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Not that is doesn’t enter our minds every other day of the week throughout the year, but specifically during the Holidays, family disputes is the hardest.
It brings the sweet memories you once had with them during the most happiest time of the year to mind. A time where we are to say what and who we are most thankful for and where we show our love for others as we give gifts of appreciation.
Driving by homes that is filled with cars outside of the home, can bring back rememberance of once driving up to a family members home to join for a joyous Thanksgiving dinner or a pleasant Christmas night of gift openings and laughter.
My family and I are very close. I believe it’s because there is work behind it. My mother strives with much prayer for the generations before us and after us. She uses much patience and purposeful listening to each child. As a mother of four independent stubborn children, that can be a big job within itself. She does this because she has seen first hand the destruction of discord and lack of unity in a family. And sadly, has witnessed one by one families not showing up to Christmas dinners. This has brought much pain and sorrow to her heart throughout the years.
Stacey’s guest post of four steps to restoring family disputes within your heart are exact words my mother has shared with me to always be on alert and ready to do for family. It has proven to be God and all of His steps to do to be proactive and reactive to keep a family close even through hard times.
If you are hoping to restore a family discord this season, I truly hope you take time to visit Stacey’s guest post. There is much wisdom and guidance to restoration for the Holidays.
Here is Stacey’s post featuring on salt and Light Link Up….
A couple of weekends ago, our little dog bit me. He didn’t mean to, I’m sure. His little paw was injured, and when I went to move him over in the bed, I accidentally hurt it again. His reaction was to snap back at me. And snap he did. He drew blood. And I got angry. Really angry.
Not only did it hurt like the dickens, I felt betrayed! After all the care and time I had put into our relationship… Years of care and time, I tell you… I couldn’t believe that Winston had bitten me!
A lot of times, it’s like that with our families. Those closest to us have the potential to hurt us most. And often, one hurt leads to another.
It is important that we, as Christians, get our relationships right. God’s people should not be living a life of hurt and turmoil. But often times, when it comes to that certain family member, we are. Hurt and turmoil are the enemy’s weapons to steal the peace, joy, and unity God created for our families. Yes, all of our families. We need to get it right because, as God’s people, we can’t drag old hurts into the promised future He has for us. So here are 4 simple (but not always easy) steps to getting it right when we get together this Christmas and anytime throughout the year.
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