One of the greatest gifts I know my sister acquires is her ability to teach. Her gift of teaching excels her position as a Homeschool Mom. Unfortunately, if you were to ask her about homeschooling, she would start a sentence out by lowering your standard of what to expect from her. For example….”Do you like homeschooling?” Her response: “Well, I don’t think of myself good at it but yes, I like it.”
Or….. “What curriculum do you use for your homeschool children?” Her response: “Well, I do my best at researching when I have the time but so far I have found this book to be a good resource.”
Urghhhh…. I want to grab her by the shoulders and say: “Bb, you are literally the best homeschool mom I ever met. Kind of because you are my sister but mostly because I think what you are doing takes great courage and I love watching you follow what you are equipped for”
Bb, I want you to know you are an Amazing Homeschool Mom. You sacrifice yourself daily. You are a wife, a mother, a teacher, a servant, and just as your senior high paper was titled, you are a ‘Domestic goddess’.
Though homeschooling may not be the route I will take….(I am definitely not ruling it out, let’s just say, pray for me and hubby), I look up to all that the mommas that are doing it.
From afar, I am in complete awe of the sacrifice, the tiresome days, the constant work, and the humility of the heart and hands it takes to produce a home that is fit to school your children.
Homeschooling is by no means not the easy route out, it is not a competition against the school system, it is not a blow to other families that choose public school, and it not at all a “Better Mom” thing to do.
The moment we do not see the position as a homeschool mom as a calling, we ourselves can induce our children to not see it as a God given calling. Share on XI wouldn’t even say…. Homeschooling is a preference.
Homeschooling your child(ren) is a calling and needs to be held as a standard to being called.
The moment we do not see the position as a homeschool mom as a calling, we ourselves can induce our children to not see it as a God given calling.
That is why I love the I am His Virtues Toolbox site. It provides homeschool moms a monthly toolkit of everything you would need for your preschooler and young age homeschool child. I had the opportunity to check this out with my sister. We both fell in love with everything it offered and that is exactly why I said keep me and hubby in prayer. It opened my eyes to what I can be teaching my children, that school wouldn’t be able to.
BTW…. Homeschooling is also not just for Christian Moms, I want to get that cliché out of the way right now. Homeschooling is a calling for any mom. It’s the faith of God that makes our homeschools differently fitted for our families.
After some research, I wanted to share with you some Christian based school homeschool blogs I am enjoying right now.
15 Homeschool Mom Blogs – Practical Joy for Every Mom
Having three children in less than five years was a shock to my whole being. Not only had I not been trained for motherhood, I had not been developed to live a selfless life. No one told me about how much I would have to give, how much I would have to sacrifice–forever! – Sally Clarkson Blog – Faith, Education, Family – Christ Follower, Homeschool Mom, Educational Blogger
“We have been homeschooling “officially” since October 2009. We pulled our two oldest boys from public school just 8 weeks into the school year. I had no problem with the school (it was one of the best in the county) or the teachers (both were incredible and even Christians). We simply knew that God had been leading us to homeschool for a while, and we had been ignoring the call.” – Kristi Clover Blog – Homeschool Curriculum Reviews – Inspiration for your home and homeschool life. – Helping moms goes from stressed to blessed.
Homeschooling for me is not just about teaching my kiddos math, science, reading, etc. It’s about leading my kiddos to Christ and giving them that Christ Centered foundation they will need in life and that is a 24/7 kind of job.
Teaching my them at home allows me to make sure they are well educated Spiritually and Academically! I can teach each subject at the pace THEY need it – making sure they have truly absorbed each lesson before they move on to a new one. I absolutely LOVE how you can tailor your lessons, days, quarters and years to each of your children and that I can include the Word of God into every lesson. Now that’s learning at its finest!!! – Homeschoolinmama Blog –
“we are intentional with our life and that includes our homeschool.” Chantel – Resources, free printables, & encouragement for Homeschool families. – Homeschool Mom Blog with free printables, curriculum, preschool, and more. – Embracing Proverbs 31
“God created us for motherhood. He has blessed us and made us mothers. He never expected us to be perfect, instead, He is perfecting us daily through our motherhood journey. God desires for us is that we will more and more like Jesus every day and He uses our daily motherhood struggles to mold and shape our character.” – The Musings of Mum Blog
What are you favorite homeschool mom blogs you like to visit for encouragement and homeschool help?
(This post may include affiliate links which means if you click on products I recommend, I may receive a small commission, at no extra to you.)
Yes! My Favorite Christian mommy blog! Helped me learn so much about homeschooling my littles and keeping them involved in learning of His Grace. May they forever be blessed by the Lord our Savior. Amen!
Kristalee Ann and my babies; Jedidiah and Mcanzliegh
Thank you for listing these great Christian homeschool mom blogs – I’m going to bookmark this post and come back until I have had a chance to check them all out! Looking forward to more inspiration.
In Christ,
Amen.I believe that the Lord has a plan for each of us.Dany
Carmen thank you so much for listing my blog 💕 For a long time I didn’t believe homeschooling was my calling, I fought it for years! But as always, the Lord knows best!
Yes, He does! That is why it is a calling, He is there calling out for us by name. Not that we call out to ourselves. He knows exactly what we need and our children needs!
Carmen, thank you so so so much for blessing me with being on this list! I love your blog and your incredible resources. I’m truly deeply honored to be included among such incredible women! More than anything, it honestly made my cry to see myself listed first, especially beside Sally Clarkson as I’m a HUGE fan of hers. Thank you for making my week!
In Christ,
*Sorry if it left two comments. I received an error the first go.
Erin, you have a awesome blog! I am honored to share your blog with other mothers!
Thank you so so much for including me!!! I’m really blown away and had tears in my eyes. I’m a huge fan of Sally Clarkson and to be listed first, above her, literally made me cry. Thank you for making my week!
In Christ,
Thank you so much for adding they call me blessed to your list, Carmen!
I feel so honored to serve the Christian homeschooling community.
I love your blog so much!
I am blessed and honored to share your blog! I know it will bless many!