple of years now. Found you on Pinterest with the pin for this post! I blog about the renewing of the mind – being transformed in the areas of our habits, goals, emotions, and weight loss at Nice to meet you!
Barb, your site is so encouraging! Your post about what you learned about blogging was inspirational and full of honesty! I love that your topics are about breaking habit, weight lost, and creating new habits and how to use the Word of God and go to the Lord with it all. I think sometimes we can forget to take those issues to God when we are wanting to be more healthy. It’s an eye opener! Blessings to you and your site!
My name is Mavis,I just started blogging this year April.My blog is blog to encourage women to live the life they were mearnt to live by God. I love to share the worc
Mavis, your poems are awesome! I found quite a few that I really liked and now cant chose a favorite. Your anniversary one about your marriage was pretty cool though! ; ) It is so awesome that you write poetry about the Lord. When I was young I loved poetry and wrote it so much. Your site just brought back some good memories! I highly encourage anyone that reads this to check it out!
Hi Carmen,when you visited my blog, I replied but wasn’t too sure if you saw my reply.So I decided to stop by.Thank you so much for stopping by. Was very encouraged by your words.
You are touching many lives by your work.May the good Lord continue to increase your territory!
Thank you Mavis for the Kind words. You coming back to comment has truly encouraged me today!
Decided to stop by again today.Just reading through your posts.You qre an inspiration.
You are so sweet and kind! Thank you! Blessings to you my sister!
Hey there Carmen! I’m so glad you posted this because I believe it was heaven sent! I myself am a new blogger. Milk & Honey Faith is about my life, testimony, and about the things I am learning along the way. Your blog is amazing and I see you have a definite gift for writing. I’m so happy to meet you sister-in-Christ! I’ll definitely be staying tuned 🙂
I am so blessed and humbled that you are here and commented! God is good! Your site is refreshing, simple but elegant. I truly like your style. You writing makes me want to drink some coffee with you and just talk about Jesus all day! : ) Your post on ‘keep calm and carry on’ is full of truth and the word of God. I liked it a lot!
Great post, Carmen. Yes, I blog, though I’ve been on a hiatus for six months getting the Alternative Church up and running on Google+ and developing a resource I call Spiritual Self Defense. I occasionally post at the Alternative Church ( and should probably copy some of those posts to my other blog. Anyway, appreciate you and all these other great Christian bloggers here. May God grant you much success!
Thank you Dwight for commenting! I can see you have quite a community on Google+, that is awesome! Your blog shows you have a lot of knowledge and experience with historic Christianity. You definitely have a teaching style. = )
Hello there. I’ve been blogging for over 2 years now and love pointing others to Christ. Whether it’s discussing parenthood or Bible study, my goal is to minister and show the love of God, in a real way.
Thanks so much for linking everyone together!
Nichole, Thank you for your comment! ‘It is well with my Soul’ and ‘Worship in the Waiting Room’ was very inspirational to me. Medically our son had dealt with a lot his first 6 months. We are on the road to full recovery but after four major surgeries and many, many, nights in the children’s hospital, there was a lot God was teaching and leading my husband and I to. So your posts personally spoke to me. Your transparency was inspiring.
Thanks for reading! I truly believe that in the “hard” seasons of life, our roots go deeper and our trust grows stronger. It’s then that we are forced to fully surrender and rely on God. I’m glad to hear that your son is recovering well and we’ll pray for continued restoration!
Yes! I’m a Christian Blogger. I launched my blog 6/1/16 to inspire and encourage women to live life VICTORIOUSLY! I’m planning to include not only blog posts, but bible studies, inspirational nuggets, and much much more.
Thank you for commenting Aretha! I truly enjoyed your post on seeking God! it was very encouraging and refreshing. I also like how you do bible studies! Good to know about all the Freelancing services you offer! = )
Hello, my name is Sarah. I’ve been blogging for two years. My hope in blogging is to encourage women in Christ by revealing my messy life and His grace and truth. I blog at Thank you for hosting this. I’m so excited to meet and get to know other Christina bloggers.
Sarah, so blessed you stopped by and left a comment. I truly enjoy your writing. Its poetic and graceful! One of your most encouraging posts I have turned back to on several occasions for my self is “The truth every Christian Blogger should remember.” It has been very inspirational to me! : )
I love blogging on faith and family! Mainly, I just love sharing my heart. My blog is Beauty in the Storm at
Dionna, First of all, I love the “100 Family Movies” list you have. We try to have family night twice a month with a at home movie and this is a great list to reference to. Secondly, I really liked your ‘she loved well’ post. I believe so many of us women have felt that way sometime or another before. Many Blessings to you and your blog!
Hi! I’m Faith, and I blog at My mission since I started writing in high school has been to point other women to Christ, the One who takes away our shame and makes us radiant. My life verse is Psalm 24:5.
Faith, your post on Sex Trafficking was good! I can tell you definitely have a lot of passion for the ones that burden from it. I truly hope you continue to use that passion and do God’s Will. My brother also has that passion and as he slowly finishes his law degree he is a police officer. He is also a youth pastor, so it’s amazing to me how God starts planting things within us now that we will need for the future to accomplish great things! God is using you now for great things!
My name is Kimberly. My blog is I blog to inspire and encourage others with their walk with Jesus. My blog is faith based.
Thank you for your comment Kimberly! Your post on Paul and evangelism was great. I really like how you had posts about blogging through the bible. That is a great idea! And I liked the way you study!
Hi! Thank you so much for posting this – I saw your pic on Instagram and came over to check it out. My name is Becky and I just launched my blog a couple of weeks ago over at I am fired up to encourage other weary travelers in this journey of life. Having been in ministry for the last 20 years I have experienced moments of great joy and great sorrow, and in order to find the strength to keep going I need encouragement in the every day. I figure, surely I am not alone. I look forward to checking out these other blogs as well! Thanks again! ~Becky
Becky, you are a great teacher! It was so cool see how you break down the scriptures you use each post! And for being a new blogger you have a good amount of content. It’s awesome!
That’s a sweet idea, to allow us to share our new blogs on here. First of all all the other blogs I just opened looked GREAT. I hope mine will get there one day! My name is Susan, and I’ a mom of three boys under 5 years old. I am writing abut my life stories, and sharing the gospel along with it. Many of my family members are not believers, and many have already commented that my writings have been an encouragement to them. Praise God! Please visit:
Susan, you write so well, I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for what was next that I was going to read. You are blessed woman with those handsome boys! I look forward to seeing more! Especially of hearing how much of a testimony you will have soon with your family!
Thanks Carmen!
Blessings will follow 🙂
Hello, my name is Megan and my blog is – My Faith Tree I love blogging about how to live life faithfully following Jesus. It is my heart’s desire to leave a legacy of faith for this generation and the ones to follow.
Megan, I really like how you keep your purpose the same on every single tab I opened up. You are very consistent to it being the same meaning. Your About Me page was a great place to start because it showed me why you chose your name. It is awesome you have ‘Out on the Branch’ to give other bloggers opportunities to introduce themselves and write. Many Blessings!
Great idea !:)
My Name is Morena and i’m a 17 years old Student from Germany
my blog :
After i truly found my way in Jesus Christ i wanted to start a blog about my life as a teenage christian. There aren’t a lot of young christian blogger in Germany. I write to help young girls to find the right way. That they find true love in Christ.
If you visit my blog : it’s writting in german but in the Sidebar you can klick on the translate Button ! :))
God bless uu!
– Morena
Morena, I am so blessed you stopped by and left a comment. You have so much passion in writing for Christ! I pray the Lord continues to use you to minister to teens and young adults! Blessings!
This is such a great idea, Carmen. My blog is fairly new and I’m actually about to celebrate my first anniversary of blogging next week. Woohoo!!! I remember those early days and I’m so grateful for what I’ve learned from other Christian bloggers along the way. I write to encourage women to find their sparkle and shine God’s light so that others may find Him.
Thanks for hosting us in this fun way.
By the way, I followed you here from the ad in Tayrina’s sidebar at 🙂
Marva, you are actually one I would look at often when I first started, so I’m honored you are here! I’m blessed you found me at Tayrina’s site. She and her site is a blessing! Your site is so fun and girly! I read your sisters guest post and it was great! I love how much you truly encourage women on your site and all the ministry work you do is awesome!
I found your article today and very much appreciate the opportunity to network with other Christian women bloggers. I am about six months into blog-land and I have thoroughly enjoyed the connections I have made this far. My site is and I write to encourage Christians to simply take time each day to BE loved. If you visit my site, check out “What it means to BeLoved Completely.” Thanks for providing a place to read and be inspired in addition to providing a place to share our hearts.
Have a lovely day!
Kim, Your website is beautiful. It reminds me of Grace! Your post “Grace that’s Amazing” was so uplifting. My favorite part of how you explained grace was the ‘practical example’, you explained it so well in such a simple form.
I’ve been writing a Christian discipleship blog for 4 years at Through my writing, it’s my desire to help people see their lives in the context of God’s story and to realize that He’s purposefully at work in every circumstance to draw us more deeply into His heart. Please drop by sometime!
Thank you Karen for your comment. I like your format on your site. Clean and refreshing! Your post on the Gospel was awesome! We always need that reminder!
Thank you!! I love being able to network. My heart is to share the love of Jesus in our everyday lives through discipleship, family relationships and ministry and our personal growth.
Thank you Casey for commenting! Your post “Freedom from my chains.” was so vividly written. I literally vision what you wrote.
I’m a fairly new blogger. My heart is to inspire readers to be all God created for them to be. I hope to impart their value as sons or daughters of our Father God.
Thank you Gloria @ for your comment! I love how much you use scripture and how descriptive you write!