Spiritual warfare is real and can be devastating to our lives.
Marriage is where I have personally endured spiritual warfare many times. Especially when it came to feeling defeated spiritually and mentally as a wife.
What once seemed like just a silly thought would suddenly bombard my mind with full force of negativity, which eventually damaged my self confidence and burdened relationships surrounding around me; especially my marriage.
I had to learn how to fight and rise from the habit of falling to the battles.
When experiencing spiritual warfare, prayer is the most spiritual deadliest weapons to breakthrough and conquer the battle against the enemy. Prayer brings out the authority you have in the Lord as you speak against what the devil is trying to kill. The first part of John 10:10 tells us:
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…
In marriage we can sometimes become overwhelmed with the thoughts of; “Am I a good enough wife? Am I being the wife God called me to be? Could I be prettier or more adventurous for my husband?” These and many more questions can overwhelm us. It can turn from one thought to many thoughts and if we do not get a ahold of it and stop it, these doubtful little thoughts becomes more aggressive overtime – to the point that we no longer question the wife we are, but we don’t even believe we are a godly wife.
That my friend, is what the enemy wants to do to you. The thief wants to steal and destroy your joy and confidence as a wife. It first starts the battle with a negative reflection on ourselves then the war is completed by us no longer finding our confidence in God.
The thief wants to steal and destroy your joy and confidence as a wife.... Learn how to pray through Spiritual Warfare in your marriage. Share on XWhen we allow doubtful thoughts of ourselves as a wife to enter into our minds over and over it then turns into a habit. A habit then turns to a lifestyle, and a lifestyle can overtake you if the lifestyle is not representing everything that is pure, honest, and noble before God. The last part of John 10:10 restores our hope by Jesus Christ reminding us:
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10
To break these thoughts we must use the power of prayer and confidence in knowing that Christ gives our marriage life. Pray to the Lord about your doubts, fears, and insecurities. Ask Him to reveal to you why you are being attacked as a godly wife. Most likely He will respond with; ‘Because the enemy hates a marriage that is serving the Lord. It makes your marriage powerful’.
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When your marriage is under Spiritual Attack
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Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Jeremiah 33:3
Your marriage is powerful in the Lord because two are better than one. You can lift each other up when one feels weak (Ecclesiastes 4:10). The Lord is upon you when the two of you pray together (Matthew 18:20).
As a wife your spiritual discernment and strength is vital to your marriage. When you discern an attack with negative thoughts, cease it with the strength you receive from the Lord. Remember these scriptures to gain hope and trust in why God created you to become one with your husband:
- An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Her husband finds full confidence in her and lacks nothing. Proverbs 31:10-11
- Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7
- “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31
- He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
- House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord. Proverbs 19:14
A wise women desires peace for her home. She builds her home upon the word of God. By consistently reading your word, speaking scripture over your life and the life of your marriage, you can restore, deliver, and even prevent what the enemy wants to steal from you. I encourage you to be proactive with the word of God for your marriage and for the well being of your husbands spiritual walk.
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Please pray for restoration of my marriage. We’ve been separated since October 2018. Pray for my husbands spiritual relationship with God as well as mine. Peace in my heart and the strength to fight for my marriage. I’m exhausted spiritually, mentally, and physically. I’ve been fighting severe depression due to my husband leaving and have gotten down to literally skin and bones . I know God has me and I know God can and will restore our marriage. Pray I have the strength to let some things go and give it to God . Carmen you’re an inspiration to me and I thank you for obeying God.
Dear sister, I am so sorry you are bearing through this. Unfortunately, I know that feeling a little too well which makes me heart hurt so much more for you as I read your story. I pray right now for strength to your body, your mind, and for you spiritually. I pray the Lord drenches you with comfort and that He lifts you up to walk through this season. May every negative thought be held captive. The enemy may not take hold of this situation. The Lord is a Lord that restores, heals, and revives. I pray right now for your husband to feel the presence of God in his life. That his desire to reconcile this marriage becomes a revived desired within his heart and spirit. May he hear the voice of God tonight and follow through with the leading the Lord gives him. I pray the scripture: Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Lord, bring joy to this marriage in the morning. May they both be given a new vision and new understanding to a godly marriage and how to pursue it with You, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!
My name is Sefora
My husband also took off and left. October 2018 to go live with his baby mom. Im barren. Know. have decided to adopt needy children. I’m already staying with two lovely girls. I’ve never been so happy and peaceful in my life.
I decided to trust in the Lord’s word in Psalm 113:9 and Isaiah 54:1- 5. These verses sooth my soul. Now i don’t know whether it will be fair to pray for my marriage to be restored or not. I don’n want any harm to befall my lovely daugters. I love my husband very much.
Please pray for my marriage not to end in divorce . I thank God for my two daughters. I’m willing to sacrifies my marriage in other to keep them with me . Divorce is a problem . May God please prevent it for me.
I want you to know you have been in my prayers. Sometimes it is hard for me to immediately publish and reply back to comments such as this. I always want to use timely discernment instead of rushing my prayers to just post. I know the hardship it is to bear a divorce, especially when we do not desire for it. I also know how hard it can be to be transparent about a situation as this. So thank you for being able to ask for prayer and know that it is being done!
I need prayer for my marriage I think that my husband is having and affair .
he’s trying to hid it from me I think that it’s a woman on his job or one of his
jobs where he makes his rounds, He’s an security guard.
I am praying for conviction, for truth to be revealed whether there is an affair or not, for trust in the Lord to be in it’s fullness in your home, and for reconciliation to take place in the home. May you be led by the Lord right now and not by emotions or voices from others. My heart goes out to you more than you know! But I want you to know, God is a God that restores. Take your request unto Him and ask Him to restore your husband, you, and your marriage so that a godly marriage can take place.
thank you for that message I’m a praying woman and I know that God will reveal
anything that’s going on or if anything is going on. I can do all things through Christ
that Strengthens me. God Bless you.
Amen! I will continue to pray for you! My heart truly does go out to you! xoxo
Amen.! I touch and agree with both of you all. My husband is coming out of an affair. He was dating an old flame. He still contacts her and does not want to admit he is still communicating to her. And even lies to her by making her think she is the only one. She is also married. These people don’t know how to stop lying. They hide behind their lies. The enemy is a liar. But Our Father is not a man that he should lie nor does he have to repent because he is God!! The lover of our souls. Trust God he will never leave you or forsake you. God will see you through!! May God continue to be with you Always and Forever!!!
So sorry for all that you are bearing through but you are right, the enemy is a Liar but God will see us through!!! Praying right now for your marriage and for full repentance from each person.
Husband go to church for 20 years. He said he not saved. I am a devoted Christian love the Lord with all of my heart. Not perfect but just discovered my husband brought a women into our home. I an 60 feel old and despair what shall I pray what shall I do
Ann, I am so very sorry. My heart hurts for you. There is honestly nothing more than I can say but “clinging onto Jesus is the best thing you can do”. I wish there was more to tell you right now but that is all I am able to give. Clinging to Jesus is not just about receiving comfort, its about hearing His voice, allowing Him to lead, trusting Him to bring restoration, justice, and healing. It is all about Him and not your husband. If we make it about our husbands and cling only onto them and what they have done we will not see the work that only Jesus can do!
Love this post! My pastor always say “don’t allow the enemy to take your marriage because he can’t do anything with it. He just doesn’t want you to have it.”
Thanks Carmen!!!
Amen! Yes, so very true. With much authority in prayer, I proclaim, only God has my marriage and I pray all marriages are encouraged to speak life to their marriage too! =)
Good morning!!! Praying Blessing over you and your ministery! God revealed to me in John10:10a that the enemy comes “but to” steal,kill and destroy !!!! That part of the verse may scare a wife standing for her marriage! But God follows up with the much needed sword of HIS word in John 10:10b..”but I” have come that you may have “life” and have it in abundance!!! The but to me shuts down any threats the enemy tries to use to intimidate wives concerning their positions as a wife…LADIES our DADDY gave US all power and authority in Luke 10:19 over the enemy!! Sometimes we have to fight afraid to WIN! The only way the enemy wins is when he gets US(wives) to accept that he is bigger than Our DADDY is, and we know that is NOT so!!!!HE IS DEFEATED!!! Keep that in the fore front of your mind!!!! Your marriage honors GOD! So it offends the enemy >>> so what!!! That is the driving point to FIGHT!!! Jesus put it in perspective in John 14:30 where he explained to the disciples, that he knew the enemy was behind trying to destroy him through the crusafixtion, but he wasn’t gonna give the enemy anything to make him think that he had the advantage over him, so he remained silent ONLY giving GOD glory for what was really gonna happen!!!! Sometimes, we have to just remain silent and not talk about our situation, giving the enemy something to work with through our words of discouragement about the situation. We must continue to believe GOD’S word, and allow the process of the situation to give God glory, and to use us to help the real people God intended the season for…The picture is much bigger from Gods view, we ONLY see what’s in front of us, and that effects us..Gods plans it to simply use us! Remove stuff from our lives that we have tucked away! To strengthen us! For where HE wrote in HIS plans for us! Yes the flesh hurts during a pruning season, but once the season is over, you will bring forth your best Glory for God, and in return, you will be able to encourage another wife who feels hopeless in her season!! WE SERVE ONE AWESOME GOD!!!
AMEN!!!! I agree with you whole heartily I’m not giving the devil any room to have my marriage
he want divide and destroy but no so this woman is married as well but doesn’t she know that goes
around comes around I will be praying for her soul and my husbands soul he’s knows better
and I’m praying that his eyes will be open up to the devil. and that Christ will crucify his flesh for lusting
to satisfy his flesh. God has this problem in his hands all I have to do stand back and let god do what he
has to do with this situation.
Hello Carmen, Am truly inspired!!
Hello Carmen, I thank you for the inspiring lessons.. You have inspired me alot!!
Thank you so much for visiting. I am humbled by your words.
Hi, Carmen! My name is Mary Carver, and I work for ForEveryMom.com, a Christian parenting site from Outreach, Inc. This post is fantastic – and I know our readers would ben encouraged by it, too. Would you allow us to republish your post on our site? We would give you full credit as author, link back to the original post, and include your bio and head shot. What do you think? Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you’re interested. Thank you!
Aww…. Mary I would love the share. Thank you so much for checking and for considering this post. I truly appreciate it! =) Please let me know when it is posted so I can share.
Amen! This is so good, Carmen! The enemy wants us discouraged and defeated, but God… Oh, how I love those words. Thanks for reminding us of this important truth!
Thank you Deb!! xoxo
I enjoy your blog and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! If you choose to accept, you can read all about it in the post below!
Thank you for your ministry and heart for God!
Thank you so much Julie!! I am so flattered!!! You have blessed me!
Carmen…when I say I needed this I REALLY mean it. This post is JUST ON TIME!!! Thank you!
I am so glad and honored these words spoke to you!!