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Between me and sister; she was the only one that knew what kind of mother she was going to be. I had no idea! I knew I would probably have a few kids but my parenting style or attributes never crossed my mind. It was something I knew I would just figure out along the way.
My sister on the other hand; her passion of becoming a mother grew the older we got. Her senior paper that was to be written about her career was about becoming a “Domestic Goddess”. When going to college, she took child development classes, confident that she would need them as a mother one day. She was driven to be prepared.
Fast forward 15 years later, she is a mother to three children, homeschooling, and married to a godly man that supports every part of her decision to be a stay at home mom.
As for me, it took many years to understand my parenting role, I was in the middle of my parenting years when I finally took it to God.
We all may have didn’t perceptive, expectations, and desires when it comes to parenting but do we take it to God? Do we take our good, bad, and times for growth in parenting to God?
The humbling post from Anne completely left me in awe as she described her parenting role with her oldest daughter that was diagnosed with developmental delays. I truly hope you receive her words of wisdom as a graceful mother as you read her post.
Here is Anne’s post featuring on Salt & Light Link Up…
I became a mom when I was 23 years old. In today’s society at least the one I am part of, in The Netherlands that is quite young. Looking back, I must admit that I was young, and naïve and not very prepared either.
Yes, I had graduated from college, my husband and I were married, he ran a business and we owned a house. I knew how to cook potatoes (which is a typical dinner in the Netherlands and how to clean the bathroom (although honestly, housekeeping certainly isn’t my favorite thing to do), and since money was tight at times, it was an advantage that I was frugal by nature.
However, I didn’t know much about motherhood well, except for the great example my mom was (and she still is!). I truly feel blessed by being raised by godly parents who showed me through their actions how great God is, and what a loving Father He is.
But to be honest, I hadn’t thought much about what kind of mom I wanted to be. When I had my oldest, I guess I just did instinctively what I thought was best, and of course I tried very hard to follow my mom’s example. This turned out to be not so easy, though….
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Married By His Grace
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Alisa Nicaud
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Carmen Brown
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Shannon Geurin
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Married By His Grace
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Thanks for sharing this today. Heading over to read the rest of the post!
Nothing more humbling that parenthood, but that’s a good thing if it drives us to Jesus!
Hi Carmen, thank you so much for featuring my post!! Have a great day 🙂