There are so many Christian based blogs that you may never be able to count them all. Its staggering to think of how many bloggers are out there.
Unfortunately statistic shows, 85% of bloggers fail. Spirituality niche is within the top 5 topics that is blogged about.
Can you imagine how many blogs of the 85% that failed were bloggers that started with intention to spread the gospel?
Although I do not have statistics or reasons of why the numbers are so high and why the blogger themselves did not continue; one thing I think can help prevent discouragement or lacking of passion in blogging is to make sure you are confident in your niche.
Finding your niche is the most essential piece when starting a blog.
I actually recommend to not start a blog till you have one.
If you do not have a specific niche for your blog, you will be writing all over the place. The downfall of writing all over the place is that you are not exemplifying a passion. Passions on a topic is what can help others with the same passion. Therefore the blog will not gain a following that finds confidence in you within a specific topic. This will not have visitors returning for more resolutions.
You must have passion for what you are writing about or sadly it will not work.
It is important that your niche is your passion.
Your passion is what will keep you fully committed to blogging. It will drive you to become an expert in the area if you have not yet.
What is a Niche?
In simple form, your niche is what your blog is about.
What you will be offering your audience.
What your audience will leave your blog wanting more of.
You can’t give everything to everyone but by defining a niche you are able to give the right people exactly what they need. From there you will gain a following and returned visitors.
Starting a blog is exciting.
A blog is your own, it describes you and shows your passion to the world.
The theme, background, color pallet, post titles, and images describes what the reader is about to read.
But what is it that you want them to read once you got their attention by everything else?
Do you want it to be about you being a stay at home mom? How you work in ministry? Marriage? Your savvy money saving tips or about your journey to rebuilding a home?
Whatever the niche may be, is your focal point the same in the end? Is it for the glory of God?
No matter the niche, titling yourself as a Christian Blogger is determined by your end result of each post? Will your blog result in what God can do?
I have expressed my passion for encouraging others to start a blog for the purpose of His glory. I truly believe we need more bloggers out there that is using God as the foundation.
Having God as the center and still writing about your specific passion can be done in many ways.
Ask yourself these questions to find your passion.
What is something that you can talk about for hours?
How do you spend your free time?
What gives you peace?
For me, it’s building my home spiritually. Creating a place where my husband and children feels peace. I desire for my children to look back years from now and reminisce of how our home served God. How we had bible studies in it as a family, how we came together in prayer when others were in need. And how they witnessed their parents reading their bibles together in the living room without shame.
If you have met me you would know I can literally talk for hours about wanting to grow as a wife and mother with the Lord as my teacher. I have passion for marriage. Firsthand, I have witnessed divorce with children is real and destructive but I have also witnessed God bringing a believer out of fear, discouragement, and unforgiveness. I have also witness God save children from depression, heartbreak, and traumatic situations from divorce.
As a result, I have a deep desire to encourage women to persevere for the will of God and to wait on the Lord as He restores and reconciles all that was once lost. I desire to spread the word that His favor is upon the brokenhearted that loves Him and abides in Him.
For you, it might be blogging about a planned out home renovation. May be the Lord blessed you with a home of your desires and you remodeling it is a passion and testimony for you. Possibly the blog is to write about your projects and how it is bringing closeness to the family. Doing this can also branch your blog by writing about DIY projects you have learned. This can also include doing tutorials to teach others.
For example; a fellow blogger, I have met recently and just adore is Kristi of Leap of Faith. Over at, she is a DIY project blogger. She blogs step by step tutorials of DIY projects with pictures of her and her children working together (which is so cute by the way), but in the midst of it all, she finds a way to give God the Glory in the end result of her work.
One of her DYI projects was creating a Prayer board. Another was making a framed Faith board. She desires to showcase her love for God by making mention of Him continuously.
This shows your readers where the depth of your niche and passion comes from. I am by no means a DIY person but I do stop by time to time on Kristi’s blog because I enjoy getting to know her through her blog about her faith.
You don’t want to just say your are a Christian blogger, you want to be a representation of it.
The categories isn’t what makes your niche, your niche is within Christianity. Its about how you showcase His glory on your blog that makes you have the niche as a Christian Blogger.
Once you have your passion in mind, start organizing categories. Ideal is 3- 5 categories.
I have 3 main categories that describes what I like to write about. Faith, Family, Marriage.
For example; If your passion is Fitness and you want to blog about getting fit; your categories can be: workout plans, eating plans, healthy habits.
You don't want to just say you're are a Christian blogger, you want to be a representation of it. Share on XGod desires for others to see Him in us.
Serving God is a lifestyle, it’s a passion and desire. When serving Him wholeheartedly it should become natural to making yourself an example of Christ in all that we do including in our blog.
Best way to get started on finding your niche is to get a journal and start writing everyday about your thoughts. What do you tend to think about most throughout your days?
I found a great outcome for myself by doing this and writing out a brainstorming graph. All the notes eventually led me to write posts from the ideas.
I highly encourage you to find a journal you can easily carry around with you so when ever a idea pops into your head you are ready to write. Happy Writing!
(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy.)
I’ve been living and breathing Psalms 127 that says “If the Lord doesn’t build it, the workers labor in vain.”
This holds so true about blogging. We must do all the things and represent Christ, but without his blessing we build in vain. I’m constantly trying to remember to ask Jesus “what should I focus on today, Lord?” instead of just barreling ahead (as I usually do OFF and ON the blog).
Through this I’ve decided to break up my main blog ( into multiple blog to “find my niche” as you say…and it’s making it SOOO much easier to focus and blog (not to mention advertise or have affiliate links) because I have only ONE focus on each blog (with multiple subtopics). I am convinced that this is even more important in 2019 when there are literally millions of blogs. People go to recipe blogs for recipes, not politics. This isn’t the hay-day of blogging like in 2007 when I started and unfocused/unniched blogs suffer IMHO. Our blogs can be Wal-Mart blogs (they have a little of everything) or be Chick-fil-A blogs (just chicken)…people go to Wal-Mart but only because they HAVE to…they go to Chick-Fil-A on purpose…and they mourn Sunday when it’s closed. I don’t want to be Wal-Mart…I want a legacy like Chick-Fil-A…maybe that’s a bad analogy but I’m running with it because I’ve been a Wal-Mart blogger for too long with little ROI…too many topics on my blog that confuse my reader. I mean Wal-Mart is useful…but it’s not a place you write home about!
Love what you said about the legacy you want to leave. That is very inspiring and you made some very good points about niching down on the blog. Thank you so much sis! Love working in the kingdom with you!!
I’m just now getting into blogging–I haven’t even launched my site yet! There is a lot to think about and I want to do it right. I’ve been in ministry for 38 yrs. and also have a counseling degree and want to start a blog for small church ministers, bivocational ministers and people who struggle with their faith and their spirituality.
Your topic is one that has really challenged me. I feel like I have a lot to offer but also don’t want to sound arrogant. I also want to offer counseling through this effort. So, I guess I ask what all this sounds like to you and for insight, advice, and candor in your response. I would like to invite you to view my site when I get it up and running, I hope soon.
Hello Rob, Welcome to this big world of Blogging and Praise God that you are doing it for ministry! All glory to God! I would love to check out your site, please send me the link to check it out! =)
Awesome post packed full with loads of useful information and has given me loads of notes to consider before starting up my blog.
Thank you and God bless you, your family and your ministry abundantly!
I am so glad to know the post helped! And thank you so much for your abundance of blessing!!
Thank you so much for this post and insight! You confirmed how I feel about getting started blogging as a Christian. I want Him to be represented in my work and not just label myself a “Christian Blogger”. I desire for others to see Him in me <3
Shani, I am happy that this post has encouraged you. I feel the same as you do; I want my work to always represent Him! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about starting a blog. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have =)
Hello Carmen,
I am glad to have stumbled across your wonderful post. It’s so timely for me as I am about to start a new blog. Thank you for the great advice! I sincerely pray many others get these kinds of advice and have an indeth understanding of how to have and run a Christian blog without having it fail so that the word and glory of God can radiate more in the world. Satay blessed!
Amen!! Thank you for visiting and commenting!!
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for your advice and inspiration! I am a Christian Blogger and I am looking for ways to stand out, and I love your thoughts on finding your Niche! I will put your advice into action and I thank you again for your wisdom. I am very interested in reading your blog as well. I would like to encourage you to continue the good work that you started. Stay faithful and never stop revealing Him through your words and life!
Anne Blanchette
Thank you so much Anne for your encouragement!
I would like to start a blog about my faith journey, but I am really scared to put myself out there. I don’t mind strangers knowing about my life, but I am nervous about someone I know reading it. I have trust issues and don’t want to have my words used against me. Would it be wrong to write under a pseudonym? Thank you for your inspiration. To Christ be all the glory.
Hi Carmen! And thank you for this great advice. I do have a question though. I know you mentioned finding a niche, however what if you have several passions and want to write about multiple things? I see many other bloggers blog about varying topics but I wonder if that’s because they already have a good following? How does that affect bloggers that are just starting? I am currently in my season of singleness and I am also a worship leader so I write on both topics (as well as different things in between)…those are two different niches though. Help!!! LOL 🙂
Great question! I completely understand what you mean, I was really nervous about that too in the beginning for myself. I also teach bloggers how to build their blogs through a private Facebook group and write about blogging on my blog. I was nervous it was a long stretch from each other but it has worked out very well thus far. I do believe it is because I keep the focus the same in both directions, which is God. I write to wives and mothers about building a Christ centered home and I write to bloggers about building a Christ centered blog. How blogging is a ministry. The focus point to both is Christ centered. I think where can confuse our readers is when our focus point is completely different from topic to topic. If your singleness is about walking it through with the Lord and your category on being a worship leader is focused on how God is using you through your musical talents, then I think you are on the right track. Many, many, blessings to your blog!! Please feel free to email me if you ever have questions! =)
Thank you so much. Makes a lot of sense!
I am Chris. By His Grace, I started a christian blog
I have gone through several “christian blogs” but This is the one God used to talk directly to my heart. I wanted to write about marriage, family, faith and finances but i didn`t know if I could wrote about all these topics. I haven`t started yet because of my doubts but I think it is the time. Thanks a lot because It is possible to see you want to stay far away from the stage and give the glory to God.
Aww…. Viviana, I am so very blessed by your comment today. God is good! And yes He gets all the glory! Praying for you and your new beginnings with starting a blog. Please let me know if you have any questions. I will definitely do my best to answer them. Many blessings to you!
This is so good! Thank you for these encouraging words and great ideas!
Even though I’ve been writing for a number of years, your blog title on Pinterest caught my attention. I think (at least for me), finding that “sweet spot” is an on-going search. I really appreciate how you’ve closed your post:
“Best way to get started on finding your niche is to get a journal and start writing each day about your thoughts. What do you tend to think about most throughout your days? I found a great outcome for myself by doing this and writing out a brainstorming graph. All the notes eventually led me to write posts from the ideas..”
This is such a valuable suggestion, even for those of us who have been writing for years! 🙂
Thank you Lori for commenting and sharing your input, especially from experience. I truly appreciate you visiting! Many Blessings!
Good morning! I came across this blog post while doing a search on Pinterest and it is right on time for me. I am struggling with this very area. I am a Christian blogger still trying to narrow down my categories. I want to write about my faith, marriage, and journaling. However, I want to build a profitable blog as well. If I talk about those three subjects do you feel that I will confuse my reader? My target market is Christian women, but if I talk about marriage then I guess my target is married Christian women. I just feel like because I am talking about my faith and journaling that this can apply to both single and married women. Any advice you can offer would be appreciated.
Barbara, Thank you for commenting and reaching out for further information. As you can see from my tabs, I write about Marriage, Family, Faith, and Blogging. I have three categories and two different topics within one blog. I love sharing about it all. Each one is something that is close to my heart and I have passion for. I do not think your categories will confuse your readers as long as you are still for reaching for the same targeted audience which is Christian Women. These are all topics that will and can touch Christian Women. These topics can become confusing if you write about your faith in one category to reach your audience but then in a different category your tone changes to connect with a different audience and not talk about faith, just to reach a wider range of readers. As long as you are keeping your focus on your faith and where God wants to lead you with your blog, your audience will appreciate you and continue to follow you. I hope this has helped! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime!
These are some really great tips! Thanks for sharing! ❤
Thank you Emilie for taking time to read and comment! I truly hope this post brought clarity and assistance to you! Blessings!
Hi! Just found your post on Pinterest! I have been blogging for years under my floral design business which is crazy confusing when my site and business is floral design, but I blog about faith, marriage and motherhood! Recently, I felt the Lord give me a new name for a new blog that can be just about Him! Excited to get started, so thank you for the encouragement to find my niche! I def. need to hone in on a few things otherwise it will end up all over the place!
That is a very exciting change! I am so blessed to know that you encouraged by the post especially since you are moving in that way right now. I pray your blog will prosper because of your obedience to Him. Many blessings!
Amen! To God be the glory. Thank you for this post. Even though we know this when we start, it can be easy to forget in all we have to do.
Thank you and definitely all the Glory be to God. = )
Awe, thank you for the kind words!!! And wonderful blog post – great tips and advice!!!
Thank you Kristi! = ) I am blessed every time I visit your blog!