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The Diligent Woman
As many of you know and can tell just by the name of my blog, Married by His Grace, marriage is a big focus to me. Especially a godly marriage.
I love marriage. Not saying it is easy because it’s definitely not. I love marriage because it’s under Gods plan.
Marriage is full of grace, love, peace, redemption, unity, and much more; if you allow it to be.
I had to learn how to allow those things in my marriage and did this by learning my word and accepting Gods will over mine and my husbands lives. Once I did that I was able to see all the blessings and not the curses of becoming one with someone.
I chose 3 Must Have Scriptures for the New Wives post to be featured this week because her heart is to help the new wife see all those great things God has in store for us in our marriage. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Here is Angela’s post featuring on Salt & Light Link Up…..
Over the past few years a lovely tradition has come about whenever young couples get married.
As you walk into the bridal shower a new bible is laying on a table. There are highlighters, paper book marks, and pens. A sign invites each attendee to share their favorite Bible verse or two, mark them in the Bible with the highlighter, and leave a message on a bookmark that is then left in the Bible. This produces a beautiful gift that is full of ready to use wisdom and good encouragement.
How often do you have the advice of the elderly women, women your mother’s age, and your compatriots of similar age to you all gathered in one place? I think it is just wonderful. The focus is on God’s word more than the sage advice of any woman. Each woman looks to God and shares how she has applied His teachings to the benefit of her life and relationships.
There are many who give the expected verses on marriage, others who share the verses that hold them up through difficult times, some share the verses……
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Married By His Grace
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Alisa Nicaud
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Carmen Brown
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Shannon Geurin
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Married By His Grace
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Carmen-Thank you for sharing Angela’s post! I love this idea about the Bible and giving biblical advice to new couples!
Me too! She did such a awesome post of how to encourage new brides!