What to do when your Marriage is under Spiritual Attack.
I am pretty sure I have written this on the blog before but due to the importance of it, I am going to write it again.
Spiritual Warfare in Marriage is real.
The enemy hates that you are a wife striving to do marriage God’s way. He despises that you desire a man that leads, prays, and serves God. It angers him that God did not just give one of you authority and power but He gave a joint man and woman power and authority to fight against any spiritual attack and the schemes he tries to orchestrate to destroy a biblical marriage.
A biblical marriage is one of the strongest weapon that can go against the devil.
You are no longer one person with a armor. You are now one with the power of two. Two armors to fight, two minds becoming a mighty one, two hands with two swords, two set of feet treading with the word of God, and two breastplates of righteousness ready to battle!
So, what will the enemy do when he sees a godly marriage?
He attacks. But first, he prowls like a wild beast getting ready to devour the pure meat he is wanting to feast on.
Just like any beast prowling for his prey, he seeks for the weak moments. He lays hidden in the field. Waiting for a weakened step that looks like a step that can trip you so it will be harder for you to get up if he decides to charge.
But here is where the word of God conquers that plan of the devil:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV
This why it is important for you and your spouse to be in accordance with one another. Accordance will make picking one another up instantaneously.
Before realizing how quick you two are to picking one another up, he will set traps of insecurity, temptation, lusts, doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, and much more.
Anything he can do to make sure the other one does not want to pick you up when you fall, he will do it.
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Praying through Spiritual Warfare in your marriage
How do you overcome the traps of spiritual attacks in marriage?
Be proactive.
Gain understanding.
It’s easy for us to just assume, our marriage is just going through a tough time. That the other person has been in a cranky mood for weeks on end. It’s easy to blame our spouse for the tension in our marriage and for the lack of communication. But is it true? The only way to know is by gaining understanding to what Spiritual Warfare is. When you gain knowledge in this area, you will also gain discernment between what is true and what is needed. The needs of being there for our spouse can differ whether spiritual warfare is the source or not.
Ask questions.
Do not be afraid to go to your spouse and ask questions. Ask your husband daily how his day is going. This can lead to him opening up more. If this is something you already do, then add more effort to it. Pray that the Lord will open his heart to become vulnerable even more. Then go to him and ask if there is anything he would like to speak about. When my husband and I have open discussions, majority of the time we take our conversations back to the word of God. We receive revelations to our situations together as a married couple.
Think of setting a plan for your marriage as a battle plan. Be ready to battle for what is yours. Share on XSet a plan.
Think of setting a plan for your marriage as a battle plan. Be ready to battle for what is yours. Make a plan to pray, fast, to commit to a marriage devotion, or to engage with other Christian women that will build you up as a wife. Be involved in what will encourage you on a daily basis to be a fierce godly wife.
If you are in a place right now that feels like your marriage is in the midst of an ugly attack by the enemy, I want you to place everything down and cry to the Lord. Do not fear to cry to Him. Sometimes us crying to Him is exactly what we need to do to start the healing, revival, and deliverance from it all. It is good to release all our fears before getting up to battle.
If you are in a place right now that feels like your marriage is in the midst of an ugly attack by the enemy, I want you to place everything down and cry to the Lord. #marriage #spiritualwarfare Share on XI will give you a few minutes, just put this post down and lay yourself before the Lord.
Now if you are back, here are some areas we can start to rebuilding and maintaining our marriages after a spiritual attack:
The Word of God:
If you truly want to know how to restore marriage back to where two are one, understanding the meaning of marriage God’s way is the way. You also need to believe with all your heart that Jesus was sent here for marriages too. He was the definition of reconciliation. He life was given for reconciliation. Once we believe that, our faith will become stronger in the direction of healing.
Prayer is what takes you into a intimate place with God. When you are in a intimate place with God, you can hear Him more clearly to where He is leading you and your marriage. Prayer will also help you partake in the supernatural power of peace, comfort, wisdom, and so much more that can only be provided by Him!
Fasting goes hand in hand with prayer. Did you know that in the Old Testimony, majority of the time they spoke about prayer, fasting with connected within the same situation? This is because fasting is a form of worship and sacrifice to become vulnerable and to a state of complete surrender to God. The submission of fasting will open your eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to a new level spiritually. Your discernment will increase by volumes. Fasting will be one of the best decisions you will make for when your marriage experiences an spiritual attack.
It’s important to find Christian based counsel for your marriage. Especially someone that is not your friend or a family member. Though they may love your spouse and desire restoration for you both, all they hear is your hurt. Did you know, for every negative thing said about someone, it takes thirteen compliments to replace the one disapproval comment? When you are speaking out of anger or hurt, you can say dozens of negative things within minutes. Do you really want to do this to your spouse within your family? Most importantly, do you want to be remembered as a spouse that put down your loved one?
Before ending this post, I would like to share some honesty….
I have been through divorce. I felt like I failed and became undeserving of marriage. The enemy still attacks me in this area. I still sometimes doubt my capabilities of being a good wife, a biblical wife, a wife that can love unconditionally.
Guarding my mind on those thoughts is something I work on daily. It is not always easy. It takes self discipline. It also requires faith like I have never experienced before.
But my marriage is worth it.
I am married to a beautiful man of God and I am worthy of being his wife. You know why? Because God chose me to be his wife. He chose me to pray for him daily, to love Him in way that only Christ can teach me to love him, to raise children with him in a godly home. There is no way that the enemy will take that away from me, him, or our future generations. The generations that will rise up for the Lord and will take His name place to place.
Speaking life to our marriage is the most important part to overcoming when the enemy is causing spiritual attacks in marriage.
We must speak our lives to life. Speak out loud that your have a marriage based on the foundation of God. Shout in your home that no enemy resides in it. Pray out loud with praise and thanksgiving for all that God has given you and your husband. Speak salvation over your household at all times. Do not allow fear to overcome.
A friend sent this article to me. Both of our marriages are struggling, though mine got to the point of separation. My husband and I catastrophically separated Feb. last year. I was torn apart from my two young nursing toddlers, my husband (of at the time, 8.5 years), and we were living with his parents.
I have a history of child abuse, and after my son was born, it triggered things in me I never saw coming, to the point of severe postpartum depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I had a miscarriage between my two children, and so that trauma was reopened also when my son was born.
I had panic attacks, I couldn’t even tell who was or wasn’t safe anymore. Any criticism I received was like being stabbed in the chest repeatedly at this point… And my husband clings to his parents and has our whole marriage.
But, I have seen the grace of God in this separation, not only for my own healing of my past, but I have seen God working through me to reach my husband, from a distance. Our level of vulnerability now with each other is greater than it ever has been before. What was initially a hostile environment with anger, hatred (at least on my part initially), and tons of betrayal towards each other, has been completely flipped upside by God.
To those of you still fighting for your marriage, “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” He has shown me this is true. He had shown me that He is faithful and when I ask, believing, it will be so. Now, I’m not saying He will give you everything you desire and the way you want it, but He always answers.
From the beginning of our separation, I prayed for healing and restoration. It got worse when I prayed that prayer, and I was devastated to the point of wanting to die. But, God heard, and He WAS answering. First, I had to heal from my past once and for all, and the compounded traumas that had built up to a breaking point in me. Then, and only then, could my husband begin to see the change in my heart and start opening up again to me.
I reached out to my husband in December, about 9 months into trauma therapy and our separation. We had been exchanging the kids back and forth every other week, but I was so physically and emotionally exhausted from built up trauma, I couldn’t look after my kids. I would physically react when someone would touch me in my sleep, and so I chose for my kids to stay with my husband while I heal with God. I gave my children, my husband, my marriage all to God where they/it should have been in the first place.
Don’t give up hope fighting on your knees, ladies, because my husband and I wouldn’t even be on speaking terms if not for God.
Thanks so much for your quick response and what i just read spoke volumes to what i am now facing a spiritual attack but i have placed it in God’s hand, praying and trusting for his salvation it’s a bit tiresome for there is no counseling, no church affiliations to ask for help but God is my help and we have come this far by faith.
Thanks again for this know word
Be blessed. Alma
Thanks so much GOD knew I needed to hear this!! I truly appreciate you for sharing!! GOD Bless
Thank you for the words of Wisdom, the words of encouragement, 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for this post. As I believe God is in control of every aspect of our lives. My marriage has been tested to it is at a breaking point. Your post is a conformation of what I am working towards. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
I am so glad the post has given you some encouragement for your marriage! I pray for complete restoration for you! May you both lean onto the Lord right now and trust in Him mightily!
I really needed this. It’s been 2 yrs of attacks and I feel so broken. I feel just completely exhausted from this. I feel like the only one actually working on keeping our marriage sacred and I’m tired of feeling alone. Thank you for posting this. I definitely cried out to God while reading this. Thank you!
I truly thank you for being so vulnerable with me. It hurts so badly to read when others are hurting in their marriage because I know that pain but I take much humility and privilege to be able add any encouragement to any marriage and to pray for the marriage. So right now, I pray in the name of Jesus, that He comforts you, He holds you, He encourages you, He heals you, and He restores all that has been lost according to His purpose. In the name of Jesus, Lord, I ask that You touch this woman and show her that she is not alone. Cover her marriage Lord. Breathe hope where there is hope. Bring conviction where conviction needs to be done. And most of all Lord, bring both to a place of surrendering to You. May neither of them look how to fix things as man would but to truly seek You and be obedient to Your will. In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank you for this , as my marriage is struggling & we are both hurting . After ready this I pray God restores my marriage & brings my husband back home to his family. ❤️
So very sorry for the pain you are both bearing through. I know that pain and I would never want anyone to bear through it. I have always believed “Any marriage that could be saved should be saved.” So do not give up. Give it to God. Praying for yours and your husbands hearts today. That every wound is healed and the love of Christ comes first!
Hi Carmen, thanks for the amazing post. Im really going through a hard time, my husband wont let go of his parents… he clings to them instead of me. They dont like me and I dont like them, I feel they dont want our marriage to work because they cant change me into the person they want. Its a constant fight when it comes to his parents and he never sees their faults. He always takes their side. No matter how many times I try and talk to him and show him, it gets turned around and ends up in a fight and I get blamed for everything and it pushes him closer to them. I decidex today to fight Gods way, on my knees. Give the battle up to God and let Him fight for me, bcoz I am losing and the wall between my husband and I is just getting higher. Do you have any advice for me?
First of all, I am so sorry that you are bearing through this. I do understand this to some extent so my heart goes out to you and I have a lot of compassion to pray for you through this. My small piece advice to this situation is something that will take time but it will make a difference. God’s word does not come back void when we use it for His glory. In this situation, His glory is for man and woman to become one in complete unity. God created woman so man would not be alone. Then as Christ came, we were showed that man should love his wife as Christ loved the Church, which meant He loved the Church to the point of death. Don’t not take this as We should compare the love our husband gives to us as to not meeting a standard but otherwise know that God can take us to a level of such unity and unconditional love. This gives hope and understanding that there is opportunity to grow in our marriage. With that all being said, I highly encourage you to pray the scriptures, speak the scriptures, write the scriptures, to believe the scriptures: Ephesians 5:31-33 and Ephesians 5:25-26 each part of those scriptures speaks of how we out to love one another but also the action we are to take with it too. By reading, speaking, and praying the actions of these scriptures we are also allowing God to transforms our own actions and to trust that His scripture will do a great transformation to the one that we love. As his wife the best thing we can do is to take this to the Lord. One thing I heard many years ago from a preacher and will never forget is, “Only God knows the perfect way to speak to the heart of the person that hurt you. We can not keep telling them the same thing over and over to make them understand. Only God can.” This stuck with me for many years. It truly taught me to give it to God and trust that He will speak to their heart and transform what needs to be transformed more than I can ever in a life time. From experience, pray works! I promise! Give it time. It’s not over night but I am very confident, one morning you will wake up and all of sudden noticed things has changed. Peace has entered, forgiveness has taken place, and God has restored. I am praying for sooner that later for you!
Thank you so much for this post. It was much needed as my marriage is struggling.
So sorry your marriage is struggle. I pray you proclaim victory in your marriage today and you rise up for what is yours! No enemy can take what the Lord has given you and your husband!
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
This really brings my focus to God’s design for my marriage. Thank you for speaking out on this topic!
Thank you Mary for your comment and visit to the blog today!
Thank you so much for this , as my marriage is struggling & I pray my husband comes back home to his family ..