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What to do every as a Christian Writer.
Blogging can begin to feel like a never ending task…… if you let it be.
When I first started Blogging I felt as if there was no time for a break. There was so much to do to start and grow a blog.
Promoting content was the most time consuming. Writing, maintaining a site, answering emails and comments; then add on building social media platforms, creating a brand, and so much more. The list can keep growing and growing.
I had to learn how important it is to relieve myself from the pressure of maintaining a blog. Time management was most recommended; but what I do very poorly. I knew I had to persevere to love.
After much research of different techniques to time management skills; I now survive my blogging days with using the ‘’Time Blocking” method. The secret to time blocking is not feeling guilty when you did not fulfill everything on your ‘To Do’ list. Best way to look at it is as a resource to use for your day.
For example, let’s say…..my time block has me starting my day at 9am but I did not get started at my desk till 9:15 am. I do not freak out, I just continue where it has me scheduled to work on for 9:15am. Even if my task is cut in half due to me jumping on late, I do not add that 15 minutes onto the time block, I just keep going. And vice versa. I always make sure to stop what I am doing if my time block tells me it’s time to stop. This keeps me focused on what’s important for me to work on daily and to keep consistency.
The tasks on my Time Block Schedule are ones that I make sure to do everyday. This does not include tasks that I sign up to do at last minute or collaborations in the works. However, I do set time aside on the time block towards the end of the day that clearly states: 1pm to 2:30pm – Work on Client Work and Collaborations if needed.
Tip to staying focus on the immediate task: Keep phone away from you. Only work on one tab at a time on your desktop. Do not keep ten tabs open, this can cause a lot of distractions.
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I like this method because it doesn’t make me feel guilty for spending too much time on a certain task or too little. I am using a reasonable amount of time to focus on each task. It has also helped me to realize I am only capable to do what I am capable to doing.
Stretching myself in blogging has become a process but it has the best learning process for me spiritually and personally.
I never want my readers to read a hurried or long winded post with no heart behind it, just to meet a deadline that I am eventually the one that created.
I never want my children to remember the long days I kept holding my finger up in the air to stay quiet as they enter into my office for the tenth time to just get my attention.
And I definitely never want my husband to feel neglected as I run to my laptop for when I think is a few minutes of free time.
Running from family time never equals to a free moment.
Although everything I do is managed through time blocking there are five things I make sure to do everyday as a blogger.
Not all five will seem traditional to most writers. Fortunately I do not see myself as the traditional writer, so this does not bother me.
Five Things
you should do everyday as a
Christian Blogger:
Spending time in prayer before starting my day as a wife, mother, writer, and as a woman of God is the best investment I do for myself. Prayer leads me in every position I uphold in my life. Prayer helps me stay in accordance with my calling as a writer and it gives me a chance to pray for readers to my blog or book. It makes me feel a connection with them and with my calling I have to encourage others in their walk. My blog and book is something I created to uplift and admonish women in Christ with whom they were called to be, whether it is a wife, mother, or a Christian Writer. But I can only do that by being obedient to not cease in prayer. Without prayer I would have very little understanding to what I do. It would also lead me to a place of only depending on myself which is against the word of God. We are to become intimate with God through prayer and worship.
Read your Bible
As a Christian based writer, whether you lead a platform as Christian focused or with Christian principals behind the scenes , reading your bible is important because it keeps you and the words you are writing in alignment with Gods will. Reading our bible leads us to truth in our lives and to a better understanding to where God is leading us and our writings. When we are actively learning Gods word, the right words to write easily comes through the keyboard (pen) because we are no longer depending on our own understanding and thoughts of what we should write but our gift is now in His hands. He is who makes our calling complete.
Promoting is honestly one of those things I dread every single day but truth is, to get your writings out there, this is part of the trade. I know as Christian Writers we need to trust God to put our words in front of the right people and yes there is truth to that but there is also a responsibility as evangelists to take the word (the Gospel) city to city. Even Jesus told the disciples to travel the word of God to the end of the earth. It is our responsibility to be diligent and purposeful to get His words out there.
If you are full heartedly allowing God to use you in writing,
then this is not a matter of self promotion but a Christ promotion.
This is about getting the truth out there to His people. Now, this doesn’t mean to overwhelm Facebook groups, Twitter, Instagram pods, and your subscribers every single day with blog posts. It means to create a dedicated time to sit and promote your postings in the right places, the right way. If you participate in group blog post threads then make sure to visit a few others within the thread. Encourage them with a share and comment. This shows character of a humble writer of God.
On my block schedule, I list a time to respond to emails and comments on my blog and social media platforms. This is important to do to build a loyal audience. They become loyal when you become loyal. If you are responding back to their comments, they begin to trust you and fall in love with your integrity which makes you memorable. It also shows your character as a Christian. It shows that we are part of the church and we desire to fellowship with them not just as readers but also as brothers and sisters in Christ. As your blog grows, it can take more time to complete this task but just remember; without loyal readers, your blog can not keep flourishing.
Spend a minimum of one hour to write everyday
One of the best writing tips I ever read and followed was to write at least 15 minutes per day. By doing it I began to find my writing style. I was no longer feeling insecure about how I transpired my words on the keyboard. It turned into something I truly started to love. As a writer that post content to the internet and also as someone that journals my personal adventures with the Lord, I recommend a hour per day so you can do both (break up into 15 or 30 minute increments if needed). I do not always use as a post what I write during my free writing but it is good to have some content waiting for me. (To be honest this post right here is something I pulled from my archives and finished up right now to post.)
What do you do everyday as a Christian Writer?
I appreciate this post so much. I’m a new blogger, still figuring out exactly what I’m going to write, but I know that Christain values will be at the heart of every post. I especially like your advice to write every day and break down the insecurity around the keyboard!
I really enjoyed your post! It’s exactly everything I needed today! Thank goodness I found it. I’m a new Christian blogger, and these are the things I need to keep myself accountable. Thanks for this informative content. Looking forward to reading more..
Yes! Prayer is such an important step. It may seem like it’s not productive but it truly makes a difference. Great reminder! Thanks a bunch ❤️
This post hit me right where I needed it! I loved how you said that writing is about Christ promotion not self promotion. Your post was encouraging and enlightening! Thanks for answering God’s call to write:)
Thanks for the post, today I really needed to read this, you touched on all the areas I am struggling with, especially marketing.
Thank you, needed to read this. So simple and straightforward but effective and encouraging
Wonderful tips. Thanks for being a open book. Believe me, we are learning.
Carmen, I love that you make sure that prayer, studying the Word and just spending time with Him is the top priorities!! It’s all for Him and the advancement of His kingdom so we must get all of our direction and instruction from Him!!
I keep a bullet journal and keep it with me all the time so I can jot down thoughts or blog ideas. It’s been so helpful as I see scenarios, illustrations, verses or quotes that I might want to use in my writing. It helps me to notice and appreciate the little moments in life and how they fit into the big picture of why/what I am writing. 🙂
I recently started to take on bullet journaling, I have found it to be so helpful! I completely agree with getting to enjoy the little things in life. When I have bible study or prayer time written down in my bullet journal I am 10 times more likely to do it that day and it brings so much joy to me when I cross it off for the day!
I love your time blocking! What a great discipline to have in order to stay on task. And I love “promoting Christ.” That’s really the heart and reason behind being a Christian blogger. Love you friend!
It definitely is. A Christian blogger really has a different task at hand. Love you too!
I need some boundaries around the time I say I’m promoting. It usually starts out innocently enough, but I can so easily get sucked into the black hole that is social media and never come up for air… After a while it is no longer about faithfully promoting the content God has put on my heart to share and turns into something sinister like comparison and competition. Ughhh… Help me, Jesus!
Help me too Jesus! I can be guilty of this too sometimes. it takes so much discipline to follow the instructions and conviction of the Lord. I am not perfect to this either, if anything I mostly wrote this post as a reminder to myself…lol. But in all seriousness, thank God for His grace to gently reel me back in when needed.
I really appreciated this post. I am a new Christian blogger and I am learning the ropes. I am grateful for your book as well. It’s helped me put into perspective time and time again WHY I was called to do this. You always put the most important things first – prayer, reading the Word, etc. Then, the other daily tasks come after.
I’m always looking out for more of your writing. Thank you!
Gabrielle, I am so glad By His Grace We Blog book has helped you. That truly means a lot to me! I truly appreciate your readership and encouragement. Here’s to do our calling together. May we both continue to grow and build for the kingdom of God!
I love how you break down all the things you do every day – most things that I know I should be doing, but have a hard time fitting it all in with 3 little ones to care for. I find I need bigger chunks of time to write, to really get into it, and know I need to be waking up earlier to work in peace and quiet. I’ve also practiced a form of time blocking, but I see know it’s in a major need of an update for what my priorities are right now… I can’t wait to go through all your posts for Christian bloggers! -Natasha
I completely need a new update too Natasha! I probably have to update every other quarter. When your blog grows the accountability definitely grows but updates are also a good time to reflect where you can eliminate things. Sometimes we just need to realize we cant do it all, no matter how big our heart is to do it! I am not a morning person at all, I have to force myself to get up early. It also doesn’t help that I have a young baby and mama needs sleep! I actually work better at night which is something I do sometimes so definitely keep in mind to do that too. I love when the whole house is sleeping and I can go to my prayer room and study or to my office to work without any disturbance. Make the schedule work for you, not the other way around. Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting!!