Prayers for Revival
Many of us desire to be part of big change in the world. We often wonder how we could partake in a movement that could witness our compassion and drive to unite many out there?
How can we ignite a revival in our city?
Or in our Nation?
How can we touch lives in miraculous ways that could bring hope?
Or even just encouragement to a new perceptive to situations?
As Christians, our hearts desire to feel a void where we sometimes feel like we are not doing enough. Whether it is as a wife, mother, a minister, a participant of the women’s ministry, or as a friend.
No matter the position we walk in, our hearts have been transformed to do a great work, a powerful work, no matter the measurement of acknowledgement involved. Because to many of us, it genuinely is not about the acknowledgement, it is about silencing that little voice in us, “What was I made to do? What is He asking me to do that I do not see?”
“What Revival is God wanting to help ignite?”
One of my favorite stories that eloquently describes Praying for Revival is:
In 1940 a theologian Professor by the name of Doctor J. Edwin Orr took students to visit the Epworth Rectory in England. The purpose for this specific visit was to tour the childhood home of John Wesley, a well known reformer of the Church.
The class walked through the home intimately. Viewing the kitchen where John Wesley would’ve begun his mornings, the study where many books were stored and preserved, and the staircase where Wesley walked daily in his home.
Lastly, the class toured Wesley’s bedroom. At the bedside Professor Orr, pointed to the markings of knee patches on the flooring. He explained to the class those knee indentions was where Wesley would pray several hours per day asking God to bring revival to the Church. He prayed it would sweep through the world.
When the class returned to the bus, Professor Orr noticed a student was missing. He returned back into the home and followed the voice of a student who was kneeling at the bed with his knees implanted into the knee patches praying:
“Do it again Lord and please start with me.”
Professor Orr touched the students shoulder and said, “It’s time to go.”
And rising from the knee patches was the young Billy Graham.
The significance of this story is that one person desired a movement within themselves so much that it would cause an overflow.
Billy Graham was ignited by the knowledge that a movement started with one man praying for the world. He knew what God was able to do and he wanted nothing more than for every person of diversity, background, nation, and denomination to experience God. He prayed for people so much so that he became the most well known evangelists of his time.
But to start an overflow, what must you have?
The heart for your own revival.
Revival is not just a motion of going somewhere, it is the improvement in your condition. Revival is strengthening through experiencing suffering.
The process begins by accepting to see God’s grace through suffering. To endure our own suffering gives us insight to man’s heart through trials which increases compassion.
When we choose to grow through tough times, we are actually renewing who we are through God. That is the beginning of revival.
When struggling with the restlessness of “What’s next God? What is that You are asking me to do God?”
I realize now to ask, “What am I preparing for God?”
I begin to ask God in prayer to work on the revival that is needed in me to be able to step out to do His will for a greater revival.
A revival where I am a participant in His glory shining. Not where I am the conductor of it all.
Because then just like the young student, the overflow begins in a natural way and response. Revival is not always a huge group of people joining together (though it is a tremendous blessing to partake in a large group where all can rejoice in what God is doing). Sometimes revival is us alone with a heart transforming and overflowing to do His will.
Revival is simply making God important again.
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Scriptures and Prayers for Revival:
Dear Lord, When I see in the spirit revival is needed in me, in my home church, in the body of Christ, in the community, or in the Nation may I answer the call Lord. May I speak to You in faith and be willing with full confidence to say, “Here I am Lord.”
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8
Lord, May I always present my body to you as holy and acceptable. May I give my body spiritually to you as a living sacrifice. Use me as You will Lord. Send me where you need me to be. Whether to a neighbors home to show an act of kindness or on a mission across the oceans to fulfill a ministry that will ignite revival in Your people. May my mind always be ready and alert to renewing it daily. May I learn how discern where You need me.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:1-2
Lord, Revive me again! Revive me from the weariness of calamities. Revive me from the burden of troubles. May I walk as a living testimony to many and speak of high praises for all that You have done. That you have never left me or forsake me. But You, O’ Lord have held me through every trouble. May that truth alone, be what wakes me everyday to do Your will and to partake in whatever You need me to do to ignite a revival fire.
You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again.
Psalm 71:20
Dear Lord, When ever I may feel restless in my spirit or feel like I need to fulfill a void, may I always have the urgency to seek You first. You Lord is who gives. You Lord is who fulfills my soul. May I never turn from or forget this. That every time I seek You, every desire and need will be fulfilled and added in abundance. That wisdom will overflow, that contentment is my peace, and that righteousness will prove You great works in me and to all those around me. Thank You Lord for the reviving spirit You will add.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
Dear Lord, Open my ears. Open my eyes. May I see and hear all the great things You have to tell me. I pray I commit to all those things and do as You command. May I not allow fear to overtake or remove me from the mission but may I always be ready to fight in the spirit for Your people and ready to go where I am needed physically to fulfill a mission for the purpose of revival.
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Jeremiah 33:3
Dear Lord, Teach us how to work together in unity, with determination, and with our whole hearts. Teach us Lord, that we are not alone but we are the body and every member of the body is needed. May my perceptive widen to recognize that if I work with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, much is accomplished.
Lord I pray You bring a Revival to the Christians to mandate their positions as a soldier in Christ.
So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart.
Nehemiah 4:6
Dear Lord, I pray you wake us up in this generation to proclaim what is to come for our future generation. The magnitude of the gifts that You are preparing us and them for. Lord, pour your Spirit upon us and may we not miss what you have for us. May we walk in every gift you have anointed us with. Spiritually wake us Oh Lord and revive our spirit to walk in the anointing!
It will come about after this
That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and daughters will prophesy,
Your old men will dream dreams,
Your young men will see visions.
Joel 2:28
Dear Lord, May I always take your instructions of how to start a revival to heart and with full commitment.
I pray I speak when You tell me to speak. I move when You tell me to move. May I never fear to do as You say but may I always be willing to do as You command.
The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley;
it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley,
bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!
Ezekiel 37:1-4
Dear Lord, I pray we keep our eyes on You. I pray we seek You daily and always keep in remembrance where our salvation comes from. You are our God Almighty. You are the restorer and redeemer of our souls. May we search for You and You only when we need to be revived.
Restore us, LORD God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
Psalm 80:19
Dear Lord, Create in me a pure heart! Renew in me a steadfast spirit! May all that I desire to do aligns with what You have called me to do. Mold my heart so it will always be ready for any changes that needs to be done. May I not grow weary but instead speak life to any situations and always remember Your hands and breathe has blessed me with a steadfast spirit.
Create in me a pure heart, O’ God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
Here are more Powerful Revival Scriptures and Prayers I recommend to read from
When feeling distant from what you should be doing in ministry or in the calling you know the Lord has given you, seek God.
Ask Him what is He is preparing for and what should you do to keep in alignment with it.
I stumbled upon your website/blog. I am so very happy to have someone bring some of these things to mind and give me scriptures that line up! Thank you very much. I look forward to receiving your emails.
Thank you for writing this.
Hi, where did you find that story about Professor Ore and Billy Graham?
If my memory served me right, I heard it from Priscilla Shirer. She shared it during a women’s conference. =)
Well, I’m not married, but I am thankful I stumbled across this post on revival. It has touched, inspired, and encouraged me to pray deeper for revival in America. AND let it begin in me Lord 🙏🏽
An internal, true transformation is what God wants from us, because when we change … the lives of everyone around us change too.
It all starts from the inside out.
Yes, Absolutely!! =)
Great post Carmen, I would agree that Revival starts in our own hearts first and is birthed from prayer. God is looking for those who are completely in love with Him and are willing to sell out everything to use them to spark revival. It’s often those that are unnoticed by society that God draws to the secret place to pray and develop their relationship with Him until the right timing comes and He raises them up from the dust of the ground to do big things… why? Because their heart was always focused on Him.
So, that anecdote you shared in the beginning made me get goosebumps. I first heard it a little over 2 years ago when God began to call me to write. I remember praying a similar prayer. Now I feel like I need to be ready for something. Lol! Thanks for sharing!
This world is in such need of revival! Thank you for sharing this!