Two days ago I sat down to write to my mailing list. It was something I have not done in months….I know, I know, Not good.
I should not be going months without writing to my readers. To be fair, I have sat down quite a few times to write a email but every time it sat as a draft. I never felt like it was the right email. None felt genuine enough to send. I was not willing to send out anything that did not have my full heart into it.
To be honest I felt pushed to write a email because bloggers are taught to consistently write to your subscribers. And although I can understand every reason why we should, I wasn’t willing to send just anything anymore. I don’t want to do what seems “right”. I desire to do as what I am led to do.
As I sat down the other day to write a email to my subscribers, I looked to the right hand corner and saw the out box had multiple drafted emails from the past few months. I took a breath and said, “Ok God lead the way. Let’s share my heart.”
My heart took me straight to my failure as a writer and blogger.
I just started typing and as I continued to type words, I noticed how the words were suddenly turning into a confession; which then turned to repentance, then freedom for me.
It turned out to be the truth to my Biggest Blogging Mistake… thus far.
Before clicking the send button, I prayed over it as I do with every post, email, and writing. By the end of the night I had more replies from subscribers than I have ever had and still receiving some today.
It has been beautiful reading each and every response.
My Worst Blogging Mistake. Share on XI have decide to share with you the email I sent because of what happened while I wrote the email. I felt within my spirit that what I was writing was supposed to be a post but I ignored it. Yes, I went along with, “No, I am finally writing to my subscribers, I’m not going to stop to make it into a post”. Eveeennnn though the whole point of the email was about being led, I ignored the instruction….. (sigh) once again.
So here I am sharing the email about my biggest blogging mistake with you. Which hopefully will lead me into accountability and complete redemption to the Lord for not always taking His lead.
May we as Christian Writers and Bloggers take heed to where He leads us. May we not forget the purpose we began our writing journeys. And may He continue to whisper His instructions and words that is be spread for advancing the Gospel. (Philippians 1:12). I pray with my fellow writers that we can be examples of Christ through writing.
My worst Blogging mistake….
I know it’s been quite awhile since I wrote to my subscriber list. I hope you all would believe me if I told you that I had quite a few drafted emails ready to be sent out through the past two months but I just never felt like it was the right email. My worry was that through each one of them you were going to be able to feel me being pushed to write the email instead of feeling quality time of me putting a email together just for you.
I never want to become a blogger, voice, or person to do things just because it’s the right thing to do to get attention to the blog or to me.
Which brings me to sharing my worst blogging mistake so far. (Yes, I am saying so far, because this is not the end of blogging for me and I will always make mistakes)……
In the beginning of the year the Lord gave me a word. He said, “Be more transparent”. More transparent in my writings and in what I am posting. I was hesitate but willing to try… Unfortunately, that willingness to try has not been too successful for me. Instead I was doing what would be considered as “right” to do in this blogging world. Which is: post consistently, target the niche on your blog and all your social media platforms, create pretty graphics that will grasps attention from all the other Pins out there, and learn every hashtag possible for all marketing platforms….Incase you don’t know, even for Pinterest now, they are officially on the #Hashtag team.
As I write these words to you, I can feel a deep sigh coming out of me with hopes that a tear will not come down, but I need to honestly say it to you and most importantly to me. I have failed. My blog was not and will not be created on what is perfection to other “Bloggers” but is based on a foundation that the Lord told me to “Just write.” More than anything I just want my words to sound out my passion and a eager voice to proclaim my victories over my trails and my excitement to go forward in what God is doing for me and for you!!
This past week I have heard the same word over and over. I have a calling, it is not easy but there is a calling on my life and on your life. We must walk through it for Gods purpose not of our own.
A few weeks ago, I received a email from another blogger that I follow for Blogging tips. Her emails were always full of awesome tools and resources. It was one of the few subscriptions I looked forward to reading weekly. She started as a lifestyle blogger but then turned to blog about blogging. (Which who isn’t these days…. =/) Her email was to let all her subscribers know that she canceled the upcoming blogging course that she has been working on non stop for SIX MONTHS!
She couldn’t shake off the fact that creating courses for blogging was not her passion and felt like she was doing a disservice to herself and her readers by not following her passion, which was writing about style, makeup, and family trips. She humbly asked for her subscribers to stay with her but would completely understand if we did not.
I was completely encouraged and motivated by the email. Her transparency drew the picture of grace and humbleness. I actually responded back and told her I was so moved by her email because it is rare to see bloggers stick to their original niche and foundations of their blogs. Those darn million postings about hitting it rich through blogging. Titles of how the growth of our followers will take us to the next level as a writer can easily diverge us. Please….don’t get me wrong….. the next level and extra oncome is always good and well deserved when putting in the 80 hours a week a full time blogger puts in to make their dreams happen but is it worth it when we miss our calling? Will it all still be satisfying when we leave behind the blog’s foundation to chase the fame and income?
No because we are forgetting the in between. We can not have what others say they have if we are not doing our purpose to the fullest.
Let’s be real; I want to create more eBooks and I want more Christian Bloggers in my Facebook group but the purpose for all of that is build up bloggers to continue the hard race of fulfilling our ministry online. As one of the By His Grace Bloggers members stated: “The internet is our Mission field. The world wide web allows us to be missionaries without leaving our homes but impacting the world.”
That quote right there covers my purpose, desire, passion, and all of the above of why I created By His Grace Bloggers. It’s why I hope to write more eBooks to encourage the hearts of Christian bloggers and writers. It is to touch hearts of ones that want to touch many.
I can not forget this! To not forget this, I have to let God lead the way, my day, my to do list, and all my social platforms that gets my blog noticed. When I respond to emails and comments from readers, and give my 110% in my Facebook group, I am fulfilling my calling. I am responding to what God has placed in me and what needs to be first. Not what is there to do next to build more and more. You can not build without the ones that are already there to help you lay brick by brick.
Every blogger has their foundation and purpose, just like the blogger I mentioned above. Her purpose was to build a lifestyle blog but when she moved her focus to teaching bloggers, she missed her calling. She had to humbly go back to her readers and ask for them to stay with her. Even after completely canceling out six months of work that could have possibly made her a lot of money.
My worst blogging mistake was not completely taking heed to the instruction of being transparent. My instruction was not to focus on anything except the words He placed within me to write. Following that instruction would be fulfilling my calling as a writer. It will also lead to an outcome that no other blogger can teach me to build. Which is ministry, confidence, trust, and submission to the Lord.
I was pressuring myself so much the past few months of how to get things done the “right” way. So much so that I was missing my full potential of my calling. Don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want to miss how much joy I receive every time I can be part of encouraging someone or participating as an ambassador for Christ with other Christian bloggers.
Thankfully the Lord has been graceful by gently pushing me back into the right direction towards His will.
I humbly ask you to receive my writing to you about my biggest blogging mistake as a confession. May my repentful heart reach you. May the words I send to you and write on my blog only be to lift up and encourage you in ways that can help you grow as a writer for Christ. I pray we see our writing as a calling that is to build the kingdom, not on what man says to build. May all our training for writing and blogging not be done in vain but rather through the leading of God, which of whom is the CEO of our blogs.
By His Grace,
I feel like God has been calling me to start a Christian blog, but I also get so overwhelmed reading all the posts about the technical aspects! I enjoy writing and am willing to share intimate details of my life that could encourage others, but now I feel like I’m overthinking it. I need to get started! Carmen, I feel like I relate to you and your struggles! I even enjoy reading the comments of other bloggers on your posts. Thank you for persisting through the trials—your journey with Jesus is encouraging 😊
So love your comment! Because it helps knowing I am still not alone in this process of all the feelings of what if’s and should I’s? Blogging can be tough some days but it is honestly the best decision I have ever made for myself. It has made me grow so close to the Lord and mature in His word even more. I pray you start a blog in these times where Christian Writers need to shine His words and may you fall deeply in love with it!
It’s 2020 and I came across this on Pinterest. It is exactly what I needed to see. I’ve been so worried about getting this blogging thing right and last week I refused to blog because I felt I was not doing things the right way. I was already ignoring the reason why I started this blog. To put me back on track, God told me to read my missuon again and He put this blog post my way. I now know what to do, I won’t make this mistake again
Thank you 2017 Carmen for listening to God, you are still blessing people this 2020
I’m so glad that I pinned this and then checked it out today! Over the last little while I’ve had the same thoughts over and over again that this blog cannot be about me. It was never meant to be about me so spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes all included it’s for the Lord’s glory and for his purposes. I was reading in my devotions what Paul was saying in the Corinthians if he poetic words and what not it would not be the power of God but it would be his words that was drawing man kinds and through great plainess of speech the Lord would have his way as all glory is to be to God. so I have learned to embrace my incoherency and my tendency to ramble… so long as it gives God the glory. Just yesterday I wrote a Blog and I had mentioned as you were saying in yours also that you know we tend to think that we have to post a certain way or have pictures a certain way or else it’s no good ( I have even had one lady say that if I do not post my photographs a specific way not to post them at all) and I’ve been working so hard to make sure that I’m in line with other bloggers even though I’m a newbie and not sure exactly what I’m doing that my focus often gets turn from what the purpose of writing is! I was mentioning briefly that I find that the idea that you must plan ahead and pre-schedule feels like it’s limiting the holy spirit so I’m glad that you addressed this and I’m glad that it was also revealed to me and may God use our blogs for his glory!
Yes! and THANK YOU for your post. I was beginning to feel like I was alone in this. I once heard an editor on the radio say “there are just too many books out there that are written by the author!” (meaning, as opposed to inspired.) I too have been getting lost in what I’m “supposed” to do according to all the “experts” to have a successful blog and I feel crushed by the overwhelming nature of it all. I don’t feel called to mastereverything in that way, I just need to keep reminding myself that if He wants it done, He will draw me to it. This is His project so much more than mine. Blessings on your ministry, and thank you for being a blessing to my own!
I love the quote about too many books. That definitely gives me a self reflection on my writing. I pray my words are to uplift and encourage through the leading of God. I am so blessed this post spoke to you and hopefully gave you some encouragement. Praying for your ministry as well in writing.
Thanks for taking the pressure off me to have to be perfect… to blog the way all the experts tell me to. I admit it, I am one of the bloggers in your group and I sometimes find myself so intimidated by not ‘doing it right’ that I don’t want to visit the backside of my blog because it just reminds me of all the things I haven’t been doing that I ‘should be’ doing!
I am so glad this post helped take some pressure off of you. Writing should not feel like this much pressure, huh?! We should feel peace, enjoy every bit of it, and find so much confidence that we are doing what God told us to do, not man…. praying we both do that for now on! =) Thank you for reading and commenting!!
Thank you for sharing this. I have been blogging for 15 years and I have 5 “current” blogs but I’ve started and stopped many, many, many others. Each blog has a topic but really, one person cannot properly blog on that many topics without neglecting things. I spent so much time online that I was neglecting my home and family (and Jesus). Also I wasn’t giving it my all on any of the blogs.
I’m so sick of trying to keep up with the changes to the blogging world and social media world. I’m sick of blogging or sending an email because it’s been too long since I did so and not just because I want to. I’m not quitting blogging but I’m pulling back a lot. I’ve been praying to God and doing lots of thinking to figure out exactly what I want to do with each blog and how much blogging I still will do and where I will cut back. I think I’ve almost got it figured out.
Thank you for being honest, I hope your post will help those who are blogging for the wrong reasons like I was and help them be intentional and transparent.
Thank you so much for being honest with me!! I can not imagine that many blogs, one is lots of work already lol. And wow, 15 years of blogging, that is awesome! I cant wait to reach that many years also. I truly do hope and pray the Lord gives you clarity and vision for His will to be done through your writing. May you touch many with all that you do!!
Carmen, THANK YOU!!!! I believe this blog post may have been written FOR me! (lol) Seriously, this week I have been feeling completely overwhelmed. I am writing and praying, but I am discouraged by the fact that due to a busy schedule with my boys this past two weeks, I haven’t been able to do the “right things” in blogging. I haven’t been on social media in several days; I haven’t been able to repin and pin on Pinterest; I haven’t sent out a weekly email; and I haven’t posted a blog post in two weeks. So this morning….I was completely feeling like a failure…and I thought I better catch up on my Pinterest pinning. That is when I saw a pin for this post! And WHEW! It hit me straight in the heart! I needed the reminder that I have a calling to write! It isn’t about followers, subscribers, number of repins, money, etc. Those are all good things….but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is that I am being obedient and writing what God has placed on my heart. Thank you for your transparency!! Thank you for this post!!! I needed it!
Thank you Emily! Your comment truly encourages me. God’s timing is always perfect! =)
Thank you so so so much for this. Yesterday night i was literally sitting on my computer writing a few things as i am preparing to start blogging. I don’t know how many things i typed and deleted just because i didn’t think it was good enough. I then decided to let the Lord take the lead and what i wrote after that, only came from God. You have inspired me to keep doing it by your confession. May God keep on blessing you and speaking into your heart as you encourage me and every one out there. Thank you again.
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. Congratulations on preparing to start your blog. It is such a blessed time, allowing God to use you to spread his words.
I love this! How little things like an email can reflect who God is to us is incredible! I’d love to join your Facebook group.
And on that everyone blogging about blogging these days, it’s so unauthentic, I find. Very few have substance in those post. It’s amazing. Ha!