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I have developed a passion for Christian Blogging more than I ever imagined I would. It’s something I look forward to each day. To write type down my thoughts and put my heart on paper my laptop to share with others just seem like a genius idea to me. Becoming a Christian Writer was not something I would do but I am so happy I followed the leading!
When I reached my fourth year of being a stay at home mom, I picked up my passion for writing again as an outlet. I felt the Lord was leading me to write. One day I heard His voice specifically tell me, “type”. This was two years prior! Two years I was typing on my husbands old laptop that was barely working without ever posting anything for anyone to see. It became my electronic journal about my love for God, my prayers, testimonies, and revelations.
One day, while on Pinterest I came across a post about starting a blog. The one post then led me to reading twenty five posts in one night about starting a blog. I was hooked to the thought but not yet convinced it was for me. Who would read? How do I get readers? What if somebody didn’t like it? Who am I to write for the public eye? Lastly, what if I started it but didn’t follow through? All these questions and much more.
First things first;
I went back to the question; would I follow through?
Asking myself what I would write about was not an challenge for me. I knew it would be about my faith. All the blogging posts I read made their journeys and experiences look simple but what if it wouldn’t be for me? I didn’t know anything about computers, technology, or social media. I didn’t even have a Facebook account.
Then I read a scary fact from one successful blogger that changed my whole perceptive. She stated that 85% of bloggers fail within their first year.
That is huge! How many of them were faith based? How many truly had the desire to spread the gospel but for what ever reason they stopped? And most importantly, how many of them stopped writing the words God was giving them due to discouragement?
As I searched daily in my niche of blogging. (Faith, Christianity, raising godly children, Christian marriages, and ministry), I saw that there are many upon many amazing bloggers out there using the Word of God to speak to people’s hearts, homes, and spiritual lives.
But personally I still can not stop thinking about the 85% that failed and how many were faith based.
The Word of God is to travel through. We need more bloggers to spread the gospel. I know many of you may think if there are so many faithful bloggers out there already then why and how would I make a difference?
Related Posts about Starting a Christian Blog:
Tools to use to start a Christian Blog
Free “30 Things to do before you start a Blog” List
I asked myself the same thing and here’s what I heard in my spirit.
If the bible is the most read book in history from every country and continent in this world then why would we limit ourselves to stop spreading it? The internet is larger than we can comprehend and as we create blogs posts about His Word, we are spreading the gospel to more places than we can ever imagine.
Our posts can be read in coffee shops, homes, and a persons quiet place more than we have seen or been. As my part of spreading the word through blogging with scripture, I pray that His words from myself and from all the other Christian bloggers reaches out, even if its just to one person. Because that one person will then reach out and touch another one person, and then that person touches another person…..do you see the trend of that multiplication becoming abundant?
It’s discipleship.
Hopefully this post begins to trigger a passion in you and this can be a beginning of something new. I am not saying everyone is a blogger!
The truth is, it is hard work, it needs a lot of attention, consistency, and involves a lot of behind the scenes preparation. By spreading His word, you must know His word and that means daily time with God first. But know this….its rewarding and beneficial to your growth for yourself and with Him, our Father.
How to become a Christian Writer. What you should write about and what to do when you start. #amwriting Share on XWhat to Blog about…
If you do have a desire to starting a blog to spread His Word as we of disciples of Christ should, but do not know what to write about specifically, here are just a few ideas in the Christian niche that can definitely speak to people:
Bible Studies:
If you are someone that is a natural teacher and studies His word consistently, take your readers on a journey through your bible studies.
There are amazing testimonies out there to be told, for the very reason of this; “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimonies. Revelations 12:11″. Telling your testimony brings victories. Out of all the Christian based blogs I have read so far, I can say its rare that I read blogs that tells the in depth part of their testimonies. Its encouraging to the soul.
Write about Christian music that you like and listen to or the importance of worship.
Write about your youth group, young adult group. Offer bible study material, group night activities ideas, or books to use for groups. Its much needed!
Pastoral Ministry:
There has been a recent statistic posted that businesses that have a blog on their website receives 75% more traffic than a website that does not have a blog. If you are a Pastor or minister with a church that provides a website, I highly encourage you to create a tab on your site with a weekly blog about the vision of your church, bible studies, etc.. Recently the church I attend with my family started a blog and as a congregant I am so blessed to see it touching many souls whether the reader attends our church or not.
Christian Mom Blog:
Write about raising your children to serve God. This topic is very much appreciated out there. Moms encouraging others moms to raise their children to pray, serve, and worship is an amazing way to spread the gospel. One thing I recommend is to write about the season and age group you are experiencing right now. If you have toddlers, write content referring to their age. If you have teens or adult children, then try to stick to that age group. I say this, because readers of blogs generally look for writers they can relate to and experience seasons with.
Christian Dating:
Encourage others that are single or learning how to date with Christianity views. So many young adults and even older generations desire to hear they are not alone in this world that does not include God in dating. Remind them that there are people out there with Gods vision for what dating should be.
Ahhh……the beauty of a Christian marriage is always a sweet surprise to come across on the internet. So much area and ground work to cover on this one topic.
Serving the Community:
The bible speaks quite often about serving others. Being humble and a servant is who God desires us to be. There are many of you serving your community, creating missionary work, food box ministries, and so much more. Write about it! Write the importance of serving the community! Express the reward of it all! Be a blessing to the body of Christ by showing the good works of His people.
There are actually a good amount of blogs on this topic out there but one thing I have noticed about homeschooling bloggers is that they have created a strong community. They truly support one another and have created so many groups to do so. There are numerous groups on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook of moms that homeschool their children so they can also include bible teachings into their children’s curriculum. This community encourage more parents to homeschool if they are capable to do so and to share ideas with one another. So do not feel like there are enough bloggers on this topic. There could never be enough moms encouraging moms to raise their children for the good of His purpose.
No matter what topic you choose in the Christian genre know that there is not too many people already doing it. There is never too many people spreading the gospel through their niche.
Plus, think of how many people are constantly on the internet searching for information. It is 500+ times more than there are bloggers writing. The internet is so big that even your neighbor probably hasn’t even heard of the same bloggers you have been following for years.
People follow bloggers that they think are so big, everyone must know them! Not true. True story here is that me and my sister are constantly surprised that we are not following the same bloggers as each other, especially since we follow the same genre. I’m always telling her, how do you not know about her, she is huge in the blogging community.! Truth is, the blogger may be huge for their niche but there are many people and platforms that share blogger sites more than there actually are bloggers which makes more successful bloggers.
If Blogging for Christ is something that you may be interested in but not sure how. Sign up for the mailing list so you can receive updates on this topic. I will be sharing more ideas, how to start, and much more about the Christian Blogging Community.
Join this journey with me!
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I can TOTALLY relate to your comment about reading 20 blog posts in one night. God began calling on me a couple of weeks ago about starting a Christian blog, and this past week I have been in full-blown research mode!
I am so thankful for the ministry God put on YOUR heart to write this post (and many others on your blog) and I look forward to getting to know you through reading more of your future posts as well as the past ones I have not yet had the chance to read.
Thank you so much for your sweet words Sarah! Research mode is still my favorite mode in blogging. It feels so refreshing to be consistently learning about something we love. =)
Hi Carmen! I have decided that I want to start a Christian blog. I have spoken and written on topics light Christian Living, Christian Music…etc. Now I’m looking to put that sort of information into a Christian Blog. I only have a couple “blog ready” articles so far. Once I have about 30-35, I am going to launch. I really like what you have put together here on marriedbyhisgrace.com. It’s simple but wonderful with your four separate niche’s its easy to navigate and looks really nice. God bless you!!!
Thank you so much for this piece of advice. I have struggled with this idea of starting a blog. First, it was the name to give it, second it was how often I think I can write (because I am actually a webmaster and IT Consultant) but I know I have a teaching/Music Ministry and needed to gain an online presence, but my job won’t allow me. This post has indeed opened my eyes in the real sense of the word. I appreciate you. Hope to keep in touch.
I am so blessed this post has helped. You are way ahead of the game knowing the ministry you want to write about and having a IT and Web design background. You are going to do GREAT! Many blessings to you and your new blog!!
I have been going back and forth on doing this for years, for the same reasons you stated but I think I am going to follow through this time. Our Father needs us now more than ever so I honestly believe doing this will reach more lost souls than any other avenues and like you said if it helps just one lost soul get closer to God then it will be worth every single second I spend on it.
THANK YOU for your words of encouragement, you are a beautiful soul.
God Bless
Thank you so much Dana for your beautiful words. And yes, every second matters for the one!
Thank you for the encouragement! I started a blog in 2011 but until now it had been very sporadic, without real commitment. Now that my two sons are in school I decided to go back and make it a priority. I have been writing 4 posts a week, one of them being faith-based. I realized that I needed to have both kinds of posts, to attract non-Christians and Christians, so it can also reach people that would not be looking for faith posts.
Thank you for your post! I recently started a blog two weeks ago, and like you I don’t have a facebook or any other social media account. Even though I love to write blogging for anyone to see is way out of my comfort zone. Like you I worried would I be able to keep it up, but I believe that God has been preparing me for this my whole life and if he can use me to reach just one person I know that my blog is not in vain. My prayer not just for my blog, but all I Christian bloggers is that people don’t just read our post but walk away encouraged in their walk with God. I ran across this scripture a year or so ago and it jumped out at me “To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man’s line of things made ready to our hand.” 2 Corinthians 10:16. That’s what blogging allows us to do to preach the gospel to regions beyond us!!
Congratualtions on your new blog!!! I love the verses you have mentioned. Preaching the gospel is humility and for the sole purpose for Gods glory. This scripture also speaks to me because Blogging is reaches so many places that we never thought we would be able to reach. One person told it to me this way: “For Christian bloggers, the internet is our form of missionary.” It was eye opening for me. We may not be able to travel place to place to be an example of Christ but through our writings on the internet we can be.
This is really great, i feel like God has sent me to the right place. I have been contemplating on starting a blog for a while now, i love writing and feel i have something to share with the world and especially people of my age (early twenties) i have just been discouraging myself, i work and study, and thought where would i get the time, and also, i need to get a new computer. But i am just seeing that all those are no hinderances at all. Thank you so so much for sharing this. I can not wait to start blogging, and will definitely bring some feedback. YOU HAVE REKINDLED MY FIRE!!
God bless you and your family.
I am so blessed to read your comment. I truly hope you start your blog and start writing for the glory of God. Look forward to checking it out!!
After 10 years of blogging, I totally agree. It’s hard WORK!!!! But it’s really rewarding in the long run. I’m getting ready to write a post about 10 years of blogging. We’ll see how it turns out! LOL
Wow!! Ten years of blogging! That is awesome! I bet that post is going to be filled with so much insight and wisdom!
Hi Carmen
I am really loving your blog, website, facebook group etc. I joined your group about ten days ago. I live in a small country town in Australia. My husband and I have three teenage children. The first one has left home to go to university. The next two are still with us. When we first got married 25 years ago, we both decided that we would do whatever we could to keep me as a stay-at-home mom. This meant living on a tight budget and saying “no” to so many things. We have never regretted it, although it has been hard and costly. However now that our children are growing, I have been praying about starting a blog, as I felt it could be something I could take with me wherever I go and I can still do my household work and be with my family. I also love reading, writing, and journaling. So with my husband’s encouragement, I began my blog during January this year. I do love it and I actually have to make sure that I don’t spend too much time on it and forget about my family. With prayer, God is helping me to prioritize. There are a couple of things I am struggling with. I had been praying about a part-time income that I could do from home and I feel blogging fits that perfectly, but as I am only blogging on topics relating to the Christian life, I worry about whether I should be earning an income from it, or just have it as a ministry. We are struggling financially and so I have really been trying to work out how to make money from it. However, I want to honor the Lord and not use His platform for my profit. Can you give me some advice about that? I also want to know how long has it taken to actually start earning some money from blogging. Seems like I am spending a lot of time, but not earning a cent to start contributing to our household budget. My husband is very encouraging for me to keep going. We have google Adsense on my blog and I am also an amazon affiliate.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Oh’ Jane, how I wish we can sit and have coffee for just a few hours lol. I would love to talk to you about monetizing your blog but still honoring God through your blog. I struggled with the same thing for months then the Lord gave me a revelation and I was then content with going forward. My personal revelation may not be what brings you to a place of contentment with monetizing from your blog but I do believe God will give you one. He will also lead you into a plan so you’re not just monetizing but you can do it with still serving Him righteously. Once you connect with the Lord intimately on this topic, then I am confident the Lord will begin pouring into your hopes of creating a income for your family. There are many ways you can go as a Christian Blogger, just like any other blogger. Just because the suggestions for bloggers are out there do not always seem like it speaks to us at a Christian Blogger perceptive we can still learn from other Bloggers of how to earn a income. Most popular suggestions is making a product. The product does not have to be about “blogging”, most bloggers think only the ones teaching about blogging can make money but that’s not true. I know many bloggers that make an income from their own content that does not relate to blogging. You can create a eBook from your most popular posts. Expand the post into a teaching tool for others. You can teach webinars in areas that your readers most enjoy. If you write about studying your bible in depth or praying intimately with your Father, use your passion in those areas of building a worksheet and plan of how you do this and share it with your audience. Offer a small fee (mostly to pay for your time and preparations) for a webinar that will teach them how to build a relationship closer with God. If you are a mom blogger and your organizational skills are a huge part of parenting for you then create a download for moms that can use planners for the busy household. Sometimes we can limit our selves because we hear success stories of how others are doing it but we are not realizing they are successful at it because they used their passion and their gifts. You can do the same. Passion equals success! I will definitely reach out to you and go more in depth in areas like this if you like!!
God bless you for such an awesome heart to minister to and uplift others! I’ve felt it on my heart to start a blog and daily feel the “there’s no need/there’s enough that actually know what they’re doing” voice. Your post inspires the fire in me!
Becca I am so blessed by your words, especially for you to get fire in you to start a blog! Once you do, make sure you come back and share it. I would love to see it!
Nice work here. I blog about doctrinal issues and everything Christian.
You have an inspiring story behind your blog and blogging
Such encouraging words. It is too easy to get caught up in growing my online ministry based on the number of views. But the real focus must be to share His word and to be an encouragement to others.
Amen, absolutely right! The real focus is to share His word and encourage others with His word. Thank you for commenting! Blessings to you!
Hi Carmen. I was so frustrated today because I feel like I am the last person on the blog train. I came across your post on Pinterest and The Lord knew it was just what I needed. As a new blogger, two weeks new, I have been focused on the wrong things. Stats, social media, money, making money, grow your numbers, etc. etc.
Those things in themselves aren’t bad, but I lost my focus which is to spread the Word of God and encourage His children.
Thank you for putting me on track and give me perspective! Love your words! Xo Erika Michelle ?
I am so blessed to know that you were encouraged today. I pray continuously that this blog encourages who ever may read the words He gives me. You have such a awesome testimony and I am excited to watch God use you! Blessings to you and your blog!
I launched my blog 6/1 and am an adult bible teacher and preacher. I plan to include my bible study notes, sermons, and other inspirational posts on my blog.
Great article. Thanks for sharing.
Aretha, your site looks great and you got some awesome content. I’m really loving your welcome page and podcasts. Blessings to you and your site!
Hi Carmen, I have been reading many “how to start your blogs” and by far yours has been so inspiring, you are absolutley right about spreading the Gospel! I currently write, here and there about moments in my life as a mommy and I always end up writing about how God is so involved, I don’t realize it until I go back and re-read my stuff. I definitely have a lot to learn but am so interested in sharing the gospel and encouraging others to do so as well! Thanks for sharing!
I am so blessed by your kind words. God is so divine how He uses His people to spread His Word. Just like how when you go back and read and then notice that Gods word is all in what you first thought was writing about your life as a mommy but then turns into what God calls you to write about. Thank you for the encouragement and most of all, thank you for also spreading the Gospel!! All for His Glory!
Thank you for your encouragement! I’m in the first week of starting a Christian lifestyle blog (AnchoredAtHome.com coming soon) about family, kids, home, and life. I appreciate your charge to Christian bloggers to share the gospel and how to live in faith in all aspects of life. I hope to do this through my writing and pray that the Lord uses my blog to speak to readers going through similar stages of life. This post just encouraged me immensely!
I am so blessed and honored by your kind words. It truly is God! I will definitely keep your blogging journey in prayers. As we spread the Gospel together it is so important we keep each other in prayers. We understand each other in a different perspective than others may not understand us as we blog. Once your blog is up for showcase for the whole public to see, please stop back and share your site with is us! Blessings!!
Hi Carmen, this is useful information and encouragement too.
Blogging is hard work and sometimes a faith blogger always needs to remember the reason they started in the first place. ?☺
Nice to meet you. God bless
Yes, it is hard work but just have to remember the Lord is our strength, especially when we are doing His work and will!Thank you so much for the encouragement! So glad to meet you too! Thank you for commenting to me on Pinterest! = )
Carmen, what a beautiful and encouraging piece! Sometimes I get frustrated thinking there are so many good blogs out there, how can I compete? But this reminds me that I don’t have to compete and the more Christians out there sharing truth the more we can spread the Gospel! I like that and it really impacted me today.
Yes, definitely no competition! Its about spreading the Gospel for the Glory of God. Thank you for your sweet comment! It really impacted my day! = )
This is cool! I started blogging about Youth Ministry to be a resource and source of encouragement for others in a similar position to us. We are slowly building community together!
Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, glad you reached out so I could read this 🙂
Hannah, I am so blessed you stopped by! Your blog is awesome source for youth ministry! I cant wait to tell our youth pastors about it (He’s kinda my brother too, lol) Be blessed!