62 Questions to ask your Husband.
Communication is key in Marriage.
Good communication allows deeper intimacy to be present in your marriage.
My husband and I both work from home full time with five kids running around. Our days can quickly be filled with the basics of communication such as:
Did you make the coffee?
How’s work going?
What would you like for lunch/dinner?
What should we do this weekend with the kids?
Most days I feel like those questions take place just to acknowledge each other. To keep the momentum going that we are here and we do care for each other’s needs. But the truth is, basic communication does not keep the intimacy levels high or help develop trust when big situations in our lives happen.
This is why we need to build better communication…
When we express our feelings consistently to each other, there is less of a chance we will be surprised by each other’s differences or disagreements in future situations that may arise throughout marriage.
Healthy and consistent communication is what helps us stay as ONE in marriage.
Before you sit down to go over the questions be sure to do these 5 things first.
If both of you are in agreement to ask the questions to each other, there is more of a chance you both will be transparent versus one feeling as if they have to answer it to satisfy the other.
Put phones away.
Let there be no distractions, including no phones. Choose a room in the home you both feel comfortable and willing to see this time together as an opportunity to become deeper intimately. Not as a time to press each other on certain topics. Make the atmosphere as a date night. The main focus is to build better communication not to steer your attention to somewhere else.
Do not become defensive.
This is huge. Choose from the moment you sit down to not become defensive. This is not a tool to use against each other. It is a tool to grow with one another. Asking your husband questions should always be done with sincerity and trust.
Take your time.
Respect each other for taking time to answer. Do not rush through the questions. Consider it as your spouse trying their best to give honest respectful answers. As you continue to grow in building better communication you will notice answers flowing out easier. This means trust is building.
Pray together first.
Prayer will help set the tone for you both before going into what can become deep conversations for you both.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for our marriage. Thank you for the opportunity to grow together in bettering our communication with one another. Open our eyes and ears in the position as a husband and wife. May we see what you see in us Lord. May we listen with sensitivity in what we need to hear for the well being of our marriage. Teach us Lord how to continue communicating in a healthy way. How to grow intimately and how to lean on each other, not on our own selves. May we always put You first in our relationship and always take Your leading on how to communicate with trust and ease. As I ask my husband questions and he asks me, may we keep it as a motive to grow with each other not as a motive to change each other.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Take the challenge... 62 questions to ask your spouse to build better communication. #marriage #communication Share on X62 Questions to ask your spouse to build better communication:
Are you nervous to start these questions? If so, why? (Just thought I would add a ice breaker… 😉
Do you prefer me to write you love letters or to speak to you about my love for you?
When was the last time you felt loved?
What is your favorite date we have had?
How can I be a better partner for you this week, month, for our marriage?
What is one thing you think we can work on to become better partners?
What makes you feel appreciated?
When was the last time you felt appreciated from me?
What is something new you have learned about me?
What is one word that describes our relationship?
How would you describe the growth we had together in our marriage?
What has been your greatest accomplishment this year?
When do you feel closest to me?
What traditions would you like to start this year?
What are your favorite traditions we do now?
How do I make you a better person?
What is the biggest strength in our relationship?
What is our weakness in our relationship?
Do you trust me?
Is there anything you feel you can not trust me with? If so, what have I done to lose your trust?
Are there any steps I can take to gain your full trust back?
What do you think is my sexiest feature?
What is the best way to initiate sex?
Do we make love as often as you would like us to?
What is something I can do to make our relationship more intimate?
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What is one habit I do that you find annoying and would like me to work on?
Do you feel I care about your happiness?
What is your favorite memory of us?
Do you feel like you get enough alone for yourself or to be with friends?
What was your biggest adjustment after getting married?
Are there any conflicts from the past you feel we have not resolved yet? If so, what is it and can we start working on it?
What goals would you like to see us accomplish together?
What is something I do that makes you smile?
How do I make you feel respected in our marriage?
What is something in our marriage you wouldn’t change for anything?
What is something I say or do that makes you feel unloved?
How should I let you know when I need more romance from you?
What activities can we do together that can make us closer?
What are your hot buttons that trigger hurt, anger, resentment, old memories?
How can I best support you when you are hurt, sad, depressed..?
Do you think we prioritize our marriage enough? Over the kids, work, ect…?
When did you first realize you were in love with me?
When do you find me the most attractive?
In what way do you think I make you a better person?
What do you love about me the most and why?
What kind of affection makes you feel most loved?
How can we have more fun together?
What kind of surprises do you like from me?
How do you like me to initiate sex?
What are your financial plans?
What are your financial plans for us?
Do you trust me with finances? If not, in what area of our money do you think I can improve?
Describe me in 3 words.
What is one thing I do that you appreciate the most from me?
What do you dream for us in our life?
How can we make it happen for us? Give me three goals to work towards it.
What would be the perfect getaway together to grow deeper with one another?
What is your biggest fear for our marriage?
Name a time that we worked really well together.
What values are important to you?
What is one thing you have learned to appreciate me but did not know when we first married?
Finish the sentence. The one thing I couldn’t do without you was….?
My husband and I went on a date night for the first time in 4 months since our first son was born. We enjoyed these questions to reconnect over dinner. Is there a printable version of these? I’d love to use them regularly. But all the ads make it hard to keep my place lol 😂
This is so amazing that you went over the list. That makes me so happy!! Imagine lots of heart emojis here!!! lol A blogging friend told me I needed to make this a printable too… I guess I better start working on one. =)
What great questions! Thank you! My husband and I are living in two different states and only see each other once a month. I am going to try these over the phone.
Oh, how hard that must be living in two states away. I really hope these questions can help build a intimate connection while apart.
Love this, Carmen! So many great questions… we just celebrated 32 years of marriage and agree that communication is key! ❤️
Wow! What a blessing on 32 years!! Thank you for checking these out! =)
What a great list! Thank you, I love your blog!
Great questions. I will definitely use some of these, Thanks so much!
Wow! We are celebrating our 49th wedding anniversary tomorrow. These are some great questions to share even after 49 years. Thank you, Carmen, for sharing these.